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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Heavey Metal Weight Championship
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I got a Proposition for you.... (Dirty + Swagmire)
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Outsider Joel Offline

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06-05-2014, 09:06 AM

I know how much you Dirty Man and Swagmire loves white dirty whores...

I got something to offer for you two both as we speak...

Swagmire if you win the belt or Mr. XWF still champ..

[Image: Maria%2BBrink_48.jpg]

I want one you guys give up the belt to me..

So I won't have to do the Victory Rollin stance...

Tum lecti configere Fortasse tibi...

Ik word kampioen voor de pinning zowel mannen

Zonder mij eigenlijk die em

Veel plezier met het krijgen van Sunset gespiegeld met Aids

Zoals ik kruiwagen af in een zakmes hold

Hebben Maria Brink op y'alls lul
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06-05-2014, 04:20 PM

(06-05-2014, 09:06 AM)Outsider Joel Said:
I know how much you Dirty Man and Swagmire loves white dirty whores...

I got something to offer for you two both as we speak...

Swagmire if you win the belt or Mr. XWF still champ..

[Image: Maria%2BBrink_48.jpg]

I want one you guys give up the belt to me..

So I won't have to do the Victory Rollin stance...

[i][b]Tum lecti configere Fortasse tibi...

(Then chosen nail Perhaps you)

Ik word kampioen voor de pinning zowel mannen

(I am champion for pinning both men)

Zonder mij eigenlijk die em

(Without actually me who em)

Veel plezier met het krijgen van Sunset gespiegeld met Aids

(Have fun getting Sunset mirrored with AIDS)

Zoals ik kruiwagen af in een zakmes hold

(As I wheelbarrow into a pocket knife hold)

Hebben Maria Brink op y'alls lul

(Did Maria Brink y'alls dick)

Victory Roll, Wheelbarrow, Sunset Flip is a type of pin, you said Pocketknife, I assume it's supposed to be Jackknife, since a Jackknife Hold is a pin, the obvious word pin in latin, plus the final one is the pin on Maria's blouse in the picture. Oh, and there are nips with every pin. BOOM!

Swagmire kicks out, and kicks Joel off of Mr. XWF.
Mr. XWF Offline
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06-05-2014, 11:40 PM

Rock Bottom to Swagmire.
Backflip Rock Bottom to Joel onto Swagmire.

Mr. XWF's status has been changed to: Hitting that running clothesline into a Rock Bottom! You'll be looking up seeing nothing but my cock's bottom!

@MrXwF I'm cruisin for chicks baby! I'm horny as fuck! Who wants to hook up in the club this week? Drinks and Cock Bottoms on me ALLLL NIGHT LONG BABY!
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