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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Kids say the damndest things
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Cain Offline
The Last Son of Eden

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

06-09-2014, 07:57 PM

The following promo was shot from an undisclosed location. The scene opened up in the dimly lit living room of an American family. The big screen tv lit the room as five people are sceen from behind. The only three moving are..well, one is Cain. The camera panned around and we saw the Master of Pain, flanked by twoyoung children. The boy was the youngest, at about seven years old. Wearing a pair of blue jeans and an official XWF "Master of Pain" t-shirt. His hair is long and blonde, bangs cut just a fraction of an inch above his eyes. The girl is older, at about twelve years old. Long blonde hair, freckles, MLP tshirt and sleep pants. Both children are smiling insanely, their eyes dark. Obsidian. Cain grinned.


Insane smile.

"You know, children are so precious. They ask the damnedest questions, Eli. Like "where did you come from?" Or "Mister Cain, can I have ice cream?". Or "why did you kill my parents?". The answers are always the same, Eli. I came straight from hell. No, you cannot have ice cream because I said so. As for your parents, I killed them because I can. Because I innovated the art of murder, Eli. I kill because I enjoy it. I cause pain because it gets me off, like a blowjob from a choir boy for you." he chuckled. "I'm sorry about that, Eli. You didn't deserve that, you're not even catholic."

The little boy's obsidian eyes went up to Cain questioningly.

"Uncle Cain, what's a b...a blowjob?"

"It's what your sister gave the boy next door. Which she is too fucking young to even think of doing, boy. But..." He shrugged. "...that's the fucking problem with society today. Kids do whatever the fuck they want because their PARENTS are too busy trying to force GOD's cock down their throats to pay attention to what is really going on. You Eli,"He pointed a claw at the screen. "and those like you are the problem. Because you sit there and THINK you know the whole story. Obviously your parents let you read "man's bible" from cover to cover. They said "believe what the nice men write son", and you debunked what you knew to be the truth."

He bared fangs at the former owner. At God.

"BUT YOU KNOW THE TRUTH!" The two children jumped at his thunderous voice. His decibal level lowered to almost a whisper. "You know the truth, Eli. You know what I am, because in a way we are alot alike..." his eyes went wild again. "...MONSTERS ELI! FUCKING MONSTERS! BUT...." then came an insane snicker, and his voice lowered again. " are more man than monster, Eli. For every one person you've hurt, I have killed thousands. For every one person you've killed? I've devoured millions of souls. And the more I devour..." The insanity comes back, his "children" sobbing now. "...THE LONGER I LIVE! THE MORE POWERFUL I BECOME!"

He lost focus on the camera and looked at the little girl, who was visibly shaking. The more frightened they became, it seemed the brighter his obsidian eyes glowed red. The little girl stuttered.

"C-c-could you p-p-please not yell, Uncle Cain? You're gonna wake mom and dad..."

Mom and dad sat there, motionless. Chests ripped open. Cain shrugged.

"Somehow, I doubt that. Awkward. Jimmy?"

The little boy looked up at Cain.


"How would you like some ice cream?"


With that, Cain stood. The two children looked at one another excitedly, the little boy jumping up and down.

"I knew Cain was cool! He's gone to the kitchen to get us some ice cream!"

"He didn't offer me any though...just you..."

"That's because I'm awesome! And you're not, Emma!"

"Oh shut up! He-..."

"Kill your sister..." Cain said, offering the boy a butcher knife. "...and you can have all the ice cream you want."

"Oh my god!"


"It's cotton candy flavored. Come on. You know you hate her. Do it, James...murder your sister."

And that's exactly what transpired off camera. Screeching is heard offscreen as the camera focused on Cain, blood spattering on the Master of Pain. He grinned evilly.

"Death, Eli. Prepare to experience it once again."

Fade to Black

[Image: Wz4kwdV.jpg]
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