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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
PlaceMarker Skyscraper - Hour Two
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06-04-2014, 11:00 AM

The night begins to get colder going into hour two. The people are not walking the streets as they were. People getting inside, to their homes to be with family and friends. The cars and taxi cabs that roamed the streets are dying down, thinning the herds of the vehicles as this day draws closer to an end. Brad and Stacey are still sitting at the restaurant, enjoying their meal. Brad is continuing to relay lie upon lie and poor Stacy, is soaking it all in like a naive sponge. The waiter comes and goes, asking the normal questions. Brad pushes his deceit down his throat as well, the waiter being the none the wiser. Stacey, just smiles, listening with an open ear to every word Brad has to say. He continues his banter, about his career as a pediatrician and the countless lives of children that have been saved due to his hand. Brad is a smart man, so he throws in the feelings of distraught and torment that cascades over him when he has done all he can do, but the child loses its precious life. Brad knows nothing of these feelings. Everything he has learned about the normal human emotion only comes from the internet or television. He has definitely done his homework and knows how to get one over on any person.

Stacey: I think I made the best decision I could of ever made by clicking your profile. I'm so glad we've come on this date together. You have made me a better person just by listening to your stories of courage and love for children. I hope we can do this again. It is getting late and I must get home to relieve the baby sitter, God knows what my little scoundrels have put her through tonight. They can be a handful sometimes.

Brad: Yes, yes they can. The ones at the hospital, run around and laugh and play all day long. You'd never even know the little buggers were sick if we didn't run the appropriate tests on them. I wish I still had that much energy.

Stacey: As do I. I would love to get back to running ten to twenty miles a day and exercising like I used to. I do spin classes because my work has a gym that offers them, but I don't get to go as often as I like. Having children kind of wrecked my figure a bit, but I wouldn't change a thing. Even the loss of my husband. He died serving this country and I was blessed for having him in my life. No regrets.

Except for clicking on Brads profile. The date drew to a closing as Brad paid the bill, they both stood to their feet. Brad grabbed Staceys coat for her and put it around her shoulders. Stacey just fell. That was the straw that broke the camels back, and she was torn in half by the deception that this man was all perfection. If she would have only clicked a different profile. If she would have not even signed up for this dating site, if she would of just went out to the bar and met a drunk idiot, she would of made out better in the long run. Even a one night stand with some inebriated imbecile would of kept her in a safer state of being. She would of felt horrible for the act and probably not talked about it with anyone for a while, but she would of made it through. Unfortunately for Stacey, this isn't a one night stand. This night is going to last forever, in the hearts and minds of everyone that ever knew her.

Brad opened the door of the restaurant, as Stacey stepped out into the brisk night air. She covered her arms with her jacket as Brad, placed an arm on the outside of her shoulders to help keep her warm. They had decided, Brad was to walk her to her friends apartment complex, as it wasn't far outside the city. They could get to know each other just a little bit better, or at least Stacey could learn a lot more about Brad than she intended to.

Stacey: Its rather cold tonight... In spite of being "summer" time now...

She laughed. Brad kept his gaze forward as his arm begin to tighten up around her shoulders. Stacey didn't mind. She thought he was being a gentleman, keeping her warm from the night air. They continued walking and talking.

Brad: What apartments did you say your friend stayed in again?

Stacey: Forest Run Apartments, its about another block and a half up and three over.

Brad: I know exactly where that is. I have a friend that stays there. I know a short cut, lets head down this alley here and we can be two steps ahead of ourselves if we had went the long way. I know its getting cold, I don't want m'lady to freeze.

Stacey just smiled and nodded to his proposal as they turned right down an alley. She tilted her head so she could rest it on his chest somewhat as they walked. She listened to his heartbeat, and day dreamed of their life together. A doctors pay would make a better future for her children. She could quit her job and stay at home while he saved the lives of so many children. He was doing God's work she thought. He is truly an angel. Her day dream suddenly stopped in a halt of forthcoming panic. She hadn't noticed due to her infatuation with this man, but his heart was beating so rapidly. She was confused by what was going on with his mans organs.

Stacey: Brad, your heart is beating really fast, are you ok?

Brad was fine. More than fine. Brad was perfect, and in a state of euphoria. As they turned another corner a solid black van was parked against the back door of a pub. Stacey thought nothing of it, but as they came closer to the vehicle, their pace begin to quicken and she was soon worried as to what was his hurry.

Stacey: Brad? Why are we in such a rush, this was a short cut, remember?

She let out a nervous laugh. As Brad slammed her body into the back of the van. Pain shot through her back and left shoulder, her mind was lost in panic and the menacing grin that Brad had now on his face. The back door she wasn't pressed against soon was flung open by Brad, as she was stuffed into the cargo hold of the vehicle. Her mind and body was in such a state of shock, she couldn't even scream. She tried to force him off of her, but it wasn't working and he was tearing her clothes from her body, inch by inch, thread by thread, he was revealing herself to him in the dark of the alley. What was she to do? She had got drawn into this monster, and was now his victim. Brad continued to rip clothing from her helpless body, until she was practically naked with shreds of rags enveloped across random body parts. Brad begin to undo his belt as she tried to get up to her elbows. Brad sent a brutal right hand across her face, slapping her down to the floor of the van. Brad finished removing his pants and entered her violently. Unable to scream, his hand pressed tightly across her mouth.

