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09-23-2014, 04:39 PM

Well, what do we have here? Did the Crybaby finally nut up and get ready to actually talk about the match? Nevermind the fact that I've already blasted him while he was busy trying to be a spaceman or some shit. Nevermind while he was rooting around to find Sasha Grey like Eli trying to find a chicken sandwhich, that I was destroying every leg he thought he might have had. Nevermind the fact that he's been losing left and right. We'll ignore that while he continues to pat himself on the back saying he deserves to win because he's a mega star. And Luca's just a part timer who doesn't deserve to win because he doesn't wrestle week in and week out. Or how I don't deserve to win because I know of the history and speak of it. The man is an errant fool who fancies himself the most deserving because he can't do anything by himself. Let him have his shallow moment.

But, Crybaby, I want to give you some advice; please take it to heart. If you threw a fit like a baby on Wednesday, expect to hear about it on Saturday. Considering I masqueraded as a priest and preached the evils of you less than 3 days after your hissy fit, expecting to not hear about it is as childish as you can get. Did you really believe that D'Ville and I would not pick up on your crying? Hell, did I not call you out on being a crybaby before you televised yourseld throwing a tantrum that makes Peter's look like a slight cough?

(09-06-2014, 05:46 PM)Mr WGWF Said: Holy shit, I think he's been broken for real. He is now incapable of understanding a single thing that's been said. I wonder if he'll continue to ape us, or if he'll just babble incessantly for the next 5 days, not a week. 5 days exactly, don't round up, otherwise Vinnie might blow a gasket. But then again I'm the pedantic one. Because Vincent tried to get uppity and pompous when he couldn't get the right words to save his mother's life. Now, he's going to start crying because he's being bullied. Aidan and I are supposed to be insulting each other, and instead we've primarily been focusing on crybaby. There, gave you a better name, one that fits you. Do you know why you've been target number one, Crybaby? Because you've been picking fights you shouldn't. Act like a tough guy, get smacked like a bitch. Again, like the last two times we met each other. And it will probably happen again on Warfare, and Madness. Because I like making you cry.

I did, almost a full 2 weeks before you threw your tantrum. And the funny thing? You tried to deny being the biggest blubbering pussy in this federation. Guess we saw otherwise. But go ahead, keep making excuses for yourself. If you had half the talent you think you do then you wouldn't have lost from spreading yourself too thin. See, the problem with your logic is that you lost on Monday, then you lost on Monday. There's a whole week to recover. Spreading yourself thin isn't the issue there, the issue is your talent. If you lost to me, and then lost at the Love-It, I'd say you spread yourself too thin and maybe you would be close to being right. That's just not the case, though. You're losing with a goodly amount of recovery time in between, especially for someone as talented as you claim to be. But ignore logic, because you're about half as capable of thinking logically as Christian Gunn's shit stained underwear. I'll break it down even simpler for you, I think I need to. YOU'RE A FUCKING HACK AND A . YOU MAKE DIM LOOK BRILLIANT, AND MASTERMIND LOOK TALENTED. Now, I repeat the sentiment, whenever you face anyone with even the smallest iota of talent in a solo match you shit yourself harder than a baby that's been fed nothing by Ex-lax.

Keep decieving yourself some more, keep telling yourself you're a deserving champion, though. Go on, brag about how you're so fucking fantastic. You're in posession of all three trios belts now? Well, shit, since Eli challenged you he's been waiting for you to face his people for a defense. You got out of it saying you need to settle the belts situation; well, Jane, it's settled for you. Name some partners and prove how deserving you really are. Prove to us that you actually deserve to be the champion, that you didn't win it because Azrael stopped caring, and Duke got sloppy. Face Eli's team of people, win it. Hell, I bet if you beg Madison real bad he'll set something up for you to face The Black Circle, you know one of the part time past teams you think is so useless, or maybe we can dig up whatever stragglers from The Company are still around and you can prove your awesomeness to them. Fuck, maybe just maybe Eli will beat the shit out of you and your partners by himself. Since you're so much better than part timers. That's how you feel, right?

Come on, Paper Champion, stop bragging about being something, and show us what you've got with them. Or, you can do like we know you'll do, and make up an excuse so you can hide and not defend. Well? What will you do? Will you try and man up, or will you do exactly like I know you'll do and hide behind some bullshit. What will your excuse be for losing to Guppy? Guppy, who is a foot shorter and just under one hundred pounds lighter than you. What will you cry when you lose to him? Will it be the spread too thin argument? Despite there being over a week in between getting your ass kicked by him, and getting it kicked by me, and by Gator? Prepare the excuse now. Speaking of excuses, isn't your big claim to fame that you won the trios, and beat Azrael? But, he had two title matches in fourty eight hours. That means, if you're spread thin from fighting a week apart, then Azrael must have been spread extra thin. Does the logic only apply to you? An argument you tried to push on Aidan and I, only for it to be deflected and thrown back at you harder than you anticipated.

