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Intermission: Addressing an Unexpected Interloper (RP #5)
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06-19-2014, 04:53 PM

Hands wrapping against a teacher’s desk, panning up to a bright smiling face with a scraggly beard.

And dead black eyes. Like an animal fallen in the woods…

Flynn in body. Something else in spirit…

Dressed in a red button-up shirt and khakis. Gleaming white teeth.

Like a Sunday school teacher.

”Now, I’d like to recap what’s going on. On why your scheduled professor had to hand over the reins and what this means to you."

“Because I understand that this is a complicated lesson and it might be hard for you to follow.”

“This is a story about how your old Flynn, having lost two matches in a row, fell off the morphine wagon, threw a lead pipe like a javelin into a grocery store in Austin, assaulted the majority of the employees, then got knocked out by a blow to the head with a can of Diet Vanilla Cherry Coke with Lime.”

“However, instead of being beaten to death by an HEB employee going through an OCD-induced panic attack, as might have been appropriate given his current losing streak.”

“Like a black-out drunk, his body went all ‘Eye-of-the-Tiger’ to fight back, but with his conscientiousness absent, the voices in his head chose to occupy his body in a more pro-active role.”

“The result of which is me.”


“And I know the next question entering your mind is ‘Hey Prof! What does this have to do with me?’ I’m just looking to pass this class.”

Free-Win hovers over the teacher’s desk…

His hand finds the apple, tucked away at the very corner edge of the desk, as if trying to evade his grasp.

Yet, he takes it. Easily.

“Well, you five should know that while I personalized a little lesson plan for all of you. I planned out this whole little demonstration for… just one of you.“

“The most special of our group. Most assuredly, the one I feel the deepest connection with, man-to-man.”

“You see, Flynn has been the one you’ve been dealing with for a lengthy period of time.”

“And while we’re not the same people, we share the same experiences. The same… pains.”

Free-Win presses the apple into his smiling face… His cheek compressing against the pressure as his crescent moon smile beams…

“Every ambush… Every post-match assault… Every interference… Snatching victory from the clutches of my vessel. I’ve felt them. And I appreciate them.”

“And I’m so happy I finally get this opportunity. To sit down with one of you. An old friend…”

“A man that Flynn has encountered and failed to properly since…”

“Last year’s Gauntlet City…”

“The X-Treme Champion Nat-“

A buzz comes from his wall… A large phone box chiming…

“Oh uh, hold on, there, students. Keep that thought.”

Flynn walks to the wall and pulls it off the hook.

“Hi, Flynn speaking.”

“Uh huh.”

“…Yeah, all right. Send him down.”

Free-Win shoves the pone back into his bag. An even brighter smile than before overwhelms his face.

He strides over to the door from which he entered the classroom.

“Class, this is exciting! In the middle of the week, we have a new X-Treme champion. A new target we’re all shooting for, huh?”

Free-Win giggles.

“Nah, I’m just kidding. We’re all friends here.”

“So, I feel it’s appropriate that since the original target of this lecture is now the former champion, we’ll save his lecture for later… And take some time to get to know this new student.”

Free-Win opens the door…

“All right, class, everyone say hi to our newest entrant to the classroom, Bobby Zi.”

Free-Win claps for a moment.

Then shuts the door, walking back to the front of the desk.

“Bobby, I hope you’re okay with this little discussion now being about you.”

“I hope you don’t think I’m picking on you since you’re the new kid.”

“But, I’m going to go ahead and get you out of the way.”

“Don’t worry, I’m just trying to make this quick and easy. Plus, I only brought enough s’mores, gold stars and music sheets for the song ‘Kumbaya’ for five students so I’ll just hit the important notes and move onto the people that actually matter.”

“Some people, when addressing you, might choose to attack you for sticking your nose in where it doesn’t belong. For after failing to win your first match, successfully ambushing another superstar. A close personal friend of mine, frequent ambusher at that.”

