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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » Relentless Day 2 (August 23rd) PPV RP Archive
Hello, my friends!
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Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends
The 24/7 Shot!

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

08-17-2014, 02:30 AM

"Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you."

-C.G. Jung

The arena grows quiet after a two hour broadcast, LIVE on television and still breathing from the thousands in attendance. Backstage many superstars are still congregating about the nights events, some are leaving. In the arena the handymen are breaking down the ring, the big screen, seating, etc. Two men pushing carts of folded steel chairs chat about the night during their work.

Joe- That was a pretty good show...

Ben- Yeah. Hey, about how long do these clean-ups take? There's a lot of shit out here.

Joe- Well, it's alot faster tearing down than setting up.

Ben- So.. Two? Maybe three hours?

Joe- Heh. If we're lucky.

Ben- Well, I have to take a leak.

Joe- It's your first day, man. And we only started twenty minutes ago. You really want to get caught wandering around?

Ben- I won't be wondering around. To the pisser and back. Promise.

Joe- .....

The two men follow a hallway to a large overhead door. Joe walks to the front and pulls the door over his head and Ben pushes his cart of steel chairs into the room.

Ben- I don't care man. I'm finding a toilet or a dark corner. Be back in five.

Joe- Suit yourself. I'm finding more chairs. Theres a million of them out there... Hurry the hell up.

Ben- Yeah, yeah.

Ben begins to jog down the hall looking for a place to relieve himself. Never really backstage, he was a little unsure where to go. But, how hard could it be to find a bathroom? All of the hallways seemed the same; overhead lighting, white walls, pale colored floor. Several doors to locker rooms, offices, storage rooms lined both sides of the corridor. As he rounded a corner ahead of him, Ben came to a complete stop.

Ben- Do I smell... something burning?

Ben sniffed the air for a few moments. Standing at the cross of the "T" like hallway, he looked behind himself, ahead of himself, and to the right. The smell was faint, he thought to himself.

Almost smelled like sulphur. Scaring him nearly to death he hears a large "bang!" followed by the surrounding lights around him to go dark. A loss of power? Did someone hit the breaker? There is no way the work is done. Why the loss of lighting? And where are the emergency lights?


Ben yells out only to hear the echo of his own voice in return.

Ben- HELLO?!

A little louder. A little more frantic.

Ben- What the fuck is going on here?

Ben pulls his cellphone out of his pocket and turns it on. His search for a restroom was almost unnecessary at this point.

Ben- No service? No way... What is this?

He raises his phone up in the air waving it around trying to find whatever signal was floating out there. Nothing. The only thing this phone was good for now was a flashlight. A really cheap, not very bright, flashlight. Behind him the lights begin to flicker and slowly begin to brighten. And brighten. Putting the phone in his pocket with one hand and raising the other blocking this blinding light from his eyes, he begins to walk. What seemed like the same corridor he was facing a minute ago, changed. Run down and dirty. The clean white paint on the walls was chipped and faded away. The floors couldn't have been cleaned or buffed in, dare I say, months. Maybe years. Unlike the other hallways he passed through on his way here, this one was not lined with doors to locker rooms, offices, or storage rooms. Just a single, heavy white door at the end. As he walked, the sound of the lights overhead hummed like a bee's nest. It's all he could hear other than the sound of his sneakers sticking to the floor. He approached the door, reached for the handle and pushed it open.

[Image: avatar_1010.jpg?dateline=1408154515]

Ben stepped inside what seemed to be an office. The air was dry and thick with smoke from a cigar burning on the desk. So thick it bur[/align]nt his eyes and he could taste it. Coughing he stepped forward from the hallway and the door slammed shut. Behind the desk was a man. Maybe late 40's? Maybe 60. The cigars certainly didn't help his image. The man's eyes were bright and welcoming as he smiled and spoke.

Man- Hello, my friend! Please, sit down!