Just like you, though, dimishing your assistance so you can solely bask in the spotlight. Even if you lost, you had to make it sound like you wanted to blame Diesel.

<img src=""> Crybaby Said:Loverboy: Diesel? Come on man, he’s a puppy. The guy’s harmless, doesn’t even know what’s going on around him. He hindered me more than he did anything to D’Ville.

Look, you're so butthurt about losing that you have to push it off saying Diesel hindered you. Despite the world seeing that he was there to help you. Let me ask you this, Bitch Boy. Are you completely full of shit, or just maybe half way? I mean, we can see footage of Diesel, your new bodyguard, which is totally manly and tough, by the way, helping you. Not Doc, you.

Quote:Diesel grabs Doc by his hair and tosses him hard into the steel ring steps then walks away quickly, around the corner of the ring.

Quote:Diesel drives the now standing Doc D'Ville back first into the side of the ring, dropping him right back to the floor.

Quote:Lane starts to get to his feet and Diesel helps him up.


“That big boot from Diesel damn near took Doc's head off!”

Seen enough? Are you seriously going to say that after all of that you didn't have help in a match that you still lost? Is that the play you're going to make at this point? Of course it is, because you're Crybaby Vinnie Lane, the biggest piece of blubbering pussy trash in the federation. Oh, I mean Loverboy Vinnie Lane, the biggest Mega Star ever. You're such a star you're burning brighter than a Supernova. You're the best Trios Champ ever. You're the best at everything, and you are unstoppable. I've never laid you out in the ring before. No one has. You're the shining example of what a wrestler should be.

And you're oh so clever and witty. Making fake OK Cupid accounts for me, and photoshopping my face on a collage of sex offenders. That's pronounced CO-LOGE for you, not COL LEGE. There's a difference, one is a school, and the other is a collection of pictures. You seem too stupid to know the difference, so I went ahead and educated you. Educate means to teach. In case you didn't learn that before. Continue now, tell teh world how I rape little girls or something. OH WAIT! I ALREADY DID AN ENTIRE PROMO ABOUT HOW I LIKE TEENAGE GIRLS! AND I HAVE GONE ON RECORD SAYING I KIDNAPPED AND SLEPT WITH A MINOR WHO IS BORDERING ON TOO OLD FOR ME. So, now you're literally just taking things I brag about and parroting them back. Not even trying to insult me, or be clever with it. Are you that fucking lazy and at a loss to describe me? Fuck man, just fuck. And in the fake OK Cupid profile he seriously drops some bisexual jokes on me, despite complaining that I called him a ? Is that what's hot on the streets? Let's see if real quick I can't spit up Crybaby's argument in under 200 words:

"Don't make fun of me for being gay, and stealing my mom's wardrobe entirely, that's just not cool. But look, you like men and eat man ass. I wanna see you in lingere getting fucked by other men, but don't call me gay. Don't believe my losses are legit because I spread myself way thin, but even though Azrael pulled double duty that night I totally won because of my skill. Ignore the fact that I've lost all of my matches for the last two weeks, but let's point out Pest's losses. Because you can't say anything bad about me! Don't even! That's whipping a dead horse. Stuff that happened less than a week ago is off limits for mockery! Because it's too old, but I can totally make jokes about something said over a year ago. Because I'm totally good."

Yup, sounds like him. It also sounds like Vinnie to run his mouth about things he knows nothing on, such as him talk of Sid Feder being some much past relic. Sid Feder last had a match a little over 2 months ago, and has been spotted around within the last 30 days. He's not some washed up antique that vanished. Now, John Samuels has been back in Washington for a little bit longer than that, but it's not like he's some antique either. Crybaby's logic there is the same as if I dropped Nero's name. Nero, who just a had a match at Relentless, and have been pestering Scully since then. But he's a forgotten name to Jane. Isn't that right, Jane? Oh, and how does it feel that the person you'd put down now has a much better record than you do? He's 5-1, you're what, 5-4? No, 5-3 and 4 will come tomorrow night. You are aware it's tomorrow, right? Because you dropped a Promo about trying to find Sasha so you can make it to Madness, after Madness. Actually, you aired your promo 6 whole hours after Madness. After the world saw you lose to D'Ville, with help, you posted a promo talking about getting to Madness on time. The fuck is that? I'm going to end my tangent with a question for you, Crybaby. Have I ever mentioned your dick, besides pointing out that you named it after another male? Go ahead and find it for me. Please, I have time. Find it for me and show us.
[-] The following 2 users Like Pest's post:
Guppy Parsh (09-23-2014), Ozymandias (09-24-2014)

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