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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 1 (August 22nd) PPV RP Archive
Last breathin’ (Rp#5)
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Bobby Charles Offline
XWF's Prodigal Son

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

08-22-2014, 01:58 AM

The scene opens as we see the former xtreme Champion, sat on the edge of a wrestling ring apron. In his hand was an orange.

Bobby had that 'I just woke up' look to him, that some fans wanted to emulate. He didn't quite get that looking rough around the edges wasn't a fashion statement, why? Because frankly he didnt care..

‘’so, Less than 24 hours until that much awaited fatal 6 way match for Untitled title and heres ma last maf**king breathing.. ‘’

"First off Barney green - I said it all about you fat man,you are schizo patient, broken man nd Gilmour’s dick sucker, trust me man their aint no way you can beat me or other wrestlers to become champ, period"

Bobby zi begins to peel the skin off of the orange, dropping the peelings to the floor...

‘’oh by the way I just hope that you’ve gotten your medical bills paid up ‘’

Zi giggles..

‘’McBride and elisha, i dont even know why the managment put you both in a title match, i mean, the one talking about that nobody gives a fuck about & the latter didnt even show up, You are no more to me, than a warm-up match, before I get back into the swing of things, and beat the patients to become a new champ.. ‘’

Zi begins taking slices out of the orange, and popping them into his mouth. He continues while he eats.

‘’peter Gilmour ‘’

Bobby looks serious on this....

‘’ You see, pal. Most times, I just dont feel like putting the time or effort into filming a promo and sending the tape in. The way I figure it, We both dislike each other. Who really wants to see the two of us slinging verbal slandery back and forth all week. I mean, I can discuss my negative feelings towards you just as easily while sitting in a restaurant, and downing a stein of ale. Right? ‘’

Bobby pauses to spit some seeds out of his mouth, and onto the floor...

‘’ the thing is man, i dnt see you as a threat for me or others, you'r so-called wife aphrodite maria can rub your shoulders all she wants, while telling you how great you are. But a pep talk before the match can only do so much to help you. She could even try to help you out by interfering in the ring, but pal it ain't gonna matter one fucking bit. I am just damn too good, and you know that there is no way that anything will change that.... ‘’

Zi begins taking slices out of the orange, and popping them into his mouth. He continues while he eats...

‘’mastermind ’’

‘’Listen pal, dont label me as ass kisser just cuz i admire you, You got potential master honestly, you do, I'm a fan especially my middle finger, am sure thay you think that you are at your absolute peak, but I say that you are selling yourself short with that way of thinking. Hell, even I haven't hit the peak of my ability and skill yet. As other wrestlers improve, so do I, right along with them. This is why none of them 5 competitors cant beat me. this is why i say you will never beat me... ‘’

Zi wrapped up his orange & stand to has his final say..

"I don't give a shit if you're a god. I couldn't care any less, if you were a rich man or a homeless vagrant on the streets of Los Angeles.. ‘’

‘’ You do not have what it takes to topple me, Period! ‘’

Former 2× X-treme ChampIon
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