“For painting a bright red target on your own back, forcing yourself accidentally into a six… excuse me, a now SEVEN man elimination match.”

“And instead of speaking out on the issue, addressing your opponents, you’ve mostly stuck to the shadows, dodging the occasional random attack from good old Eli James .”

“But, why would I bring those things up, when they’re what I admire so much about you, Bobby.”


“Bee Oh Bee. Bob-Blehead.”

“Your tenacity. Your resourcefulness.”

“Your apparent ability to overcome adversity, adversity being the fact that you seem to lack the in-ring ability to take out guys like Joey ‘I WILL NEVER STOP DEMANDING MATCHES AGAINST JERRY DANIELS Hawkins and…”

“Well… uh… I guess that’s it in terms of your accomplishments thus far: One loss and a title you stole off of a guy who just knocked up his lady.”

“But don’t get me wrong. What I’m saying is a huge compliment, Bobby. You haven’t been here very long or done anything to indicate that in the future you will be here much longer.”

“But that only makes your achievement more incredible! What a shocker! What an upset! How could anyone have seen it coming that you’d ever be a champion? No one with eyes, a brain or a tape of you in the ring could have called that one."

“You’ve been here in the XWF for less than two weeks and you’ve already got a belt around your waist.”

“Not just a belt but THE belt that inspires everybody in the entire company to assault you and try to take it from you. And you’re hanging on. You’re sticking through it. Dodging pin attempts and clinging to that thing with all you have. Showing a lot of heart. Very inspiring.”

“You sneaking up on, ambushing and pinning my good buddy Nathan?”

“Heroic, is what it is. No one could have seen it coming. Just crazy stuff across the board.”

“Almost as crazy as the fact that you’re going into your second match in the XWF.”

“A seven man elimination match.”

“And you’re not desperately trying to get rid of that belt trying to get out of it. You’re still hitting people with that absurd ‘Dream Catcher’ maneuver. Whatever it’s called.”

“You’re just barely hanging on… Never giving up. Like an acorn seed planted at the mouth of an open volcano…”

“Sure, even if it can manage to defeat… “

Free-Win pauses.

“Actually, now that I think about it, the more accurate term is ‘hold off the inevitable’…”

“Even if it can hold off the inevitable, the constant pulling of gravity andthe poor soil quality around the volcano, by just continuing to exist, the second that any volcanic discharge comes out, anything with the slightest destructive capability even comes close to it…the weak cellular composition of its leaves will immediately disintegrate. And since it could never possibly take root given any real difficulty, the only evidence of its existence ever being on that volcano would be immediately eradicated and seen as an error of nature.”

“But, still, in the face of total obliteration that you couldn’t possibly stop from happening. Instead of giving up, you’re sticking around with all you have. Like a leech. Or parasite.”

“Somewhere you don’t belong. “

Free-Win slides the apple sideways to his teeth.

And bites.

“Now, again. Ignore those people. Those nay sayers. Those who say ‘can’t’ and ‘shouldn’t’ and ‘you’re in way over your head.’”

“Those who don’t believe in you.”

“Like I do.”

Free-Win swallows down the bite of apple.

“Flynn would nay-say your accomplishments if he were running this classroom.”

“He’d say things like ‘you seem to lack the intellectual capacity to conceive of original thoughts, or even craft a promo that isn’t a direct response’. Or that after sneaking your way into this Pay-Per-View, one that you previously were not considered talented enough to make it onto the card, you’ve failed to make a statement on this change to your schedule and how you plan to take on these six superior opponents.”

“Or on that same note, he’d continue that ‘when you speak, you can’t seem to put two words together and act as if when you open your mouth, your jaw dislodges too low for your lungs to adequately send oxygen to your brain, which leads to random nonsense sentences like ‘the wOrd ‘joy ’ goEs to me and My A.B.C(AMERICA BUSTAS CLEAROUT) movement begins....!’ as if that series of words belongs together in sequence to convey an idea.”