The confusion that showered Ben's brain at this moment was mind numbing. He could pass out. The cigar smoke and the room being 110 degrees had a play in it as well.

Ben- Uh. Hey guy, the show's over. Everyone's out of here and we're cleaning up.

The room wasn't very well lit at all. It had a reddish glow to it and the source of light just seemed to be ambient in the air. No lamps, no candles, just a glow. Bookshelves packed with knowledge lined the walls and towered over the two men. Above the bookshelves hung several mounts of different wildlife... Bears, wolves, boars... World renowned, dangerous creatures. It was kind of horrifying.

Man- Well, everyone's surely not out of here yet. I am still here, am I not?

Ben- Who are you? What is this? And what the hell was going on outside this room here? Did you see that? Did all the lights go out in here?

Ben looked around and realized there was nothing that would've lost power anwyway.

Man- Calm yourself, my friend. And please, come. Sit.

Ben- I don't want to sit! I want to know what the hell is going on! And WHO ARE YOU?

Man- My name?

The man rises from his chair. Still smiling, he bows.

Man- My name is Louis D'Ville. Doctor, Louis D'Ville.

A surgeon of the mind, if you would.

Ben- A doctor? What, are you part of the medical staff or something? Dude, the shows long over and--

Dr. Lou- I'm aware the show is over, my friend, and if you would SIT down I would be more than happy to tell you more. So, if you please.

The Doc motions, for a third time to the chair facing him in front of the desk. It did look a bit cozy... Ben approaches the seat.

Ben- Listen guy, I was just looking for a bathroom and all this crazy stuff started happening outside in the hallways.

Dr. Lou- Crazy stuff, you say? Maybe it is you that has some explaining to do. You seem frightened, my friend? Perhaps a drink would help ease the mind?

The doctor turns his back to Ben to another small desk behind his own. There is a sound of glass clinking is followed by pouring.

Ben- Woah, woah. I'm on the job guy. I can't be drinking--

Dr. Lou- Under such distress, Ben, I cannot recommend you forcing yourself back to work. Trust me, try to relax.

The doctor reaches out placing a small glass of scotch at the edge of his desk. Ben's shaky hand reaches out to the glass, picks it up, and takes a sip. He cringes at the taste and places the glass back on the desk shaking his head. He pauses then peers back up to the doctor, who continues to glare at Ben with bright yet dark eyes.

Ben- How-- How do you know my name??

Dr. Lou- I know much more than just you're name, Ben. I know this is not your first encounter with my kind, is it? You've had many sessions in the past, have you not?

Ben- Sessions?

The doctor cups his hands in front of him and begins walking around the desk. He stands behind Ben and places his hand on Ben's shoulder. His hand was ice cold, Ben shuttered as he reached once again for the glass. Above the desk, Ben noticed a Certification of Psychiatry mounted, centered in the room. The doctor leans down and whispers.

Dr. Lou- No need to be shy, my friend. You can trust me.

Ben- A psychiatrist? What in the world is a psychiatrist doing in the XWF? Don't they have people for that?

Dr. Lou- Ha. People? I'm sure they do. Expertise is the mantra of modern medicine.*** Expertise, is something I do not lack. And perhaps, I am here for a different purpose than these 'people' you speak of.

Ben- Purpose??

Dr. Lou- This is supposed to be about you Ben!

The doctor sighs and begins walking away. He closes his eyes and slowly sniffs the air.

Dr. Lou- You know? Perhaps some insight on my coming would help take some of this tension from the air.

The doctor walks back around behind his desk and lies back into his chair. The cigar that was filling the room with smoke when Ben first arrived has burnt out. The doctor reaches into the top drawer of his desk and pulls out another. Lighting it and blowing out three perfect smoke circles into the air.

