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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 1 (August 22nd) PPV RP Archive
The Awakening (RP #2)
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LH Harrison Offline
The Inspiration of the XWF

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

08-16-2014, 08:30 AM Exclamation  The Awakening (RP #2) -->

‘It’s a beautiful day! Don’t let it get away.’ LH’s ringtone of Beautiful Day by U2 blares through the motel room waking him up in the progress. LH rubs his eyes with his index finger and thumb. He panics noticing the obviously swelling. He jumps up and runs to the mirror in the bathroom. When he gets to bathroom he notices that his eyes are puffy and swollen looking as if they are a set of black eyes. And he’s also bleeding from the top of his head. He touches the top of his head and it’s extremely tender and LH winces.

What in the world? When did that happen?

He looks around and notices two bottles of Bud Light on the ground. He suddenly becomes aware of his rancid breath. He grabs his toothbrush and fervently scrubs away at his gums and teeth. He stares down into the sink after he finishes unsure of just what is happening right now.

So apparently I got in a fight, busted my head open, got two black eyes, and I drank two bottles of Bud Light? Was I drugged? I only drank those bottles of water from the gas station. I would find it hard to believe that they drugged all of them. The only thing I ate was a sandwich that I had picked up from Subway, and I doubt they would poison the tuna.

LH suddenly remembers the phone going off and steps into the next room and picks up his phone. Six missed calls and ten text messages. He notices that the time reads 9 PM on Tuesday night.

Oh great. I was supposed to have dinner with my parents tonight.

He looks through the texts… Eight of them are from Jessica.

‘Hey baby, where are you on the road?’
‘I miss you so much baby. I can’t wait to have you back home.’
‘Henry, where are you?’
‘Henry, it’s almost six. I thought you said you’d be back by now?’
‘I’m really starting to worry, won’t you please let me now you’re safe?’
‘Are you mad at me? Did I do something to make you mad at me?’
‘Please answer my calls. Please Henry?’

He pinches the bridge of his nose trying to remember anything, but nothing comes to mind. It’s as if he’s completely forgotten the last 12 hours. He flips through the other two text messages. One is from his brother, Franky, and the other is from his mother, Regina Davis. He reads Franky’s message.

‘Yo bro, ya lady is worried boutcha. You were s’posed to be at dinnah tunight. Where ya at, bro? Ma and Pa are worried too yknow?’

His mother’s message:

‘Hey sweetie, congratulations on your big match yesterday! We watched it on the TV and thought you carried that lowlife Loverboy rather graciously. It’s fantastic that you can coexist with such… unique people… and keep your good sense about you. Your dad and I are so proud of you. Now, please come home? We are worried sick about you.’

LH notices that the calls are all from Jessica. He calls her back, but, as he looks around, he drops the phone making it click off. He looks incredibly confused at the sight before him. On the ceiling is the words written…

The three men cometh, the three men impact, the three men shall fall. – | _ | - | 1:1

LH is unable to understand what the last of it means but it has lines off of it that are draining liquids as if it wasn’t marker. He reaches up and touches one of the lines off it, brings the liquid to his nose, and recognizes it instantly. Blood. He looks around and notices that one of the chairs has been smashed to smithereens in the corner. Also there is a hole in the wall with blood dripping from it. He notices that the hole is roughly the shape of his head.

Well that explains that, but what does that mean on the roof and who wrote it?

LH contemplates this for a moment before remembering that he was calling his wife a few moments ago. He walks over and picks up the phone, but now it seems to not be working.

Oh you piece of crap phone! C’mon, turn on! Ugh. This old junk just stopped working. Now what?

LH sits down on the bed and take a deep sigh. He looks down at the floor.

I just need to get myself together and focus on the matter at hand. Let me take a minute to relax.

LH grabs the long, slender remote and hits the red Power button at the top turning the TV screen on. He flips for a few minutes passing Everybody Loves Raymond, a pre-season football game, a game show involving several briefcases before he fumbles the remote on to the floor. The channel he landed on was the nightly news. The well-tanned smiling Anchorman suddenly becomes more serious as he presents the next piece of news.

Anchorman: I am Steven Sanders reporting that a plane has gone down over Iraq holding over thirty soldiers. The plane went down just East of Baghdad, and no news has come forth yet to identify whether there were any survivors or any deaths. We will update you as news comes in.

LH says a silent prayer to himself.

Hopefully those soldiers will pull through. Now if only we could pull them out of the way of this civil war…

The anchorman grows even more somber and he looks like he’s going to be sick.

The next news piece comes from the local area. Just outside of Jackson, Mississippi, a man was murdered in a most gruesome way. This image will illustrate it far better than I possibly could describe it.

An image flashes on to the screen showing a man being hung on a cross except the cross had the top stuck into the ground making the man hang upside down. He had blood covering his face.

The only other news regarding this murder is that the man had two of his fingers ripped off. His middle fingers to be exact. If anyone has any news regarding this story please call the local authorities.

LH finally gets the remote and flips off the TV. He’s sweating a little now, and he seems disturbed.

Who would do something like that? Who would murder someone and hang them upside down on a cross? What kind of sick people…

LH just realizing how weird everything is begins packing all of his stuff and stuffs it in his truck. He washes the message off of the roof, but not before taking a picture of it with his digital camera. He walks up to the office of the motel and notices several cop cars lined up outside of the establishment. He walks in and a young lady is being interviewed behind the desk as she cries. LH walks up to the counter, sets his key down, with a hundred dollars stashed underneath it. One of the cops stops him on his way out.

Son, did you by chance know anything that happened to Mr. del Toro?

Umm, I don’t think I know anyone by that name officer.

Mr. del Toro was the owner of his hotel and was murdered today just outside of Jackson. Did you by chance run into Mr. del Toro today?

LH realizes that the man he saw on the TV was indeed the owner of the very motel in which he had stayed. He begins to get a little nervous and sweaty.

No sir, I-.. I only met him whenever I checked in last night. I apologize that I can’t help any further.

Thank you sir, please have a good night.

LH walks quickly out of the main office and gets in his truck. He stares ahead through the windshield for a second.

What in the Hell?

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[Image: f9wsBWb.jpg]
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(08-16-2014), Gator (08-16-2014), Peter Fn Gilmour (08-16-2014), Vincent Lane (08-16-2014)

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