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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
I'll Invite Myself*Rp1*
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Scully Offline
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09-16-2014, 04:35 PM

*I'll Invite Myself*

"Undefeated" by Def Leppard
Look in these eyes
These eyes don't lie
And they say that if you don't blink,
then you don't die.

Now feel this heart
it beats so tough
And if you ever gonna doubt my faith 
then I'll call your bluff 
cause you ain't that tough

The lies in your eyes can't defeat me
I ain't ever goin' down
I was down on my knees completely
And you will never take my crown
But I rise from my feet you can't beat me
Oh, and that's why I gotta stay
And that's why I gotta say

I'm Undefeated
And Standing Tall
I don't want to be the loser
when the winner takes it all.
I'm Undefeated
I got the scars (scars)
I will wipe this blood away,
live to fight another day
I'm Undefeated!

I feel your pain
I hear your words.
But there ain't nothing you can say to me 
I ain't already heard

These cuts run deep
Close to the Bone
But I gotta keep getting up
cause I've been down so long
So let's get it on

The lies in your eyes can't defeat me
I ain't ever goin' down
I was down on my knees completely
And you will never take my crown
But I rise from my feet you can't beat me
Oh, and that's why I gotta stay
And that's why I gotta say

I'm Undefeated
And Standing Tall
I don't want to be the loser
when the winner takes it all.
I'm Undefeated
I got the scar (scar)
I will wash this blood away,
live to die another day

I walk through the fire
with the flames on my skin
I wanna be the last man standing
I'll never surrender, I'll never give in
I just got to win


The lies in your eyes can't defeat me
I ain't ever goin' down
I was down on my knees completely
And you will never take my crown
But I rise from my feet you can't beat me
Oh, and that's why I gotta stay
And that's why I gotta say

I'm Undefeated
And Standing Tall
I don't want to be the loser
when the winner takes it all.
I'm Undefeated
I got the scars (scars)
I will wipe this blood away,
live to fight another day
I'm Undefeated! 

It's stand or fall!
You can laugh and walk around me with my back against the wall
I'm Undefeated
I got the prize
If you got the will to win
you got to take it in the chin
Stay Undefeated! 
Yea Undefeated!

My undefeated streak continued. I was four and zero. 4 and 0. My victims we're Darren Dangerous, Father Steve, Clean Lucena & Luna Hightower in tag-team action and my latest opponent Griffin. Clean Lucena is the only one who gained a tiny bit of my respect. He was my toughest challenge yet. All the rest a piece of piss. I don't even know why they say a piece of piss, do you? What a stupid thing to say! Nevermind, Bo Dallas would be proud of my streak. I guess I Bo Lieve.

This past week I seen the retirement from wrestling in-ring action of an XWF superstar, John Black. I guess he was too old? He is 38 years old.. A lot of wrestlers continue at that age. A few have died before that age, which is incredibly young. I don't mean to put a downer on someone's age. I'm not saying being 38 means you're in jeopardy of dieing. In the real world 38 is still young.. In the wrestling business, the toll it takes on your body, can cause death. Enough of the depressing stuff, let's move on.
Mr. Black has stated that he will still continue to be around. He offered his services. I thought this was a great opportunity to ask John to be my manager. He accepted. I now have a manager who is considered a veteran to some here in the XWF. John Black's first job was his suggestion for me to enter the Mini - gauntlet at Wednesday night Warfare.

After thinking about it I have decided to go to Warfare, at the Megasport Arena in Moscow, Russia and enter the mini- gauntlet. I mean I haven't got a match this week anyway, might aswell find myself something to do right? 
I was sat on the plane heading to Moscow, Russia. My camera man, Alfie was sat behind me. Mr. Black was sat next to me. I had my headphones listening to some rock music whilst John was asleep next to me. I needed my headphones on, man didn't this guy snore. I never had them on to begin with but he's loud, piggy snoring was driving me insane. I had the window seat and was thinking. Although, I now John Black as my manager, I still wanted to work with Mr. some shitty fed in some way. I knew that I couldn't work with both though. I pulled out one of my magazines from the pocket on the seat. I was reading the latest XWF magazine when I come across an article about Mr. Black, with the title "So close but yet so far". Hmmmm... I thought this would make an interesting read especially as I was now working with the guy. I look at Mr. Black and then begin reading the story.

So Close But Yet So Far in the words of John Black

My life in the fast lane... put it short, I am a fucking warrior in my own right. All of my life I've always wanted to program computers in New York since I was 16. I majored Computer Science in NYU. After I obtained my Bachelor's in Sciences, I applied to crap lode of companies that didn't hire me at all. It made want to move back to my family who lives in Washington, D.C. 

But, something inside me want to not give up from making money in the streets of NYC, so, I made money by working in some mediocre jobs that made me afford my own apartment in Brooklyn. Then one day, I went into see a show back in 2005 which involved my favorite wrestler named Jack "Blacklisted" Douglas. Douglas, he was the first wrestler who I looked up too since I was 15 watching him on some local TV. He was once a major Champion in some company called "Continental Wrestling Federation" then as time came over he ended up on the as a enchantment talent in some company I can't name. 

He was man I looked up too who made me even take up wrestling in the first place. I even took up some lesions within some company called "NWA-Harlem" and that's where I made an effort to become an wrestler. For two years in the company, I learned a lot of important things within the world of Wrestling. From holds to working the crowds. Then after I left the company, I headed into Nu-Wrestling in Harlem where I was being used like the Brooklyn Brawler in his hey days in WWF. I didn't really have a problem with putting people over, I just wanted to show the world I can take a hit on someone in the wrestling ring. 

