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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The End of The Martyr
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Hysteria 'The Prophet' Offline
Can you handle it?

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

12-16-2014, 10:16 PM

The sounds of cars zooming from one destination to the next is heard throughout the outskirts of Oakland, California. The camera falls from the sky showing the view of the city before coming down on a dark street. One sole stoplight is shown on a red light. As the camera is showing the scene, the traffic light changes from red to green. The only other lights in the area are three night lamps displaying an orange glow upon the pavement and surrounding buildings. The only buildings in the area appear to be abandoned older business buildings. As the time ticks on, the camera begins to focus under one of the streetlamps. Tiny, flying insects surround the lamp and fill the space below. They circle around the light and tap against the glass repetitively. As they continue their hopeless journey to become one with the light, the sound of footsteps is heard. Skating around the edge of the light is the oh-so-familiar fedora and black coat of Hysteria. As he passes, the camera begins to follow in his footsteps. His pace quickens as he stalks through the night. The clouds in the sky are moving quickly covering the moon and all of the stars.

Hysteria seems focused as he softly exhales pursuing further and further into the darkness. He turns the next corner and begins walking brisker than before. The camera maintains its distance behind him until Hysteria abruptly stops as does the camera. The camera raises up above Hysteria and shows the scene before him. A large building with four spotlights directed upon the foundation. Parked in front of the estate is the very Land Rover that Mickey ‘The Martyr’ Manson had been seen leaving the church in. Painted on the side of the vehicle in streaked red paint is the words… “BRING IT HYSTERIA!”

Hysteria clenches his fist and begins to emit a soft chuckle under his breath. His mask’s ink formation changes from a sporadic design to a soothing and constantly reforming image as if Hysteria is in deep thought. His face begins darting around. His gaze settles on the back of the spotlights and follows the chords trailing from them to two generators. Hysteria begins searching his pockets. His hand lands on something and he begins laughing wildly.

Ooooh it’s time. It’s that revelation that this Manson is no more a martyr. Merely a manipulator. He manipulated myself. No more. No more blind eyes. No more freebies. This ends. Tonight.

Hysteria begins moving forward taking two small items out of his jacket pocket as he does. He walks up to the generator and takes a look at them while chortling. He stands up straight, pops his neck, and begins moving into the light and towards the front door of the building. He gets directly in front of the lights casting an enormous shadow across the building.


Hysteria begins laughing wildly. He steps forward and climbs up the steps to the front door. Hysteria turns the knob and the door falls straight backwards onto the ground. Hysteria freezes before walking into the house with caution. He looks straight ahead and sees a staircase leading to the next floor. To his left is a large room with sheets over all of the furniture. To the right is a smaller room with only a table without a sheet on it. Pizza boxes, beer cans, soda cans, plates, and other pieces of garbage are strewn about the floor. Hysteria takes a step forward and makes a loud crinkling noise as he steps on a large piece of aluminum foil. The crinkling noise seems to bounce from wall to wall throughout the building. Hysteria freezes. He moves his outstretched finger slowly. The ink blot changes to a solid jagged form. That’s when he hears it.

From above.


He was here.

Hysteria removes his foot from the aluminum foil. The footsteps move from directly above him towards the top of the staircase. Hysteria raises his head to look at the top of the staircase. At the top of it is a well-toned body wearing only long cargo pants. The upper body is decorated with the Venom war-paint that has become accustomed. He stands with his legs shoulder-length apart with his arms behind his back.

Hysteria. I knew you’d show up sooner or later.

Manson. Your crimes against The Higher Power shall not be ignored. He on the highest power have sent me, The Prophet, to take the role of executioner for one time only. I hope you prayed to The Higher Power. Maybe he’ll grant you peace in death.

The teeth reflect the light coming in from outside as Manson smiles largely. His face seems to be daring Hysteria to do something.

Hysteria, you may be an advocate for the dark realm and things that go bump in the night, but I’ve changed O Mighty Prophet. I’ve embraced THE LIGHT. As an advocate of The Light, I need no ties to a Higher Power so vile and invisible. You say that he communicates with you, but I’m beginning to believe it’s all a hoax. You’re nothing more than a phony Prophet.

Hysteria’s gloved hands begin to clench. His shoulders tighten. He points a finger at Manson and begins laughing darkly.

You?! My first student. You don’t believe I’m The Prophet that The Higher Power has sent?

Manson sneers and spits in Hysteria’s direction.

I don’t believe there IS a Higher Power. It was all a mind game you employed to gain a following of drones to do your bidding for you. I’m done.

You?! Don’t believe in me? You?! Don’t believe in him?! YOU!? Where do you get the nerve to deny all that he has done for you!? What a repugnant little shit you are. You have failed The Higher Power.

Hysteria pops his neck and pops his knuckles through the gloves.

You ever wonder why I seemingly dwell in the shadows, Mickeybaby? Whenever The Higher Power that you don’t believe in brought me to power and gave me the name The Prophet he… altered me. You could almost say that he ENHANCED me. Let’s just say I have certain… benefits in the dark. I must commend you…

Hysteria takes a step towards the stairs and places a foot on the bottom stair.

Don’t come any closer, Hysteria. I have a little friend for you.

Mickey pulls his arms from behind him to reveal two small submachine guns.

One step closer and I’ll blow grey-matter and mask scraps into that back wall.

Mickey smiles largly and aims the guns at Hysteria.

As I was saying, I must commend you for bringing our little confrontation into The Light. Unfortunately for you, this light?

Hysteria raises a hand and presses a button. Two miniature explosions happen outside! Manson looks alarmed momentarily. He aims his guns at Hysteria as the spotlights click to black. Multiple shots fire off into the dark as the body of Hysteria seems to disappear and reappear in different spots avoiding the bullets. Shot after shot until Manson clears the cartridges. Manson takes several deep breathes as he tries to get adjusted to the darkness. It’s then when he hears something whispered in his ear.

That light? Was only temporary.

Manson turns to attack, but is gripped by his arms and held tightly. The laughter seems to fill the entire space around him. Manson tries to squirm but something is holding his legs as well as his neck and his arms and chest!

Nowhere to run traitor. NOWHERE! You can’t run from THE DARK! Much like Wallybaby can’t once I unleash a hellish fury upon him. I hope you prayed before this encounter. I hope you prayed to whatever deity takes your attention now. Because this is going to be NASTY downfall for you.

Manson squirms, but suddenly feels the hold relinquished. He’s falling! He reaches up into the air as if reaching for something to prevent the fall, but he doesn’t find anything. He collides with the cement below. Finally the clouds move to allow the moon to shine through and Hysteria is shown on the second floor staring out of a window with the ink-stain once again transforming from black to red. He takes a deep breath and it fades back to black. The body of Manson is lying out on the cement ground below with a huge puddle of blood underneath. Smoke is rising into the skies from the fried generators from the mini-explosions. Hysteria sighs and looks at the carnage.

Once a good brother, now a dead rival. Such is fate and such is love. I loved you like the brother I never had, Manson. Why’d you have to strive so far away…

The sounds of a firetruck and police sirens are heard in the distance. Hysteria takes this as his cue and backs up into the darkness. A second later… and he’s gone.

[Image: 3nOsl9M.jpg]
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