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The Enigma Offline
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09-25-2014, 06:23 AM

Monday, September 15, 2014 – 10:15AM EST – The Compound, Old Saybrook, Connecticut


We all have them. And we all try our hardest to not let them interfere with what we consider to be our priorities in life.

Several weeks ago my brother, Sebastian Duke, the King of Darkness and the Leader of The Brotherhood allowed his fight for with our father Asmodeus for the control of the Illuminati to distract him from our goals in the XWF.

In addition to that our partner Azrael Erebus also had the misfortune of having to not only help us retain our Trios titles but he also had to work with Kendall Sawyer to help them retain their Tag Team Titles.

And then there was me.

My focus was solely on the XWF Trios TItles, I wrestled my heart out but it wasn't enough. For the first time ever I know what it feels like to be Peter Gilmour. Well, sort of. You see unlike Peter I wasn't pinned, so I'm not a total failure.

In fact, when you think about it I'm not a failure at all.

I won the Trios Titles, that was my goal. I had no such goal to hold them for X number of days or months.

Any great man will tell you that the thrill is in the chase. Once I've conquered a mountain I don't stay there. Who does that?

Me, I turn around and climb back down so that I can scale the next mountain. I've conquered the X-treme division. I've conquered the Warfare Roster when I won the now retired United States title and I've conquered the XWF Trios division.

I guess that leaves me with just three mountains to climb, the tag team division, the Television title and lastly the Universal Title.

Where to go from here?

The answer is simple. The tag team titles.

Azrael and Kendall let this serve as your one and only warning.

The Brotherhood is coming for those titles. Sebastian and Enigma, Enigma and Cain, the exact combination is of no consequence, the results will be the same.

Then we have the TV title, a nice little title I guess but at this point below me. Let's leave that title for guys like Gator and Doctor D'ville.

So let's talk about the Universal Title for a little bit shall we?

Eli James The Fourth.

The career coward had finally conquered the mountain. I suppose that's something he should be happy with right? Winning the top title in the top federation in America.

If only that win wasn't tainted. Just like Barry Bonds All Time Home Run record a giant asterisk should be placed next to Eli's name.

Not only did Eli need a match against the worst Universal Champion this federation has ever seen to finally get to the top but he needed help from his main squeeze Mystica to do the deed.

And where the hell is Mystica now?




Who knows if and when he will ever come back but for one night he served his purpose.

A hired gun for Eli James.

Smooth move Eli but ultimately all for naught.

When people talk about the history of the Universal Title they won't mention your name.

Why would they?

Sebastian Duke? Won every title ever.

Azrael Erebus, pretty much the same and most of them he won more than once.

Then you have Morbid Angel, who faced Azrael on a week when his opponent gave no fucks and managed to squeak out a win and then what does he do? Go into hiding for a whole month, finally defend his title and then promptly get smacked around as soon as he is made to defend it. Reminds me of when he won the X-treme title and then promptly lost it to me.


And then we come to Eli James.

A man who likes to tout all the titles he's won including the European title, something he was only good enough to win because Sid Feder laid down, literally laid down for him.

Eli likes to showcase his victories, especially his record in singles competition except when it comes to losing that is. Losing is a touchy subject for Eli. You see Eli is the first two time loser in this federation. The first man to ever be cashed in on, not once but twice.

He lost to John Austin and Shades in singles competition but refuses to acknowledge it.

How does that work Eli? We aren't even talking about revisionist history here, we are talking about flat out refusal to accept reality.

I know that can be a little hard sometimes, what with Aliens and Demons and Gilmours running around, oh my.

But back to the topic at hand.

Eli James was the man.

He won the title all by himself.

Oh wait, no he didn't.

Well at least he defended it honorably on several occasions.

Wait, no, that isn't right either.

In fact after Eli won the title he went into semi retirement not even defending the title once. Hell, who knows if he would have ever defended the thing at all until Shades forced the issue.

Oh but how fitting. The man who refused to defend the title asked for his rematch the first chance he got.

Sounds like something a career coward would do.

Who knows, maybe Eli James will beat Shades and become the federations second Universal Champion.

That is until he hands the title off to someone else so he "spread the wealth." Of course we all know that's the biggest load of bullshit we've been fed since "I did not have sex with that woman." Eli James hands off titles so he can waive his dick around as an undefeated this champion and an undefeated that champion. The guy is such a great champion that he is allergic to losing titles so he does the next best thing, he hands them off. One would think that a guy with such an impressive singles record that he would relish the opportunity to add a few more notches to his belt. But that's not Eli.

