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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Fear & Loathing in New Orleans
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Gator Offline
The Walking Disaster

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

07-20-2014, 05:21 AM

OOC - This was a lot shorter then I intended but I've got to go work soon and I wanted to get some ideas out of my head before leaving. Hopefully you guys like it. Okay OOC over.

[4:20 pm. Saturday 19th]

*The camera quickly comes to life as we see Gator in his Hawaiian shirt and sunglasses sitting in the driver's seat of his Camaro. One arm is lazily guiding the steering wheel, while his other arm is out the window occasionally bringing it to his mouth to take a long drag of a joint between his fingers. Todd pans the camera around the surrounding area seeing small houses spaced out between the large trees, the camera quickly turns down to the glove compartment as we see Todd's hand reaching inside pulling out a bag of white dust, he places the camera on top of the dashboard so we see Gator concentrating on the road, nursing the large joint and Todd as he wets his finger in his mouth and dabs it into the MDMA and sucks the dust covered finger, his face twists from the awful taste and picks up a bottle of beer from the floor to make the drug go down.*

"You should really calm down with that stuff"

T: "I should calm down!? You're the guy whose had half of the weed and acid already!"

"Yeah but I'm not twitching all the time. Do you know what acid does to you? It's not like in the movies were you're brain melts away and life becomes the yellow submarine. On LSD, lights become brighter and they sparkle, the leaves on the trees twist into a kaleidoscope type image; your senses seem to increase, any touch is orgasmic, your see more beauty in the world, your taste, smell and hearing... They're kinda the same but it's still all awesome. And the weed combined chills you out, makes you sleepy, hungry and even happier and makes sure you do not have a bad trip. MDMA makes your jaw swing off and makes you look like a fucking anime character."

T: "Hey I'm not the one who bought the stuff! You got it! Not me!"

"Yeah just to wake me up. I'm not putting it on a fucking toothbrush and cleaning my mouth with the damn stuff."

*The pair look away from each other. The eyes wide Todd grinding his teeth looking out the window, Gator focuses on the road again, still smoking what is left of the joint. Todd changes the radio station, halfway through a song.*

*The music is much louder than before making the camera and the rest of the car shake; Todd is bouncing in his seat, whipping his head back and forth in time with the music. Gator quickly turns to radio and then to Todd, he turns the radio off and starts to punch Todd in the arm*

T: "OW! Owowowowoow! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Get off me!" *Gator stops punching and Todd starts to rub his arm* "Fuck man, that really hurt!"

"No shit! You ever touch my music ever again I will rip out your spine and beat you to death with it!"

T: "Okay man I'm sorry... asshole "

"I heard that."

*The two drive in silence for several more minutes until they pass a sign saying welcome to New Orleans*

"Finally we're fucking here!"

T: "Our hotel is here on the right."

*The car turns right and parks outside of a large building, the engine cuts. Todd picks up the camera and focuses on Gator who is looking at the four star hotel. He turns to the camera*

"Thursday. It feels like it happened years ago. This story has been told a thousand times before, the small time veteran trying to make himself relevant again by challenging the better, faster, stronger newcomer. We both know how this story is going to end Griff, you should just stay at home sucking on that novelty bong of yours. There is no way in hell you have a chance of beating me, you're in my home with the alligators and you're in a match that suits my sick personality perfectly. No DQ, weapons encouraged and falls count anywhere, hahahahaha. You're fucked Griffon man, you're in a match that you can't win and I can't lose. Well, I'll see you around Griff."

*Gator and Todd leave the car, locking it behind them. They begin to walk to the hotel doors as the camera looks to the ground and the footage fades to black*

[Image: 4H375RW.png?6]
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