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What Happened In New York.....
Author Message
Zoey Ryback Offline
--The Original Daughter of Destruction--

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

08-07-2014, 10:16 AM

[Image: mcwnick1.jpg]
-Nick Cagero P.O.V.-

Its been a long time since I've felt this way about someone, but where I used to want to keep the people I cared for close by, I know its better for Zoey if I push her away. And as much as it hurts when she lets go of my hand, I know that she has her sister, and the last thing I want to do is be the reason anything happens to either of them. I've already seen too many casualties of the war I'm fighting. And it really sucks, because after the things we've found out, after the last couple weeks, I am starting to believe that my friends might have died in Vein. How did JV find its way out of the mess, the downward spiral that we sent it into after that night in Detroit. We found the files, we put the records in the air for everyone to see. How could this be happening? Keep eyes on the Goal Nick, eye on the goal.

New York City, Jacob had been searching through his contacts in the city, looking for someone to help us dismantle and decomission the Scalar weapon we found in North Carolina. A funny place to find something like that I thought. Nevertheless its a dangerous weapon of mass destruction, something like that falling into the hands of JV would no doubt start the world down a road for something worse. I thought it was bad during the first days, the days when I was in, when I was connected. They tricked me into believing my friends were dead, and forced me into their program. Sort of a sad story, but one I wish I could have made up. The threat is different now, used to be we knew who we were up against, we had faces to the names we had heard. I knew there were other agents out there, other people fighting the same way, but our minds were centered, and I Think it was because of this fact that JV kept going. We were so stupid... Im Sorry Richie... Im Sorry Andy.

Zoey always had a thing about my taste in Music, whats wrong with some 80's action sequence once in a while? As the car rumbles down the FDR, "Heat is On" by Glenn Frey plays in my background, my phone vibrates in my pocket, and as badly as I want it to be Zoey, its Jacob. With the Simple line "Found Him, 78th Street, North Bergen." its a 30 minute drive, Im in lower Manhattan, I send him a text back telling him Im on the way and when to expect me. Its about time, how the hell he found a guy like that in North Jersey city I have no idea. But I guess there are geniuses all over the place these days. I put the hammer down, swirving around the car in front of me, the engine coughs as I slam it into a lower gear, its been a while since I've put work into this car, sucks that I haven't been able to find the time, another day I suppose.

As I turn onto 78th Street I can see a bunch of cars parked in front of a house in the middle of the neighborhood, Jacob's blue Toyota Supra is one of them, I pull my car up on the other side of the road as Jacob steps off the man's from porch. At first glance you wouldn't think this would be the place to find someone like this, lawn furniture scattered amongts what little bit of yard there is, an old set of Refrigerators lies in the car-port, it looks like someone just knocked them over with the Big body Cadillac parked in the midst of the wreckage. And for some reason everyone is wearing a white-beater, great. As Jacob steps to the street to meet me I shake my head, a wan smile across my face.

Nick Cagero - Great Jacob, Really fuckin Promising.

Jacob - What? These guys aren't that bad, just don't mention anything about the shit that happened with the Russians and you should be okay.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

"What the Fuck is that supposed to mean?"

It was then the man on the front porch spoke, and it was clear, he spoke with a hard Russian accent.

"Hey! You guy we wait for?"

I look at Jacob, mouthing the words "Whats his name?"


"I Dont know, are you the guy who can help me with my problem?"

He scoffs momentarily before stepping off his porch.

"I Fix lots of problems, fix lots of people.

I step towards him.

"My problem isn't a person friend, I came here because someone in here possesses a talent which I need, people I can handle myself, but I need someone with knowledge certain systems to handle this pickle I find myself in.

We have stepped face to face with each other, he looks me in the eyes for a moment, like he thinks I'm going to flinch. When I don't he laughs to himself, as does everyone on the front porch. He throws am arm around me.

"Yes, come, around back we can talk.

As we pass another man throws him a bottle of Crown Royale, still fresh in the bag. He opens the gate and takes a swig, passing the bottle back to me. Not a big fan of Whiskey but I felt like he would take it some type of way if I didnt take a drink. His back yard was filled with parts, computers, cars, you name it, all surrounding a central area with a spool on its side, bar stools sitting around it. A Shotgun sitting on the table. He sat down and I set the bottle down in the center of the table.

"How can Alexei Help you?"

I looked at Jacob, nodding, wasting no time, I liked that in a person.

"Last week in North Carolina we found who we thought was the IRA trying to smuggle a weapon into the country."

"Isn't that what the Irish and good for?"

I chuckled briefly, touche.

"The weapon in question is Scalar technology, your familiar with the mechanics?"

"Very, Field Technician, testing, new weapons in former Soviet Russia. The first one was made in Russia in 1908, it devastated all of an area known as Tunguska, the real reason was never public, but we knew, it took alot of scientists to figure out how to make it less devastating. It was only in 80's we really figured out how to master it. Why would The IRA Need something like that?"

