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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Dumbass by the Numbers.
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Lucius Fyre Offline
The Living, Breathing Bad Omen

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

01-13-2015, 03:03 PM

I have nothing going on right now. I just watched Cain and Kissinger's promos, and I nearly died laughing at how absolutely pathetic both of them are. I'll bash

You are a dumbass, Cain. A massive fucking dumbass. I am going to explain why in the easiest way to understand that I can. Counting!

First: You have a serious case of Randy Orton Syndrome. I don't know if it's held back remorse and self loathing manifesting into people you have killed, or if you were born with Schizophrenia. Either way, Dr. D'Ville wants to know when you can schedule an appointment with him. The best part is that your hallucinations insult you. Bottom line is that there isn't a fatter version of you sitting at that bus stop. You are pointing at a wall. Stop hitting yourself.

Second: You lash out at people. Yes, Steve Sayors is a prick. Yes, he has the world's most punchable face. But restrain yourself! That is borderline serial killer behavior! Oh, wait. But still! You need to calm down and not murder everyone around you because you don't like how they breathe. Take it out in the ring! On Kissinger of course, because you will get absolutely eviscerated by me once he is gone. I'm going to fucking shut you up for everyone else in this Fed.

Third: Your sense of entitlement knows no bounds. I always hated the story of Cain and Abel. In my opinion, Cain should have just shut the fuck up and deal with it. Or maybe he could have proven everyone else wrong. But no, he just had to murder his brother. And now, for doing practically nothing, you bitch and whine about not being a champion. Fuck. You. Earn it. I never complain about the Universal title because I know I haven't proved that I can win it. Once I prove it, I will then win it. I won't complain when I lose. You need to own what you did. You remind me of Simon Lyster. A respectable athlete, but a real bitch who won't accept the hand he was dealt. If you can't win with the hand you are dealt, wait for the next round.

Fourth: You are a huge hypocrite. You bash me and bash me and bash me to no end in your promos, yet when you replied to Patrick Kissinger's promo in which he foolishly dismisses me, you said "How do you know what Lucius might do?" So you are scared of me. That's what you implied there, Cain. I'm unpredictable, and thus, a danger to both of you. You done goofed. Oh, and, the SPD is named after the Saint Peter's Cross. If you really are the Cain of biblical legend, then you would understand that. Do I also have to explain wordplay to you, dumbass? It's a CRUCIFIX Facebuster. A Cross is another name for a Crucifix. Hence why I called it the Saint Peter's Driver. I know lead paint chips taste great, but you should stop eating them. It's really killing your brain cells.

Kissinger, I don't know you. So instead of giving you reasons why you are a dumbass, I'll give reasons I don't like you.

One: Your hair is stupid looking.

Two: Your face is very punchable.

Three: You look like the kind of guy who shits NEXT to a toilet just because he can.

Four: You act like hot shit. Prove it.

Five: Your theme song is sung by Jack White. You should be ashamed for liking Jack White. He fucking sucks.

Six: You have a very generic moveset. The only thing you have going for you is your finisher.

Seven: You are a Ric Flair ripoff. Not even a good one either.

So yeah, fuck both of you, yadayadayada, don't play with Fyre. See you at Warfare.

"You shouldn't play with Fyre"
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