But don't get it twisted now, I might have been a whippin boy in the ring, but as time comes, I can get crazy with what ever I can get my hands on to. Just like the time I participated in the first ever tournament for the brand new titled called Nu-Core Championship. That tournament made learn what it feels like to be hardcore wild man, from getting hit with chairs to getting into a major blood bath against the finial guy in the tourney for the belt. After I captured the belt, I wanted to celebrate for all the dedication I put myself through inside the ring. 

I managed to hold that belt for at least eight month's until I got fired for sexually harassing an employee on camera who looked like Sunny. The actual reason why I left the company was that the promoter who looked like newbie wanted to strip me off the belt and place me back into being a j.o.b.b.e.r. I was like "fuck that" and left the company right then and there.

For like 2 years, he was looking for other employment, but nobody wanted to hire him since he is a wrestler. So he managed to seen a promo for XWF, and was intrigued by the company. So in 2012, he joined the federation, awaiting to make history again... but it wasn't going to happen at all...

Wow, John Black hadn't had easy in the wrestling business. I grab my bottle of mineral water, unloosen the lid, take it off and have a large swig. I put the lid back on. I was going to continue to read the rest of the article before the air hostess begins to talk through the intercom.
She first talks in the Russian language before repeating what she said in English.

Air hostess "Welcome at Domodedovo International Airport of Moscow, Russia. The time at Moscow is 2.45am. Please keep in mind that cellphones may be turned on after you reached the terminal building. You are also not allowed to unfasten your seatbelt until the aircraft has come to a complete stop and the fasten seatbelt sign is off. For passengers who will continue to another destination, please proceed to the transfer desk at the arrival terminal. Thank you for flying with Lufthansa."

I close the magazine and nudge John to wake him. I tap his shoulder a few times. I nudge him again as his eyes open and he stretches. John looks at me half asleep and sits up properly.

Scully " We're here Johnny Smith Black"

We had just arrived in Moscow, Russia. In we, I mean me, my new manager John Black. Oh and of course my camera man, Alfie. Why we got a flight at in the early hours of the morning, I don't know. Maybe it was because I decided at the last minute to join the Warfare event. I was going to enter a Mini-Gauntlet as I already stated.

We had just got into a cab to take us to a hotel. I was sat in the back with John. Alfie was sat in the front passenger seat. Alfie being Alfie was messing with his camera. Alfie turns to me.

Alfie " Hey, Scully how about we do XWF 'S favourite show, Scullycam?"

Scully "Nah... I can't be bothered?

John Black "Come on, Skull. It'll be good. What ya say?"

Scully "Johnny, I seriously can not be fucked"

After my refusal to do Scullycam. Everyone in the cab goes quiet for 5 minutes until I speak.

Scully "Yo guys, I have an idea. How about we do Scullycam?"

Alfie "But I suggested.....

Scully "Come on, Alfie... Get on with it!

Alfie and John smile at me as Alfie sets the camera up and gives me the thumbs up to start.

Scully "Yo bitches of the XWF universe, planet, Galaxy. Whatever. This is the latest edition of Xtreme Wrestling Federation's finest show, Scullycam. Here I am in a cab.... I mean here we are in a cab... We got my cameraman, Alfie...Pass me the camera"

Alfie passes me the camera as I turn it to focus on him. Alfie looks a little embarrassed.

Scully "Say hello... Alfie"

Alfie reluctantly says...

Alfie "Hello"

I pass Alfie the camera back as he it focuses on us.

Scully "That was hard, Alf. And of course my manager, John Black"

John Black "How ya'll doing? This is my boy, Scully and we're coming to Warfare"

Scully "That's right! We're coming to Warfare... And I am hearby entering the Mini-Gauntlet. Shane didn't invite me so I am inviting myself"

John Black "Shane invited me"

Scully "Is it cuz I'm white?

Me and John laugh. John then continues

John Black "Thanks for my invitation. But.... As I have recently retired from in-ring action. I give my spot to Scully."

Scully "Thanks John.... But I could still have entered"

John Black "Ungrateful man... Where's the gratitude?

Scully "I said thanks....What more do you want?"

John Black "I'm playing.

Scully "I know... I know... Any hoo .. I am entering the Mini-Gauntlet. John just think you would fitted in with all these oldies."

John Black "Haha very funny."

Scully "What I wanna know is this? Is this an 80's & 90's reunion.. I mean you got RoboCrap.... Kill... Kill... Shit. I'm gonna leave you looking like scrap metal when I've finished with you. Terminater always kicked ya ass now I'm gonna have a go.
Then we got Big Dopey Fool Diesel.... Honk... Honk... Who are you going to think I am? Tatanka? The late, great Owen Hart? You are amusing that is for sure. You're Diesel power is running low, you're tank will be on empty come Warfare.
We have Mastermind... Well the only thing you can master is how to lose. You will be left feeling disappointed I'm afraid. But you're used to being disappointed aren't you?
Hey.... Yo... We have Diesel's mate, Razor Ramon. Although I have to admit you are one of my all time favourites. Even you, chico should have stayed retired. Oh wait... You probably think it's the 90's too.
Well it isn't. This is 2014 and I'm going to beat all of you. Bring you're zimmer frames and you're sticks. Make way on a granny mobile."

John Black "This is you're winner."

Scully "Yeah The Scully Meister will win.. I always have time for a fight or fights should I say... The end Scully has spoken."

Me and John smile at the camera. I do a cheeky wink and Alfie turns the camera off.
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