"Yeah your definitely the person we need. So before we bring you in, we have to let you know something, I said before we Believed it was the IRA, turns out that wasn't who needed it. Are you familiar with the JV Conspiracy that happened within the US Government a couple of years ago?"

As I spoke his eyes flared, he nodded his head slowly, picking the bottle up from the table and putting it to his lips.

"It turns out the program was never fully disolved, and whoever is running it now intends to use the Scalar weapon for something here on American Soil.

"Nick you don't know that.

"Your Right Jacob, but wherever a weapon like this is deployed it will be catastrophic, they could use it as a tool to spark off something bigger, and truthfully, if I was in the drivers seat, what better place to use it, than right here.

"What do you know about This "JV"?"

"More Than I Care too...

He takes another drink and nods again.

"I can tell you, those men, look for the one who stole that weapon from them, until now I had no idea what it was, but here you are.

He was giving me a dead stare, one I had come to know all too well, he set the bottle down on the table.

"So you and the girl, think you can steal from them? Knowing the things you know?"

It hits me Hard.

"I didn't mention anything about a girl, friend."

He signals towards Jacob, smirking confidently. Jacob looks at me, shaking his head. He dropped the ball, son of a bitch.

"Who the Fuck Are you?"

"No, the question on the table is, who the fuck are you? Your Him Aren't You? The Wolf.

My hands begin to shake again, as the look in his eyes tightens around his target, me.

"Dont know what you mean...

He smiles for a moment, suddenly reaching for the shotgun, I slapped the open bottle of liquor into the air, punching it against his face. He stumbled back as the gun went off. Jacob covered the gate as three men came rushing back, guns drawn, he laid them down as quickly as they made it passed the fence. I threw the man backwards against the hood of a car, slamming him savagely through the wooden fence and into the next yard. But he too, was a member of the program, he lifted me up off the ground and sent me rolling across the yard. I flash forward he puts up his guard, only a few actually connect, he pushes me backwards, my feet slipping on the wet grass, then he blurs forward, hitting me directly in the chest, I fly backwards through another wooden fence and into the front yard. He wastes no time, leaping into the air, trying to drop a knee. I push myself out of the way and roll onto my feet. I flash left, then right, connecting with a shot to the face, a kick to the side, and finally an uppercut. He stumbles backwards, flash again, planting my fist firmly against his chest. The force sends him flipping backwards over the set of cars sitting in the driveway, I look to see that Jacob is already tearing up the street, smoke rolling off his tires. Suddenly I see a combat knife, sailing through the air out of the smoking wreckage of the car in front of me. I spin, catching it in my left hand. He leaps out of the smoke and comes down, a baseball bat in hand, the first shot knocks the knife out of my hand, but he doesnt connect again. I duck as he swings, hitting him a couple times in the kidneys, he comes back again, swinging from left to right, I wince in anticipation of the pain caused by punching the bat dead center, wood splinters flake in all directions, His follow through gives me just enough time to deliver a shining wizard, I guess my time in the MCW counted for something. I kick him in the stomach sending him sliding into the backyard, nows my chance. I flash to the car as bullets begin to rain down from the house. My windows shatter and I can feel the heat of contact on my left thigh. Doesn't matter, fuck it. The car thunders off, leaving the Russians in my dust.

What the fuck was that? Who the fuck did Jacob Bring Me to? I kept my eyes on the rearveiw mirror. Knowing they were going to be trying to catch up with me. I got on the phone, dialed Jacob. It took a couple times, but he answered.

"Nick, Goddamn You Made it out, what the fuck man?"

"I Could ask you the same thing mother fucker, where did you find this guy?"

"I met him through one of my moles, he said he had knowledge of advanced weapons tech."

"And you didn't fucking screen him?"

"Nick, did you see where this guy lived? Besides, there would have been way for me to know that he was with Them. They cover their tracks too well. What the fuck are we gonna do?"

"I Dont know Jacob, what the fuck did you tell him before I showed up?"

There was a long pause, too long for it to be anything good.


"I Told him that you and Zoey found something, that she went to South Carolina but that You could meet him. I didn't say anything other than--"

"Goddamn Jacob! You told them Her Name?"

Another Long Pause.

"Damnit, you know you might have just got her killed..."

"Nick... Im Sorry."

"Dont Fucking Apologize, I Need to find out where Zoey is staying, and get to her."

I hung up the phone, I didn't expect him to understand. All I knew now is I had to get to Zoey before they did, I was her only shot at making it out of there, the men she had after her were just like that Russian, the subjects are getting stronger. And if that was the case, than Zoey... might be dead. And I would have failed her....

Hold On Zoey... Hold On.

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[Image: nickxwf_zps4da01d73.png]
[Image: mckayla_zpsf517aade.png]


Copyright 2014 Suicide Note Productions
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