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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Guest Referee Speaks
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10-02-2014, 09:53 AM

Well, it appears things have caused this circumstance. I will be running the match where Crybaby will be going for a shot at the highest title he's likely to earn in a match, Guppy's title. It's no surprise he's got it, Guppy just gives them away, and Vincent was quick to lap up the gift in an attempt to prove he deserves it. Thing is though, I don't remember Guppy actually getting asked, Vinnie kind of just stated it's happening. Which is rude as hell. I mean, where does he get off demanding a shot from Guppy? No mind, he's got it, and he'll lose the match. Because as the ref I get to set some things up, and by set things up I mean skew the match however I so choose.

I was allotted to set the rules publicly. They are simple rules, I left them simple so even captain fuckwit will understand.

1. No outside interference. This means Vincent's new lover slash body guard Diesel.

2. If I see someone within 30 feet of the ring who does not belong, I will disqualify Vincent, and strip him of his trios title as well.

3. The list of allowed people is as follows: The Ref, which is me, the ring announcers, Guppy, and Gator's camera man, Todd.

4. That list is complete, it does not include Vincent, or Diesel. So, if I see either one of them come to the ring it's an instant DQ, and Vincent will be stripped of the titles.

5. Arguing with me will result in an instant DQ.

6. Crying during the promo week will result in an instant DQ.

7. Referencing me, my list, or my policies in a negative manner will result in an instant DQ.

8. Being a cross dressing named Vincent Lane will result in an instant DQ.

9. Have fun, or get DQd.

10. Whoever doesn't praise me will not get their pins counted.

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