*Ben Bones is sitting in a bar*
Ben Bones: So I have my first match in XWF
Ben Bones: These two men I will face in this upcoming Triple Threat are no competition for me
Ben Bones: First of all I am facing this MMA Poser named Percy Gains, well he will have nothing to "gain" and everything to lose when i break his back with a paralyzing spinebuster !
Ben Bones: Second of all we have Micheal "King" Reece, Well be prepared to lose your head like that other "King" like in the French Revolution
*Ben takes a sip of beer from his glass
Ben Bones: These two men are just my stepping stone for my great career in pro wrestling and nobody can stop me because I break Bones !
*Ben Takes another sip of beer from his glass then smashes the empty glass over his head*
*Ben orders another beer*
Ben Bones: Sticks and Stones cannot break my bones
*screen fades to black*