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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Pest is not Hearing Impaired.
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11-20-2014, 09:27 PM

Pest is at a pawn shop, waiting in line. Barbie is outside on the toy plane ride. She's not riding it, but just sitting there pouting because Pest would not give her a quarter to ride the plane. Some child walks up to her, and tries to get her out of it so she can ride the plane, and Barbie nails the little girl in the face with her Ugg Boot. The little girl falls to the ground crying. Her mother rushes over to see what happened. She looks at Barbie sitting in the plane, and figures it out.

Mother:Did you kick my daughter in the face?!

Barbie:Fuck you. Gimme a quarter.

Mother:How old are you? Shouldn't you be in school, and not attacking children?

Barbie:Fuck you. Gimme a quarter, bitch.

Mother:What is wrong with you? Why are you acting like this?!

Barbie:Quarter. Bitch.

The woman walks over, and slaps Barbie across the face. She then proceeds to grab Barbie by the ear and drag her into the store, to find her parents.The door slams open, and an extremely irate woman into the shop and begins looking around, and shouting.


Pest looks up and notices the woman holding Barbie by the ear.

Mr. WGWF:She is with me. Why do you ask?

Mother:She just kicked my daughter in the face.

Mr. WGWF:Did you witness the event first hand?


Mr. WGWF:Did Barbie admit to it?

Mother:No. But...

Mr. WGWF:But what? But you have just manhandled a minor because you felt like it?

Mother:My child was on the ground, crying, while this girl sat in that stupid plane ride. My daughter's nose is bleeding!

Mr. WGWF:So, Barbie was sitting in the plane, your daughter cried, and has a bloody nose. You assume Barbie had something to do with it? Maybe your daughter ran into the plane. I am a police officer, Barbie is a minor. You are battering a minor. That's a crime.

Mother:Bullshit, you're a cop.

Barbie smirks, and Pest pulls a Police badge from his back pocket and shows the woman. She lets go of Barbie and begins to back out of the store. The cashier at the Pawn Shop calls Pest up to the counter.

Cashier:What can I do for you, Officer?

Pest walks to the counter, pulls his necklace off, and drops it on the counter. The cashier reels back in horror.

Cashier:Is that a Human Ear?

Mr. WGWF:Yes. In fact, it's Peter Gilmour's ear. Notice the fat build up around it? That's straight from Peter Gilmour's fatty diet.

Cashier:Who's Peter Gilmour, and why do you have his ear?

Mr. WGWF:Peter Gilmour is a wrestler in the XWF. He's not much of a wrestler, more of a fat bitch who some times wins. When he isn't having triple bypass surgery. Because he's fat.

Cashier:Ok. So, why do you have his ear?

Pest leans in real close, and slowly pulls the knife out of his jacket and puts it on the counter.

Mr. WGWF:Because I cut it from him. With that knife there.

Cashier:You cut it from him? Do you know that's a crime?

Mr. WGWF:Yes. But I was in Sweden at the time. As soon as I cut the ear from him, and beat the shit out of him, Barbie and I boarded a plane and came here. Right to this very shop. Because I wanted to give you the chance to purchase the ear from me. Are you interested in it, or not?

Cashier:No. Not in the least. Why would I be?

Mr. WGWF:Because it's the ear of a celebrity. Is that not worth money?

Cashier:Please leave.

Pest picks the ear up, tosses it at Barbie and begins to walk out the door before stopping. He turns to face the Cashier.

Mr. WGWF:Listen to me, boy. Before the sun sets on Sunday. I will be back, and I will ensure that you do not request I leave a store ever again. Do you understand my meaning?

Cashier:I'd suggest you leave before I call the police.


Pest and Barbie walk out the door and head towards their hotel. Barbie is happily wearing the necklace, and she rushes over to grab Pest's hand and hold it tight, and close to her heart.

Barbie:You defended me. And you didn't even know if I did it or not.

Mr. WGWF:Oh, I know you did it. But, of course I defended you. You're carrying my child.

Barbie:And you love me.

Mr. WGWF:Wherever did you get that idea from?

Barbie:You're my big protector. You've saved me plenty of times. How could you not love me?

Mr. WGWF:Easily.

