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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 1 (August 22nd) PPV RP Archive
The Message (RP#6)
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LH Harrison Offline
The Inspiration of the XWF

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

08-20-2014, 04:35 PM

Crunch, crunch.

The leaves crackle under the feet of the dark silhouette that walks through the woods. It’s late at night and the air is cold despite it being a warm night in southern Arkansas. As the dark silhouette walks through the forest, you can hear the thumps of a corpse being dragged behind it. Who does it belong to? It’s impossible to tell. Finally the shadowy figure walks up to an old rusted factory that had long been abandoned. It has a road that connects to it, but it was in terrible shape due to the years of inattentiveness by the road workers. After all, why should they waste their precious time on a road that no one should, in theory, be using? The figure walks through the center of the steel monstrously tall buildings continually dragging the lifeless corpse. After what seems like an eternity, the being reaches the last building and steps inside taking the corpse with it. The sounds of chainsaws and a blowtorch is heard from outside.

Then it gets quiet.

Really quiet.

Too quiet.

Suddenly, the being steps out of the building facing us. It’s dark, but the man turns on the small hanging light bulb above him. He extends a hand and beckons for us to follow him. We move towards the light and the haunting face of the being possessing LH’s body gives us a sinister smile. We notice that the madman’s hands and apron are covered in what can only be assumed is blood. The deranged smile seems to get larger at the noticing of the blood.

Welcome to the kingdom, peasant. This is where I consider home. One day, this temple will be the sanctuary to the world, but for now… it’s my torture chamber. Swagmire. I will bring you to your knees on Friday and make you beg for mercy to end the onslaught brought on by LH The Great. And Anarchy, you think you’re deranged? Well I’ve got a surprise for you, and it isn’t a Jack in the Box. Or a principal in the box in your case. You see in the room behind me is a little gift for both you, Anarchy, and Swagmire. You think you’re sick? You haven’t even scratched the surface of disgusting. Now without further ado, let me introduce you to my masterpiece.

We move into the room that is barely lit by the one lightbulb, but the scene is horrific. On the table in the center of the room are dog heads removed from their bodies. They all have their eyes gouged out and there is a puddle of blood around the decapitated heads. You look over to the right and there is a large hamper with what appears to be the bodies of the dogs. But the most sickening sight is the single word ‘Bitches’ written on the wall with the dogs’ legs. Each of the legs has been hammered into the wall crudely.

As you can see here, Swagmire and Anarchy, I’M NOT AFRAID TO KILL A BITCH.

The smile turns into a deranged laugh. The monster takes one of the heads throws it up in the air and catches it as if it were a baseball.


He throws the head up.


He catches it.

You’re about to run into a house of fire. I’m going to roast you alive.


You won’t even stand a chance against the onslaught.


At Relentless, I will hit From a Place of Hope and destroy all hope that you two boys may have of ever getting an X-Treme title shot.


LH The Great has arisen. Now it’s time to start showing the peasants just where they stand. The Lord is going to take his throne at XWF Relentless.


LH The Great picks up the large knife laying behind the heads and stabs through the skull of the head he’s been playing catch with. His hands are covered entirely with blood. He rubs it over his face and laughs maniacally.

LH Harrison shakes awake with a cold sweat. He’s breathing deeply as he sits up in bed.

Oh man. What a weird dream.

He yawns as his heart just starts to slow down its rate. He turns over and notices the alarm clock reads 3:30. LH feels absolutely exhausted as if he hasn’t slept in an eternity. He rubs his temple with his hand when he notices something. It’s something… wet on his hand and his face. LH stumbles out of the bed and to the bathroom. He flips on the switch and almost falls down in shock. His face and hands are covered in blood. In fact, the blood on his face has been caked on except for the one spot in which he touched with his hands. He frantically washes off the blood from his hands. He starts washing off his face when the reflection changes and the face begins laughing at him.

What’s wrong, Henry? Don’t like the new paint job?

What the hell did you do? Who did you kill!?

I didn’t kill anyone. I merely made a statement, but you saw it. You know Henry. Those bitches Anarchy and Swagmire are going down. We will destroy them. But we must be on the same page. Henry, let me have full control. Let me destroy these two that have been smearing your name. Your movement. Let me take control. I will do what you haven’t. I’ll get the job done myself. It’s extreme rules, Henry. And you’ve already seen how far I am willing to go to win. Submit to me. I won’t ask again…

The reflection restores to normal. LH hangs his head in the sink. He looks up into his eyes now back to hazel from the red and black swirl. He grabs a towel and wipes off his face. He walks back into living room and gets on his knees.

Dear God….

The scene fades to black.

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