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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Staging The Obvious- Ruben Mitchell
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Bobby Charles Offline
XWF's Prodigal Son

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

01-04-2015, 04:30 AM

"Believing a clear mind is the most dangerous. Caution be there for those that dare to try disturb that calm. A palm, whether a hand, or a tree, could not mean a thing without the mind. One with a still mind is one without life. Will word be enough to still the ones mind from distortion? A battle of wills shall mark there words to be infinite or nothing at all. Enough rests on only ones shoulders. Who stands the strongest? Total nonsense is all that plays. This has arrived to enough. Arrived to rocky, and ever changing sequence of thoughts that lead to reactions. Remember a thought leads to a decision, in turn an action, and the one's character is revealed. Making sense of these said thoughts is only a guessing game. Do I make sense as I break? Of course not, but battle tested am I and those testing me further shall become cemented blocks on the legacy that grows in my wake. This nonsensical rant closes now, only opening up another later. Twist it, ignore it, makes no never mind to those around the globe. Rants end, New ones spark debates, where do we go in the meaningless paths we are set? Only we shall make that decision. Remember desire is immortal, I have that. What do you carry?"

"So can I get the whole static interruption thing that Ruben does or is that out of the question?"

"I'm sure we could Mister Zi."

Abigail and I decided to stay in Oklahoma a couple extra days before making the weekend trip up to Montreal. I am in the production truck of the Xtreme Wrestling Federation. They have had a couple webcasts that they have done around the new year. That night,didnt last as the way i would have hoped. that was Not exactly what I was shooting to accomplish at the end of the year, but fuck it,that mastergarbage laid out cold 'once' again to sum it to his impressive losing streak. but now before we go into the huge pay per view. I have the task of fighting a team with some fucked views on the world.

"Okay I also want a rainbow colored unicorn with a mermaid to run around in the brightly colored back drop okay? I know you can get something worked out. It will just be me in between the green screen and the camera. And there will be no need for zooming in or out."

"Okay Mister Bobby, in will get the prep work done for that. How long is this promo gonna be for?"

The yoing woman at the helm of the production setup. She was meticulous with this little setup of mine.

"Well ma'am, I have a a lot to say and I want to make a mockery out of many different things. So just prepare for a lengthy ass promo. Alright?"

The young woman nods with a sarcastic grin across her face. She knew what my intentions were with this particular on camera promo. I had to make it blantantly obvious how annoying and out of date the man's persona and so called gimmick was.

I step out of the trailer and slip on my undersized leather vest over my newest self promotional shirt. Desire Never Dies, tee shirt and hoodies that will go on sale this next week at Warfare. I also decided to complete the awkward ensemble with one of those oversized foam cowboy hats. This one particular was a neon green one. on the front in the center was a skull and crossbones that were broken also with a black shaded letter X over them. With me doing this promo in front of a green screen, I was given a monitor to be able to look at to see where the things in which I requested were going to be located behind me as I spoke to the camera. The production crew member that was running the camera was there to let me know when it was my time as well as hit the record button.

My beautiful redheaded and pregnant wife was on the set with me. Always showing her support for me and of course my outlandish antics. This one was a little more out there than previous ones, but I didn't care. I was having fun with work now days. After completing my crazy ass wardrobe for the promo I await the signal from the camera man. After a few moments, which do seem like forever, I finally get the signal to step onto the set. in front of me right below the camera sits two monitors, one that shows the static feed back that I requested which will be brought to life slowly with myself and the fairytale land I created to be in the background.

I was given an ear piece to be able to hear what it sounded like from start to finish as I went through the promo segment. Given the count down as I hear the static feed back. Five......... Four.......... Three........... Two......... And the point as I se myself appear, My hands out in front of me, a look of mock concentration on my face as the feedback fades to silence.

"Hello out there in real world land. It is I, Bobby Charles Zi, broadcasting from the land of make believe and lies in which I was supposedly told to live in, while my opponent, MisterRuben mitchell lives in the truest reality..."