“Or the fact that you decided in your last promo to, for whatever reason, take a shot at former President Harry S. Truman. He’s idiotic for having a middle initial and being a dead guy, I think?”

Free-Win sets down the apple, shaking his head…

“And sure, all these things are true.”

“But blah blah blah, who cares. Why would I bring up those points up? We’re not going into a debate. We’re having a wrestling match. A seven man wrestling match. Where the other six combatants are infinitely more talented and experienced in the ring than you are.”

“And in that context, Flynn’s talking points are largely irrelevant.”

“You’re not talking in the ring, so hopefully your brain will be fully functional on Saturday, or at least working well enough that you can maintain your standard in the ring of hopping around helplessly like you did on Monday.”

“You’ve already proven to the world that you don’t need to be original or have anything worth saying to be a champion in the XWF. ”

“And you’re right, Harry S. Truman was a failure as a president.”

“Did not kill nearly enough Japanese people.”

“I know my good buddy Natty Z agrees with me on that one.”

“But I’d like to actually give you a bit of criticism. Something that I hope you can take with you into the ring…”

“Listen closely because I’m trying to help.”

Free-Win reaches down to grasp something laying on the floor…

He rises again holding…

The leg of the skeleton model he shattered last lesson.

“You’re very quick, Bobby.”

“You probably spend a lot of time running, working on cardio, ensuring that people won’t catch you while you’re bobbing and weaving around the ring.”


Free-Win snaps his fingers.

“’Bobbin’’ Bobby! That’s a good one!”

Free-Win chuckles to himself.

“Those talents are a big part of your continuing reign as XWF X-Treme champion.”

“You’re resilient. You seem to be able to slip and dodge your way out of most attacks… Guys bigger and stronger than you just can’t seem to force your shoulders down for the 3-count. No matter how better off you’d be in the long run.”

Free-Win rotates the leg back and forth in his hand, its foot dangling, his finger crawling along the heel…

“However, in your game, there’s this little hitch. This little design flaw you should look into… Right…”


Free-Win’s finger stops…

“Your shin.”

“You’re running around, dodging all these attacks, impressing the world as you’ve done already. Look at Bobby Zi, really putting up a fight out there. Nike’s calling your agent, Pepsi’s calling your agent. You’re set for life. Then, all of a sudden. Someone standing on the outside of the ring…”


Free-Win slams the lead pipe against the shin bone.

And the entire leg snaps in half.

How the lead pipe ended up in his hand…

Just a second ago, it was resting on the desk…

Seemed like it jumped into his grip…

Free-Win is now holding both halves of the leg, broken into shards and jagged edges, as the lead pipe now rests on the other side of the desk…

“Hits you in the weak point I’m trying to warn you about right now. Your shin a naps in half. All of a sudden, you can’t fight.”

“You can’t even walk.”

“You collapse, your leg no longer having shape, but just existing as a jiggling lump of flesh, full of bone chunks sticking into your muscle.”

“The only move you have left in your wheelhouse is desperately working your way onto your front instead of your back… So you can’t be pinned. “

“Fighting your body’s natural urge to surrender, to get out of this Hell you’ve gotten yourself, by desperately kicking out any time someone gets on top of you.”

“Like you are right now every time in the last couple of days you’ve kicked out and stayed X-Treme champion.”

“And as the blood drains from your veins, as you internally bleed yourself unconscious. Desperately thrashing, trying to stay alive when the smart thing to do would be get yourself out of this fight as fast as possible…”

“As you end your own career.”

“The only thing I can offer to comfort you is…”

Free-Win taps his nose.

“Congratulations on your X-Treme Title win.”

“I guarantee, that whatever happens on Sunday…”

Free-Win throws away the chunks of leg bone in his hands…

And takes grasp again of the lead pipe…

“You deserve it.”
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