Eli would have you believe that he is doing the honorable and noble thing by giving his little trinkets to others, helping to spread his message as well as prop up his compatriots. That's his version of the story. The reality of it is, for a guy who pretends to be so confident in himself he is as weak minded as those he purports himself to be better than. Weak minded and greedy.

Both of which factored into the end of his reign as the Universal Champ. Eli had the top title in the federation, for all intents and purposes he was the man at the top of the mountain. But he got greedy. He decided to enter himself into the mini gauntlet opening himself up to the possibility of a cash in and wouldn't you know it lurking around was none other than XWF legend Angelus. Eli opts in, and Angelus takes advantage. Completely blind siding the champ. Eli could have just sat back in his rocking chair with his title like he had done since the second he won it but no. Eli had to get greedy. And Angelus or Shades or Angel Eyes, whatever it is he wants to be called, he made Eli pay. And pay dearly. Yet again distractions got the better of a champion. Well, that and an opportunistic Angelus. Part of me is jealous that Angelus robbed my of the opportunity to do it on my own but oh well, what's done is done.

And as Eli James tainted reign comes to a close Shades now begins. And what a beginning it is. A triple threat against the former champion Eli James and against a guy known throughout the wrestling industry as being the butt of every joke. Peter Gilmour. Seriously. Peter Gilmour. How in God's name does a management team that consists of 6 people come to the conclusion that Peter Gilmour is deserving of yet another top title shot? It is because he said "I'm coming for the Universal Title?" By that logic the next time that little creep Frodo says "I'm coming for your brown eye." he should automatically get a chance to pile drive that shit into oblivion? Is that what we are all about here in the XWF. Peter Gilmour just lost to a child for Christ sakes. Does that mean that after Peter blows his chance at the title like we all know he is going to do that this kid will get a shot next? Seriously. How does this happen? Is Management trying to turn the Universal Title into the running joke that is the X-treme title? Because if so you are all doing an excellent job. Or is it because John Madison, leader of the Black Circle and the President of the Peter Gilmour fan club needed to get his rocks off one more time and so he spoon fed Peter another title shot?

How does that make any sense at all? I must be doing something wrong.

Maybe I should be asking John for title shots. If I did that then I could have easily found myself in this match with Shades, Eli and Peter.

Instead I'm forced into a match with some guy I've never even heard for the right to face the X-treme champion. A title I've already won and couldn't be bothered to care about.

Of course, the upside is that after I beat whateverthefuckhisname is then the guy who currently holds the X-treme title than I will be a two time X-treme champ and 6 weeks away from collecting my second briefcase.

Now wouldn't that be something?

Briefcases on briefcases.

I bet that would get all the fellas in the back to take notice. Especially Shades who would no doubt have to call in the National Guard to help him retain his title.

Don't worry Shades, I haven't forgotten about you. I've already waxed poetic about Eli and Peter. I'll get to you later in the week. When I tell you my plans for the cash in.

STEVE DAVIDS: "Thank Christ. Are you done yet?"

"Fucking hell, I'd rather be physically tortured than having to listen to you carry on like this."

I look up from my seat roughly fifteen feet away from Steve Davids. Several weeks ago The Brotherhood kidnapped Steve and left him to rot in the bowels of The Compound, only let go because Sebastian grew tired of David's presence. And yet here we are again, Davids back in the basement of The Compound, chained to a chair a few feet from me.

ENIGMA: "You know Steve, being as that I control what and how often you eat as well as whether you die in here or get to go back out there in the real world and try and turn your life around, one would think that perhaps being an insolent prick would not be in your best interests."

"Care to try again?"

STEVE DAVIDS: "Fuck you"

ENIGMA: "I'll take that as a no then."

"Very well."

"I hope you enjoyed me catching you up on the happenings of the XWF since you've been down here."

"Perhaps you can eat tomorrow."

I get up from my seat and walk out of the room, slamming the thick metal door behind me. Steve doesn't make a sound instead he just continues to sit chained to a seat in the basement of The Compound. The poor guy, he's looking a little frail. They must not be feeding him...oh wait...


I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth.
~Umberto Eco

[Image: LoylT4w.jpg]
[Image: TKO12Eu.jpg]

Former United States Champion
Former X-Treme Champion
Former Trios Tag Team Champions w/Sebastian Duke and Azrael Erebus
Former Ark/24-7 Champion x 2

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(09-26-2014), Gator (09-25-2014)

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