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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF Live! » Backstage 24/7
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Bobby Zi
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XWF FanBase:
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07-22-2014, 11:36 AM

(OOC: The following is a direct response to events that took place on 7/21 Monday Night Madness)

Flynn is again in front of the dim, ghostly glow of a television set... Again, playing and replaying a tape...

Quote:‘’Flynn, I'll give you some time to think about my offer. give me my title match and Togeth-

"I don't really need time, Bob."

Quote:JOEY STYLES: “We're back here on Madness and it seems Bobby Zi wants to work WITH Flynn rather than against him. It's like the old saying, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.”

"I beat you at Leap of Faith. Then, I beat you on Madness. That's 2 wins, 0 losses for Mark Flynn over Bobby Zi. I've defended my title against better superstars than you (see Jessica Diaz, Aaron Andrews). And one Wednesday I'm going to defend it against another superstar better than you (See Mastermind). The talent of my challenges is rising. I'll admit, incredibly slowly, but it is rising."

"So. Considering your request, that I accept your challenge to take you on in singles competition, with my X-Treme title on the line. I have to ask."

"Why should I?"

Quote:WITH Flynn rather than against him. It's like the old saying, if you can't beat 'em, j-

"What's your argument that I need to answer your call? What's my motivation? How does beating you three times benefit me? What do I have left to prove against you, Bob-bo? For that matter, does anyone in the XWF doubt that I could put down Bobby Zi on Madness, on Warfare, on Shove-It, at a House Show, in the Parking Lot, in a Spelling Bee, ANY GOD DAMNED TIME I FEEL THE INCLINATION TO DO SO?"

"Why should I give you a title shot for MY belt? MINE, Bob. Are you still claiming to be the true number one contender for the X-Treme Title? My reign, currently 31 days and growing, is now over ten times longer than history's 3-day long MISTAKE that was the title reign that preceded it. Yours."

Quote:-ing, if you can't beat 'em, j-

"Is your argument that not giving you a title shot is ducking you? That as the #1 contender, which you're not, you deserve a shot at the belt? I gave you a shot already Bobby. If I ever get pinned, the guy who pinned me becomes the new champion. You had a shot in that tag match, Bob. And even when you did pull out every cheating card up your sleeve to pin John Black? It still wouldn't have made you the X-Treme champion. Then, I cracked in your skull and tossed your ass out. And you lost."

Quote:you can't beat 'em

"I've taken this belt from you twice. First, as a new champion. Second, as a righteous avenger, taking back MY stolen property."

Quote:you can't beat 'em

"Stealing this belt from me didn't make you X-Treme champion again. And taking me on last week on Madness sure as Hell didn't do the trick either."

Quote:can't beat 'em

Flynn sighs.

"Bob. Try to see it from my perspective. Your fellow XWF superstars? Your co-workers? They don't think you can beat me."

"None of them do."

"And sure, I could pound you into a thin pulpy juice, for the THIRD TIME in the last month. Beat you unconscious with calculated kicks and punches designed to cave in your skeletal system. Then wake you up in the middle ring as excruciating pain tears through your right shoulder. And make your first conscious actions as you wake up be a reflex, your hands beating the mat, begging to be released from a Fujiwara armbar."

"But then I look like a 'Gilmour' champion, Bob. Only accepting sure things. And guarantees. I have to keep my dance card open for the REAL challenges, Bob."

"Long story short: You're not good enough for me to obliterate."

Flynn scratches his head.

"I'll tell you what."

"You win your next three matches? You turn this win-loss record of yours around from 1-3 to an above .500? You give me a call."

"Trust me, I'll still be champion, no matter how long it takes for you to get those three Double-Yoos."

"Until then, work on your weak shit. And get better than me. Otherwise, the world is going to keep thinking the same thing."

Quote:you can't beat 'em

"Try to impress, Bob."
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