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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The So Called Mafia
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Phoenix Death Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

07-07-2014, 10:44 AM

**Tick Tock** **Tick Tock** The camera zooms in and out of an old wooden clock. The camera man turns to the near left corner of the room where they see a man in a tall and long dark black trench coat rocking in a wooden chair. He gets up and looks out the window and starts to laugh. He begins to speak.

"So the Mafia thinks Phoenix is scared that I'm some kind of coward because up to now I have been silent." He laughs again.

"On the couture I'm like a cat when it stocks its prey I wait for my opponent to act big get an ego and make an ass out of themselves. You guys call yourself a mafia but all I see is an illusion of 3 pussies who never quite could make it to the main event. I guess its true what they say when you're a kid that you can do anything you can be anything that you want to be if you just believe. If you just close your eyes and pray one day you will wake up and be who you want to be. I guess for you three you chose the mafia life, well I chose to be the light, the reason, the savior of the XWF and overall this Wednesday your executioner."

"Rather I finish you single handily or with the help of my team mates it wont matter, all for certain is that the mafia will be dismantled one way or another. See you guys have been in the game for awhile now I have you all scoped and figured out, but how are you going to beat a man you know nothing about a man who can counter every move you make. You see that wooden clock there how it slowly chips away the seconds of life. The hands representing cold hard death, well just like that clock your time Mafia is coming. Wednesday will be here before we know it and after that you will be nothing more than an after thought to the XWF. A new era is coming a new breed is coming to the XWF and there's only one man to run the show and his name is Phoenix Death! I am the light, I am the reason and I am the Savior of the XWF."

*White smoke fills the room as doves fly all around the room and the camera man is left there by himself with a trench coat laying on the floor and not a soul in sight."
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