Right on cue the rainbow colored unicorn appears with a lovely looking mermaid. The hills in the background of the imagery behind me, are purple and yellow. Various sizes of course. Even the sun has a smiley face. She did well.

"Is this your truth ruben? Is this the reality you intend to bring up in us in your oh so righteous path? Of so I think I hope on this train of LSD and other hallucinogenic drugs and shit. Unfortunately I can't and refuse to. I have matters of way more importance to concern myself with."

As I speak, my tone remains light and a little joyful. I even turned a couple of times pointing at the unicorn and mermaid.

"You think because you came up around here late so you are the "fresh blood" ruben ? take a look around you man, even death fucking lies. Look at you. You have seemed to have risen from the depths of death's despair.

I decide to pause with a cheesy grin across my face as the screen goes staticy a little bit before returning to normal just as me and the young woman in the trailer discussed. The unicorn with the mermaid prances around in the background both on and then off the screen. Again back on.

"Whoa there big guy, in your last so-called-promo you tried to mention that you even dont know about my i think I shall enlighten you a little on, not only my world and life, but my reasons for even jumping into this world of wrestling that the majority call it. Me it is just an old fashioned brawl in front of massive crowds of people. Anyway, as I was saying. I originally got into this sport to win the heart of a woman that had no heart. It was of course in a different company than XWF. As the shit storm over there died down, I was of course jobless so to speak. But that itch the legends speak of was on me. I needed to get back to fighting. Boom here I was signing on with the Xtreme Wrestling Federation. Of course I made my mark early. Oh shit, that is right dude I did join that faction with too many egos trying to run the ship. Yes after being completely ditched by every single new "GM"s i required an actual team. Oh of course you were correct again about me looked at as a joke. A nobody so to speak. The one thing that all of this boils down to, is quite frankly fuching nothing ruben. You want to know why? Well allow me to be the educator for a moment."

The production girl was amazing because the unicorn has stopped prancing and now sits with the mermaid in front of it. I smile as I look to where they are supposed to be...

"Ruben, you have made some impact with your way of showing us what righteousness is all about. 2 out of 4 isnt really bad for you and yet, Probably others that will soon come. Good for you. That changes Wednesday night. All the past shit of mine you decided to speak about in your little mindless babble, means jack. All that matters is if you will be able to keep me down I expect to be tossed around some by you. Hell you are massive. But I have fought big guys before. There was this guy not too long ago. BIG JOE, he was a big guy. I defeated his happy ass just like I will you.."

I again pause, a little more static distorting my image a moment before returning to normal. My eyes fall onto the camera, a sinister grin upon my features. I decide to remove overly large foam cowboy hat and hold at chest height for the time being.

"Attempting to piss me off or whatever you and your team were trying to do when you touching on personal matters. Such as my unborn son, and us bringing him into this world. I know how fucked up this world is. I worked for the very government that bends us all over year in and year out. I thought and actually was bringing some calm to the chaos around the world. At the same time, which I didn't realize until later, was fanning the flames of other chaotic fires in other areas. Again pointless to the point now. This world will always be fucked. It is how we handle that bullshit that makes us the men and women we are. ruben, you priorities seem a little twisted. Not quite sure what you were attempting to accomplish by mentioning that you dont know the company's 2x-xtitle champ. Oh was it to piss me off? To send me over thedge because I supposedly have a short fuse? Piss off man. ruben, what you need to understand is I am a fighter, I have always been a fighter since day one on this fucked up planet. Yes I strive to be the very best husband to my wife I can be day in and day out. But that has no real relevance to what we are about to embark on at WARFARE.'

I smile, returning the foam hat to my head. I notice in the monitor that the unicorn has pranced off screen, the mermaid remains on the screen though. I decide to pretend to draw a lake on the other side of me. Another plan discussed by myself and young lady in the trailer. I then supposedly grab the mermaid's hand and help her flop over to my drawn lake. She smiles and swims in the animated lake. I clap my hands together as my eyes return to the camera.

