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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
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JACK Offline
The Lone Crusader

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12-02-2014, 11:54 PM

"Iris Openheimer. Shut the fuck up. Jiggle them big old titties in my face. Fucking fat cow. I'ma make you suck this dick. Your daddy didn't love you, but my cock will"

Frodo pulls down his shorts to reveal his massive cock. He begins to shake it right in front of the camera lens without a care in the world. Many women blush as he begins to stroke it. He strokes it for a good while, getting ready to shoot a massive load in front of-

[Image: static.gif]

I apologize for letting you watch Frodo pleasure himself.

It's one of those sights that really doesn't need to be seen.

So, why are we posting a last minute promo about our upcoming match against Iris?

Why do we feel the need to talk to her one last time before we face off in that ring?

For starters, we'd like to say that, no, we will not pull straws for this sudden last minute announcement.

We will take everything by face value and answer honestly and truthfully, at least through our perceptions of the world.

No, wrestling federations are no different to other businesses philosophically.

Both wrestling federations and businesses promise big rewards for people who really want them.

As such, people will fight, metaphorically or literally, in order to get what they feel like they deserve.

I apologize for misinterpreting you.

No, they haven't gotten away with it yet.

Even though no one in the industry really cares that you attacked some other competitor, the people watching in the arena and at home saw exactly what happened.

In short, they can't get away with it until a decent amount of time passes.

Hell, some people watching at home might feel like they need to take things into their own hands and attack the trouble makers, which won't work because the security and the referees will take care of them before they can do anything major.

People can be commended as remarkable beings, but, according to the media, that doesn't sell.

They'll broadcast "heroes" every now and again, only to follow it up with five more stories about how a person has been murdered or how terrorism continues to strike fear into the hearts of man.

Again, there are no heroes, only opportunists, and those opportunists will try to go for something, anything that will make themselves look like better people.

As a person, I've tried to look on the brighter side of life, believe me I have.

I've had a loving wife and two kids that were succeeding with their own lives, which brightened up my day to see them take one step closer to a brighter future.

I thought that there was nothing that could ruin my life.

...Then police officers barged into my house and killed them all because they thought that we committed arson on a boutique full of innocent people.

Tell me how you can manage to look at the brighter side of life after such a traumatizing event like that, because if I had the same beliefs as yours, I wouldn't have murdered dozens upon dozens of criminals and cretins.


My apologies.

Getting back to the topic at hand, you're right, it is wrong of me to make any sort of assumptions about your character.

However, I still feel that it's too good to be true.

If those are your true colors, then I'm sorry for accusing you of putting on a mask.

But, do not think that we will hold back because you really are as nice as you appear.

You'll still be treated as an obstacle that we need to move out of the way.

After Wednesday, we'll find out the truth about everything.

Will the truth be worth finding?

Or should it remained buried along with the secrets of the Earth?

May the best fighter win, Iris.

See you in the ring.

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