She begins to tear up as they pass by a clothing store. Something frilly and for girls. Barbie's eyes catch it, and she begins to try and turn Pest towards the store.

Mr. WGWF:Why are we turning? I want to go back to the Hotel, and shower. Maybe fuck you, then nap.

Barbie:Because, silly. Clothes store. I need a new skirt.

Mr. WGWF:What's wrong with the one you're wearing?

Barbie:It's too long.

Mr. WGWF:Oh. Well, I disagree. You don't need to get another one. At least not today. I'm tired, and dirty. I think I still have Peter's blood on me.

Barbie:Come on, baby.

Mr. WGWF:Tomorrow, Barbie. We will go shopping tomorrow. Tonight, we rest. Maybe order some food, and have a nice night in.

Barbie:Fine! But tomorrow you're buying me a new skirt, some new jeans, and a ring.

Mr. WGWF:The shortest, tightest, and the shiniest.

Barbie:Because you love me?

Mr. WGWF:Because you're carrying my child.

Barbie:Why won't you ever tell me you love me?

Mr. WGWF:Who said that I love you?

Barbie:I think you do. Why won't you tell me if you do or not?

Mr. WGWF:Who says I'm even capable of love at this point?

Barbie:When we make love, and I look in your eyes. I see that you love me. When you hold me, and protect me, I feel you love me.

Mr. WGWF:Barbie, you've never seen my eyes. You don't even know my real name.

Barbie:It's James.

Mr. WGWF:Is it? Or is that another elaborate guise I've thrown up to let people think they've figured me out?

Barbie lifts hers and Pest's arms in the air, and does a little twirl wrapping herself up in his arms.

Barbie:Because, I know you. Your name is James. And our baby will be named James as well. Unless it's a girl, then it will be Sophia.

Mr. WGWF:Interesting.

The pair finish their walk to their hotel in silence. Barbie is still wrapped up in Pest's arms, and humming slightly. Pest leans down and kisses her on her head. They reach their hotel, Pest opens the door for Barbie, and she dances through the door into the Lobby. She begins to make her way to the elevator, dancing in little twirls. People in the lobby look at her funny, until they see Pest staring them down. She gets inside the elevator with another twirl, Pest quickly follows. They make it up to their hotel room.

Barbie flops on the bed and begins to flip through the tv channels. Pest goes into the bathroom, and showers. While he's in the shower, washing his hair, Barbie barges into the bathroom.

Barbie:Babe! I'm hungry. Can we get some food?

Mr. WGWF:Order it. You know where my wallet is.

Barbie:Anything special?

Mr. WGWF:Surprise me. I'll be out in a few minutes.

Pest finishes showering, and walks out of the bathroom to find Barbie laying on the bed with her feet up. She's watching some stupid movie on HBO. Penguins or something. He moves closer to her.

Mr. WGWF:What are you watching?

Barbie:Madagascar 2.

Mr. WGWF:Is it good?

Barbie:It's ok.

Mr. WGWF:Did you order the food?

Barbie:Of course.

Mr. WGWF:Where from?

Barbie:Surprise. You have to wait and see.

Mr. WGWF:Fine. How long do we have?

Barbie:Another 45 minutes, or so. Why?

He rolls her over onto her back, and gets on the bed between her legs. She giggles.

Barbie:Oh, you want that, huh?

Mr. WGWF:Yes. I want to fuck you until you can't walk.

Barbie:You mean make love to me. Tonight, you'll be gentle, and loving. I need it, babe.

Mr. WGWF:Do you?

Barbie:Yes. Please, babe.

Mr. WGWF:Fine.

He reaches up, her thigh. She's not wearing any panties. He pulls his hand back, and slides himself in. They begin to kiss. She keeps her eyes open, careful to watch his every move. They go at it for a few minutes, and then there's a knock at the door.

Mr. WGWF:I thought you said we have thirty minutes.

Barbie:That's not them. They're supposed to call me before they get to the hotel.

A voice breaks through from the outside.

Sayors:Pest. It's me, Steve Sayors, I'm here to interview you.

Mr. WGWF:Fuck off, Steven. I'm busy.

Sayors:Will it take long? I'm on a time table.

Mr. WGWF:It will if you keep talking to me. I'm trying to make love to Barbie.

Sayors:I'll be quiet out here.

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