Dr. Lou- My purpose here is not what it seems. I have nothing in common with my fellow man in this organization. Many join the ranks of the XWF for fame. For fortune. To hurt people. Win titles. Recognition for ones accomplishments here comes with victories. The price? Damage to the mind and body. Though, I am no medic. I do not heal the wounds on the outside, but on the inside. Trauma. Fear. Confusion. Love. Hate. Greed. All weapons in their own way. The mind of a little girl, is far more dangerous than the strengths of the largest man. Those dangers are often overlooked. Those dangers are real.

August 23rd is the date of my first session here in the XWF. A true test to my expertise, indeed. For the first time, the world will see my practices first hand. Not only will I be tested with one... two... or even three. But eleven patients! I find joy in the faith the XWF has already found in myself to help these men.

The doctor smiles and glances over to his guest. Ben, wide-eyed, listens intently as the doctor continues.

Dr. Lou- One session with Doctor D'Ville is one giant stepping stone to the cure. No matter the circumstances.

The doctor reaches beside him, picks up a clipboard and studies it. After a moment, he throws it down in front of Ben.

Dr. Lou- You see, the research of my patients is not extensive. But as you read, you'll find plenty to build a foundation to start from. Sometimes it takes starting from sctratch in order to find the real issues my patients suffer from. Egos. Money. Bigotry. Their minds clouded with desires. Their lives overwhelmed with the need to be better. Every waking moment of their lives, they walk and wait as the sheep do the wolf. One day, he'll come and take us away. Ease your pain. Ease your soldier-like, drone mentality. Eleven men join me, each of them picking at the scraps from what this organization provides them. Three men will remain. With a prize yet unnamed.

The doctor snatches the chart away from Ben's hands and throws it aside.

Dr. Lou- I see, what others do not. You see three. I see one. One standing in the end. I exempt no one from my practices, but from their troubles. I do not segrigate nor discriminate. I welcome all where size, gender, and race are just pencil markings on a chart. On the 23rd of August, I will stand alone above all of my new patients, yet no one leaves empty handed. Their prize comes in it's purest form. Not a title shot. Not a victory in a match. But a victory within themselves. The battle of the minds has just begun. The end, well, some things just take time. And time, is endless. I am endless. I have come. Join me. My dearest, friends.

Ben's eyes never left the doctor. Even after the doctor explained himself, his purpose, the tension in the air could still be cut with the dullest knife.

Ben- Umm. Well, doc. I really think I should be getting back. This trip to the bathroom seemed to take a little longer than--

As Ben turns towards the door, he becomes very dizzy. As if the room physically spun around before his eyes. Before him sits the doctor behind his desk, still smiling. Ben turns again with the same result. What is this nightmare? The doctor raises out of the chair laughing hysterically then slamming both hands down across the desk. The desk engulfs into flames as if covered in gasoline and lit by a match. The doctors entire body becomes covered in the flames that stretch out across the room. Ben, screaming for his life, feels his face beginning to melt.

Joe- Dude!

Ben shakes his head and looks over to Joe, whose arm is reached over shaking Ben by the shoulder.

Joe- What the hell is wrong with you? You've been standing there zoned out for like a minute! You alright?

Ben feels his face and his clothes. The only thing dripping from his face was sweat. Everything still intact.

Ben- I-I-I dunno...

Joe- I thought you had to piss?

Ben- I think I'll just hold it, actually.

Joe- Good thinking. It won't be long and we'll be done. How about a drink after work?

Ben- I-I think I'll pass. I feel pretty drained all of a sudden.

Joe- Hm. Okay...

Ben tries snapping out of whatever just happened there. Was he daydreaming? If he was... Well, where did that come from... He reaches in his pocket for his cellphone, aka modern day watch, to see how much time actually did pass. Feeling around his pocket he feels a small card. He pulls it out and reads:

Dr. Louis D'Ville
"A friend in need. Is my friend, indeed."

He stares at the card for a moment before placing it back into his pocket. Let the cleansing begin.

[Image: profilepic_1010.jpg?dateline=1408154282]

***Quote credited to Atul Gawande.
**Song House of 1,000 Corpses by Rob Zombie via YouTube.[/align]

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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