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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Turning Point PPV
Hysterical Hysteria
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Morbid Angel Offline
Баба Яга

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

01-17-2015, 08:52 PM

(the Pre Story for those who are starting right here. This was first. read this first if you want to get the entire story)

“What are we going to do? *Crunch, Crunch*”

A voice says in the dark. The camera comes in closer and we see Shane crouched behind some bushes eating a potato, the juice running down his chin like he just got done sucking a horse's cock and the juice was dripping.
Morbid Angel appeared next to him wearing a pair of shorts. After nearly killing Nightwing in the CWF he had to make a run for it before he got arrested.
Morbid looks over at Shane who was sucking the potato juice like a vampire of tuber.

Morbid Angel-“Why the fuck are you eating?!”

Shane stops suckling and dead pan looks at him

Shane-“Because I fucking want to!”

Morbid Angel shakes his head as he proceeds with the game plan.

Just on the other side of the bushes is the house that Morbid Angel sold Billy from the CWF. Now that the contract is voided due to his unnecessary, but at the same time, very necessary display in the ring, he feels it’s a good time for Billy to fuck off out of Morbidonia!

The two watch as the family attempts to unpack their belongings. Creepy as it might be to watch when those inside can’t see you, but it is the best way to plan an attack!

Morbid Angel-“OK, here’s the plan. Tonight when they're sleeping we will break in through the back door and kill them!”

Shane-“Like murder?”

Morbid Angel-“Kill the shit out of them!”

Shane-“All of them?”

Morbid Angel-“Every last motherfucking one of them!”

Shane-“Killing isn’t the best way to go through this. Let me talk with them and see if I can get this worked out in a peaceful way.”

Morbid Angel-“WE!!! Will kill them!”

Shane-“I am thinking that you just want to kill somebody. Seek help, seriously.”

Morbid Angel-“Fine. FINE! Go fucking talk to them! I bet it does nothing!”

Shane gets up from the snow and walks up to the front door and knocks on it. Moments go by before the door opens and Billy stands in front of Shane. The two lock eyes, they know who the other is.



Billy-“What can I do you for?”

Shane-“Did you just make a sexual pass at me?”

Billy steps back in shock of the question.

Billy-“Wha..No! Why would I?”

Shane-“Oh, I figured because you were with the CWF you’d be a .”

Billy-“What the fuck!”

Shane-“It’s a safe assumption that you're all queer.”

Billy-“what in the actual Fuck!”

Shane-“Regardless, Morbid changed his mind. Deals off!”

Billy-“The hell it is! I already paid for the house and I plan on staying.”

Shane-“How about a refund?”

Billy-“No! Now get the fuck off my property!”

Shane, not wanting a fight, left knowing there was a plan B to this venture. He walks out of sight and Billy shuts the door and Shane rushes over to the bushes where Morbid Angel is hiding.

Morbid Angel-“Well?”

Shane takes another bite out of his potato.

Shane-“Well, what?”

Morbid Angel-“Goddamnit! Well, what did he say?”

Shane-“He wanted to have sex with me, first of all.”

Morbid Angel-“! A in my fucking town? Fuck that!...then what?”

Shane-“Well, I turned him down.”

Morbid Angel-“You don’t say. I WAS WATCHING THE ENTIRE FUCKING THING! I know you two didn’t fuck! I meant what else did he say.”

Shane-“First off, don’t talk to me like that! Secondly…he told me to fuck off.”

Morbid Angel-“Fuck off?”

Shane-“Yeah, in America that means “no””

Morbid Angel-“No shit…”

The scene fades to black!

Preparing for war was something that Morbid Angel was used to. Shane was new to this type of battle, the type of battle that will probably be good for him. Killing makes one feel alive and ready for anything. Though Shane has killed in the past, Morbid Angel makes it look like art, taking enjoyment in killing slowly and watching his victims bleed out, slowly, painfully and eventually when he decides, they die. Killing is the easy part, convincing the law that it was a random murder is something completely different. The two men get ready for a brief battle…

Scene fades out.

