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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » Relentless Day 2 (August 23rd) PPV RP Archive
I hear three is a crowd... (Gunnar RP 1)
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Luke Gunnar Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

08-16-2014, 03:27 PM


12 men will enter, 3 will emerge above all as the elite, DAY 2 OF RELENTLESS 8/23, TOP 3 BATTLE ROYALE 3 WINNERS RECIEVE TITLE CONTENDERSHIP


Throwing his phone to the side of the semen infested motel bed, Luke Gunnar sits up after taking time to relax after his flight into Phoenix. He decides it'd be smart to go for a stroll around, scope out the arena. Lifting his body out of the bed he reaches into his luggage case which he appears to be living out of. Pausing, realizing he's no longer in chilling Massachusetts place his jacket back in the suitcase and removes his black tee leaving only a grey beater on his body. After awkward silence walking out of his room and riding the elevator down to the ground floor he begins to walk out of the motel as a female employee stops him.

Is everything in your room to your liking Mr. Gunnar?

It's got walls, a floor and a place to pee right? That's a palace if I've ever seen one. Thank you hun.

You're very welcome. *she smiles blushing a little* Um, I was just meaning to ask you something because my boyfriend is a huge fan of XWF and he got me into it-

You're boyfriend has good taste then. *chuckles*

Yeahh hehe. But I get the tweets from XWF now on my phone, finally figured out how to work this thing. I saw you got added to a battle royale for you're first match That must be so exciting!

I'll be excited when the paycheck is in my bank account

Wow you seem so unphased, it's a lot of wrestlers, 11 other guys. Aren't you a little scared?

Luke leans onto the welcome desk and looks directly into the girls eyes

You're boyfriend, what does he do for a living?

Well right now he's in the Sheriff's academy, he wan'ts to become a state trooper

That's very respectable of him. Have you taken any thought of the risk that he's putting his life into as part of his job?


See hun I've only known you for two minutes now, haven't even met your boyfriend, but I think he is very brave and level headed. There's no doubt there's some fucked up people in this world. And if a police officer tries to get in the way of what they're doing, they will hurt him. If need be, they will try to kill him. He could deal with 10..or 11 of these people in one week. Hell maybe in two days. He understands that, I'm sure he does. But at the same time, he knows at the end of the day, his job depends on taking those people out, its how he makes his paycheck, defending and protecting. It's not an easy task but that's what he chose as his job. My job? I'm a wrestler, a brawler, a fighter. If I don't wrestle, I don't get payed. If I don't come out on top, I can't pay off my bills, my insurance, anything. I saw the list of names, all 11. You're right, that's a lot of bodies to fight through, but it's my job to fight through them. If I needed to take out all 11 other men instead of just 9, I'd do it and I'd do it with pride, because above being a violence thirsty mother fucker, I'm a worker. A hard worker. I am an employee for XWF, my job is to beat bodies down. I don't know how many people can say they love their job right off the bat. But I know if my bosses are going to put me in situations where I can take all the anger and all the bloodlust inside of me and take it out on a pile of rag doll bodies just to be able to pay for my gas and my motels, I'm a happy guy.

...Well, not happy but. I'm still alive.

...W-would you mind if I get a picture with you? To show my boyfriend, I want to tell him what you just told me because it was just so..I don't even know like, inspiring

Luke shrugs.

Pick a side, I don't have a good one on me anymore.

The employee smiles and runs around the help desk to Luke with her phone lifting it high above her head, Luke having to awkwardly crouch down to meet her height.

So I just, look at the screen? Damn I got uglier than I was 5 minutes ago

The girl giggles and snaps a picture. She thanks Luke and heads back to her work desk as Luke begins to walk out into the hot Phoneix evening.

[Image: HJjQGDo.png]
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