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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
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RoboWrestler1 Offline
Kill, you, dead

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09-23-2014, 01:12 PM

Oh man that was crazy how RoboWrestler came in last and won the entire Mini-Gauntlet last week. He even pinned the new Uni Champ!

You mean RoboWrestler1? There is no RoboWrestler.

Oh jeeze man you know what I meant. Don't be a troll like some of those dorks in XWF who orgasm over one tiny misuse of a word.

That was crazy though how a robot that hasn't been seen since last year's holiday season just trotted in and took the win.

And became 10 grand richer in the process! And I bet this puts him in line for a Uni title shot too.

Makes sense. Pin the champ, get a shot. Why not?

I bet all those guys in the back were facepalming themselves after they saw who won the whole Mini-Gauntlet. I mean somebody like Diesel who fought with such heart and soul, guys like Cain, Gator and Scully who all got early draws into the match and had no chance of making it to the end no matter how hard they fight. And then here comes the luckiest man

You mean robot.

Grr, yeah robot in the world and he not only wins but pins the champ in the process! Unbelievable!

Yeah all those hard working guys in the back must have felt like real slapnuts. Sucks to be them. Especially Eli James. He loses his title and then sees a robot win 10 grand.

The funny thing is even if Eli had beaten Shades, RoboWrestler1 would have most likely come out and beat Eli. So by the time that second to last match was going on RoboWrestler1 was already pretty much guaranteed to just waltz out there and pin a Universal Champ on top of becoming one rich mofo.

What do you think he'll do with the money?

Hmmmmm, good question. What would a robot want with money anyway? Can't he just print his own?

Maybe he doesn't want to go to jail for fraud?

Good point. Someone like him might have a hard time in the clink.

I wonder what he's going to do this week at Warfare.

Yeah I know, he has a match booked against people who don't even care enough about the match to show up and drop any promos. What's wrong with those losers?

Well in fairness Mastermind has shown up and said a few things throughout the week, and RoboWrestler1 still hasn't done anything himself.

Why should he have to? He won the Mini-Gauntlet and has a lot of money, and can do the robot better than anybody else in the world. He could probably stay quiet all week and then just show up and blast the other people in that match to smithereens.

True, true, but Mastermind seems to be taking exception to the fact that he's the only person so far in the match who has said anything. I guess he really likes getting to know his opponents before meeting them, kind of like an overly cautious chick on a dating website who wants to talk and talk and talk and talk before finally meeting the guy who messaged her.

Yeah that's a good way to look at it. It's kind of stupid how much attention Mastermind needs in order to feel good about himself going into a match with somebody. Shouldn't he see it as an advantage if he's the only one talking about and preparing for a match? Instead he whines and complains and makes a promo with the title "Who Cares?"

Haha, did he really do that?



Yeah, wow.

I guess he's feeling really butthurt that RoboWrestler1 and the other people in the match don't want to exchange a bunch of pre-date jibber jabber. Maybe he was hoping to learn RoboWrestler1's favorite band? Maybe he wanted to know if he enjoys long walks on the beach and feeds birds? Maybe he wanted to ask RoboWrestler1 if he plans on having children?.

Yeah I don't know but it seems like Mastermind probably expected a whole lot more out of the relationship than RoboWrestler1 was ever going to give him. RoboWrestler1 is more of a wham bam thank you ma'am kinda guy, ya know?

True dat.

Oh well, I'm sure Mastermind will get over it after he loses Wednesday. Honestly though I think it would be funnier if Mastermind won and then we could see him do one of those funny little skits he does where he talks about having mastered RoboWrestler1's mind.

Hahaha, yeah I bet he would say that too. He mastered a robots mind.

Wait a minute, what was that?

What was what?

That sound.

clomp clomp

Oh no. NO! Remember what happened to those other guys who were talking about RoboWrestler1 before the Mini-Gauntlet and then it got turned into a RoboWrestler1 promo?

Yeah they got shot the hell up by RoboWrestler1. Don't worry though, he always plays that 56k dial up sound before he arrives.

Oh yeah you're right. I think we're ok then.

Fuck! FUCK!

FUCK! Shit!

clomp clomp

Die, die, die.

Oh god he's coming!

And not in a good way!

There's no such thing as a good way you perv!

Good point! Run!

Kill, kill, kill.

I can't tell which direction he's coming from. His voice is echoing from every direction at once! What if we're running to him?

Master, mind, sucks.

Oh god! He is going to take out his aggression over Mastermind on us!

Tell him Mastermind sucks. Maybe he'll befriend us then.

Ok... Mastermind sucks!

Kill, kill, kill.

Oh god I don't think it worked!

Die, die, die.


Master, mind, is, looking, for, too, serious, of, a, relation, ship.

We know! We agree!

Please spare us!

Die, die, DIE!, !, !, !, !, !, !, !, !

Oh my god! He's pausing between exclamations! Run for your life! BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM Aaaauuuggghhh....


[Image: robocableshoot.gif]

Eat, shit, Master, mind, you, are, next.

Then, I, move, on, to, Crimson, Face. Make, him, my, bitch. Take, his, mo, ney.
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