Morbid Angel-”I will show you how to kill!”

It’s 3 AM.

Morbid Angel leads the way through the trees in the backyard. As thick as it was, covered in snow and ice. The moon lit the way, which was hued by the heavy falling snow. Morbid Angel dressed all in black with a trench coat lightly dusting the thickening snow. Shane dressed in his usual, they don’t call it casual wear for nothing.

Morbid crept into the open, the moon bright enough that anyone inside could look out the window and see the Devil standing there. He was trying to see if anyone was awake that could foil their plans. The snow landing on his shoulders that once melted are now sticking and staying. His long hair gathering ice and snow. Like a statue he stood, watching, waiting, no moving, no talking, light breaths exhale very little fog caused by hot lungs into the freezing earth.

Morbid gestures for Shane to meet him, he does, standing behind Morbid who could block any bullet just in case.

Shane-”Are we good?”

Morbid Angel-”Fuck yeah!”

Morbid walks straight to the porch and grabs the overhang, using his massive upper body strength to quietly pull himself up and onto the ledge. He reaches down and helps Shane up with a quick pull. The two walk quietly along the patio roof, not really concerned with noise as much as the extra 500lbs added to the already heavy snow. The adjoining section of house meets at a low point at the south end of the house, perfect place for them to work their way up to the peak and enter through the office. One thing that is for sure, windows that high on a house are never locked. What’s the purpose of locking windows that high? Who in their right minds would climb that high to just get into a house? The answer is simple, a man on a mission. In this case, men!

Morbid Angel crouches down and gives Shane a boost. The two acted as if they were a single team that has gone on many missions. Ever so quietly they both make their way up onto the main house ledge. They had an advantage when it came to this particular task, Morbid knew the layout and even owned the house, this area of the roof in which they are now walking was the pantry off the large kitchen. No one would be in there unless they were getting food and at this house it was more unlikely than not. CWF people read their bibles, say their prayers, take their vitamins, and go to bed early. This means they are creatures of habit!

Creeping their way across the dead areas of the house, taking care not to step above any room that might have people inside, not even a dog. The slightest creeping would wake them to the plan and foil everything. Morbid grabs a hold of the ledge above. On this top roof there was a 5 foot gap between the roof and the ceiling of the bedrooms. These areas are known as “dead space” considering the size gaps, also meaning that they didn’t need to be so quiet. Morbid helped Shane up and they headed for the peak window, Morbid slowly slid it open. The snow quickly piling up around them. Seems like several inches fell since the beginning of the mission, a little hail began which made it slightly annoying to be so high with the winds so strong. Morbid helped Shane inside the house; he followed, creeping like a 90lb man! Once inside Morbid pulls a 1911 colt .45 from his inside jacket holster and attaches a silencer to the barrel and cocks it. Shane draws a .357 magnum and pulls a potato from his other pocket and forces it over the barrel, Morbid shoots him a look.

Shane whispering-“What? I don’t fucking know how to get a fucking silencer! I’m not a fucking hit man.”

Morbid Angel shakes his head and begins to creep down the stairs slowly. It was dark. So dark in fact that they walked with their hands sliding down the wall to make sure they didn’t fall. Morbid having been in the house not more than a week before knew the layout pretty well but still, take no chances because the last sight anyone wants to see is incompetence in their hit man.

Morbid Angel slowly turns the door knob and begins to push open the old oak door. It creeks a little but opened very smoothly. Morbid Angel steps into the room only to be greeted with a baseball bat to the head. Dropping him to the floor. Shane comes into sight and fires the gun right into the face of the attacker.
The camera fades as more gun fire is heard inside the house. It would seem that they were prepared for someone to run them out….

The scene fades to a blood red!

болезненное ангел!
[Image: 8IZ5unY.png]

Intercontinental Champion
UFO Champion x2
Ark Champion x2
Heavy Metal Champion x2
Xtreme Champion x3
Won at War Games 2014
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