10-20-2014, 12:14 PM
It's midnight, the camera pan in on a an abandoned shack in the woods, the shack has one door, and no windows, yet you could see light radiating from the run down shithole.
all of a sudden the camera pans to inside the shack, there is only a bed, a small ditch, and a table. then a silhouette appears from the darkness, into the light .
Lucifer Kage: "Hysteria, as much of a monster as i am, i must give my condolences for the loss of your love, because if i couldn't give sympathy, than i would be truly evil."
Kage then starts pacing back in forth twirling something in his hands
Lucifer Kage: "since you were so kind to share your story, i feel it's only fair to share mine.
you see, i never had someone that loved me, or held me, or even looked at me, i was always a freak. i didn't need a mask to hide behind, because the only person i needed to protect was me. when i was five years old, my father went off the deep end to an extent, he murdered my mother right in front of me, then he skinned her, and hung here from a chandolier in our loft then tied me to a chair, and made me watch, as he fondeled my poor mother, then when he finished he took a knife and carved a gash down the side of my FUCKING face."
a look of rage flashes across lucifer kages face
Lucifer Kage: my father then attempted to slit my throat , but as his fingers glided under my mouth i bit his fingers off, the warm blood didn't taste so bad when i look back on that day, but that was the least of my worries. i don't know how, but i broke free of that chair. and i ran. cold and alone, i was always on he move, every place i lived, everywhere i went, there was always a fight, always a problem, and in their eyes, it was always my fault, i learned to be a killing machine, AND EVERYONE KNOWS MY NAME, MY STORY, EXCEPT FOR YOU! I LOST MY MIND ALONG TIME AGO, AND YOU HAVE THE FUCKING NERVE TO SAY THAT I DON'T KNOW INSANITY, YOU HAVE NOT EVEN BEEN CLOSE TO EDGE OF OBLIVION, JUST BECAUSE SOME BITCH DIES YOU SAY YOU LOST EVERYTHING?! AND YOU PUT ON THAT STUPID MASK. YOU CAN'T EVEN IMAGINE THE PAIN I FEEL EVERY DAY BECAUSE I HAVE NO ONE FROM DAY ONE, 11 YEARS AGO, IT WAS ME AGAINST THE FUCKING WORLD AND TODAY IT WILL BE NO DIFFERENT! BECAUSE I WILL GIVE YOU EVERY LAST BIT OF BLOOD SWEAT AND FURY THAT I HAVE JUST TO MAKE YOU FEEL THE WAY I HAVE FOR 11 FUCKING YEARS. today is the day that you realize, that the darkness has only just fallen. because when i arrive to madness, i will be uncaged from my prison of hell."
lucifer kage steps into the light with a scar running down the corner of his eye. he has a knife in hand, and a look of bloodlust on his face. and as if it was a bolt of lightning, he raises his arm, and the camera goes black.
"see you there"