"In all seriousness Mitchell, I find you to be a relic of sorts. A man that lives with an inner turmoil that has decided to project that inner frustration upon others."

With this pause, I remove the oversized foam hat. It is just me being me now. No theatrics, no antics.

"All the smoke and mirrors aside ruben, you are just Shakespearean soul lost in the era of green screens and special effects. You attempt to bring out the classic style but it hasn't fooled me man. Simply put mitchell, you can talk all the shit you want about getting personal, even possibly threatening the safety of my family. Truth is, I am no longer allowing bullshit, empty threats like that get in the way of my actual focus. You see, your weak ass attempt at getting me to lose focus, to get in that ring and fight on pure emotion has failed. You can attempt to pull those little tricks and sneak attacks on me as you did with that bitch Mastermind. Plain and simple fact is, you can't. The honor I defend in that XWF ring night in and night out. Week in and week out is my own. My legacy that I continue to extend. Anger and frustration won't get in the way of me putting you down like the ancient dog you are...

Raising my gaze to the sky above me, I bring my right hand up and tap index finger upon my chin. Bringing my gaze back within seconds though.

"bring your nightmares down to the ring. Go ahead and bring your captured souls or whatever it is you go chasing while you sleep. I will bring me, I will bring to you the many many years I had to fight to stay alive. I will introduce to you true nightmares man. I will make you feel my pain from being captured and tortured for months and months with the walls of a prison that isn't supposed to exist. Go ahead and bring your spine chilling little power. True fearlessness is me ruben, I embody true unafraid attitude. This the fight game buddy, this ain't no soap opera that you probably secretly watch inside your coffin or hut or whatever it is you call a dwelling. I don't care what beast you think you are. I am the one master of monsters and idiots that think they are bigger shit than they truly are. Ask that fucking weasel Jaws that just decided to come crawling back to a place that doesn't necessarily want him back.I sent him crawling back to the hole he came from, I suppose I will go ahead and do the same to you...

Waving my left hand again, bringing the green screen back to being my backdrop.

"The fight comes to you Ruben mitchell, how will you be able to handle it Face to Face? See ya then."

---------------STATIC ENDS-------------------

I stroll of the set with a smile, once off camera I give the camera man a thumbs up and head toward mine and Abigi's R V......... There, my beautiful wife sits at the table in the kitchen area, I see her and smile.

"Hello beautiful. Got my promo all done, should be able to head out in the morning. What ya doin?"

She turns her attention to me and smiles brightly. Her glow is damn near blinding to me. I sit next to her at the table, noticing the quantity of baby name books stacked as well as scattered over the table.

"Hey there handsome. That is good and I was just looking through these books, getting some different ideas and stuff ya know?"

She points over to the books on the table. I smile more widely as I lean and kiss her lips softly, electricity flows through me instantly.

"Fun fun my love. Any good one popping out at you at the moment?"

"Not really to be honest. I only have just skimmed through them. I want us to look through them together and come up with the perfect name for our son. I love you Bob."

"I love you too Abigi. How ya feeling sweetie?"

She looked tired, I felt pretty tired myself. We had a pretty long ass trip ahead of us over the next couple of days.

"......Pretty tired baby. You?"

She tried to stifle a yawn as she spoke.

"I am feeling pretty tired too babe. You wanna go ahead and head to bed for the night?"

She nods yawning again, I take her hand as we rise to our feet and make our way to our cozy bed. I wrap my arms around her waist and belly, placing my hands upon the baby bump, the one that houses our growing son within it. She smiles brightly as she puts her hands on mine. We get into the room, I switch into some shorts for sleep. She changes into her pajamas for the night.

"We're going where again baby?"

"Clear up to Montreal."

We lay down, cuddling as I say where we are going for next Adrenaline. She just nods in the darkness. I give her me last kiss to send her off to dreamland. I then do the same feeling at peace and calm.

Former 2× X-treme ChampIon
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