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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Leap of Faith (June 21st) PPV RP Archive
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It's Time....
Author Message
Joey Hawkins Offline
Back and better than ever!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

06-19-2014, 04:16 PM

OOC: The scene opens up to Joey Hawkins in his basement hitting a punching bag while a cameraman records him.

This is it. Leap of Faith is only two days away. Here's my chance to become a big shot and winning the Ark of Covenant title. I could make a huge name for myself by winning the title. But to do this, I have to face 5 other worthy opponents. Let's run down on all of them.

Mr XWF - He's probably a threat in this match. I never really liked the guy. Too cocky and arrogant, but I guess that would be describing me, Joey Hawkins. He's just another Frodo copy. Except taller.

Alexandra Callaway - Another threat. She's a veteran and she knows what's she's doing. A force to be reckoned with, I guess.

Mastermind - A possible obstacle. He seems to know what he's doing, but I think I can take him. I've seen some of his matches and I think I know how to beat him.

JJ Zilla - Never seen him wrestle before. Hasn't made his debut yet. Don't know what he's got.

Soupcan O'Malley - Not really a huge threat. I haven't really seem him wrestle before, so hopefully he isn't a challenge.

I think I can take these opponents, as I long as I keep my mind focused and stay determind throughout the whole match. Like I said, a big name can be made for myself here at Leap of Faith

[Image: OuzNj8Z.png]

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