Stacey never made it home that night. The plan to take her to her friends apartment so she could drive Stacey home was never fulfilled. Stacey was lured into a spider web of lies by a deranged man, who took her as he saw fit. Not only defiling her body, but stealing her very essence from her family, from her friends and most of all from her children. Brad took what he saw was his. Staceys life meant nothing to Brad but another victory in his game of madness, so Brad took it. A serrated blade sliced through the femoral artery. Stacey's lifeblood exiting the wound at such a steady pace, no one could of saved her.

The van and her body was found, three weeks later in the Hudson River. Badly decomposed, the coroner was told by her surviving family not to waste time with an autopsy. She was to be cremated. Brad was never searched for. Brad was never pursued by police. Brad had done it again. Brad had found what he wanted. Single mothers, wanting companionship. He used that flaw and made it work for his own evil scheme. He was proud of himself as he always was. Smart about how he did things, he waited for any heat to die down about Staceys death before attracting another victim. Brad started on another profile. He wasn't going to be Brad this time, he would be Eric. Eric Daly. Eric Daly, would be a world renowned military veteran. An Navy SEAL that was apart of SEAL team six, during the mission that conquered Osama Bin Laden. This would work, just like all the others had worked. Another fake name, another fake background, another mission to rape and kill some innocent single mother. After relentless hours of searching the site for his victim he found her. Meghan. 26 years old and divorced with one seven year old daughter. That was her. He would plant the seed, emailing her to break the ice.

To Meghan,
Hi, my name is Eric Daly. I am a retired US Navy SEAL. I found your profile on the dating website and was intrigued by everything you had written. Your passion for flowers and your business as a florist, is incredibly inspiring. Your daughter is beautiful. I also have a young child. A boy, named Brad. I would like to get to know you better, and see your beautiful face in person. If you would like to look at my profile and see if you think we would hit it off, please do so and get back to me. Look forward to hearing from you.

From, Eric.

Two hours later, "Eric" had a reply.

To Eric,
Your profile is amazing and you aren't a bad looking guy yourself. Its an honor to talk to a member of our military and I would like to personally thank you for your service. I don't see too many single fathers on here so that is definitely a relief. I would love to meet up for some coffee or a late dinner. My floral company is on 43rd Street, meet me in the back and I'll let you in. It's called Flourish Time Flowers. Look forward to meeting you.

From, Meghan.

Success. "Eric" had it all planned out within a matter of hours. Where to park his new van he stole. What to talk to about, to pull her into the net of deceit. It was going to work, just as the others had worked. He looked to his rat in the cage. The albino son or daughter for whatever meeting he was about to attend next. He toasted a beer to the rat.

"Eric"- To number 50. Fifty lives, fifty souls, taken by my hand. This will make me a legend.

A legend, in his own mind. Which was the only placed he really lived. His job, people he met outside of his home, he considered a figment of his imagination. He made the people up to try and assume a normal human life among others. He loaded up the van and drove to where he planned to park his cell of torment. He got out and looked himself over. Looking sharp as always. Had his story in check, was ready to bring this bitch in, take what he wanted and leave her lifeless. He wouldn't dump the van and body in the river again. He had a new idea. New Jersey was a dump of a state, he would find a dump to put her in. He walked down through some alleys until he got to the back door of the flower shop. He knocked on the door as it creaked open slightly. He stepped back awaiting someone to open it, but no one ever came. He opened the door slowly and peeked inside.

"Eric": Meghan? Its me Eric. Eric Daly.

As "Eric" took a few steps into the building, the door behind him slammed shut. He turned quickly to open the door but it was locked from the outside, or maybe it was jammed. It was too dark to see. He brought out his cell phone for a light source and come to the conclusion a draft pulled the door to and the lock was already applied to the knob. He shrugged his shoulders and walked around looking for signs of Meghan. Lighting his way with his iPhone he noticed this building wasn't in use by anyone. There wasn't a business ran out of here, nothing was going on in here. It was an old deli or cafe. Pub tables and chairs, sprawled out across the tile flooring that was cracked and worn to years of no treatment. "Eric" decided he was getting the hell out of this place, no matter what it took. He found the front door and beat on it, hoping someone would hear his cries. There was no windows to break out to escape. He stopped beating on the door and calmed himself so he could focus on how to get out. A vibration came from his hand. He cell phone was dying. He forgot to charge his phone? He never forgot to charge his phone. He was always one hundred percent prepared for every encounter he went on. He had to figure a way out of here before his phone died and he was stuck into the morning. Where was Meghan? Suddenly the thought come to his mind. Where was his victim. If she wasn't here, where was she? Why would she lead him to his place? Maybe a mistake in the email? He looked to his phone and scanned through his email to find hers. He read it over and over and knew he was in the right place. He was always in the right place. He scrolled through the message over and over until his phones screen went black. Dead. He had no light source and was stuck in a room. He tried to use his hands to feel for things to grab on to as he tripped over chairs and broken pub tables. He hit the ground hard, as the tile chipped on of his front teeth. He laid there moaning, and cursing to himself, when suddenly a light was seen in the room. A flash light? It was turned on and rolled across the floor into his hand. Meghan was here? Maybe she was just fucking with him, which would make her end even that more sweet. "Eric" stood to his feet and shined the light around the room but no one was there. He made his way into the back of the building where the kitchen of this deli had originally been. He searched closets and large enough cabinets looking for her to be hiding in one of them. He looked to his right and seen the freezer door, opened it up and shined the light inside. Nothing in there but a few boxes, empty bags and crates. But the freezer was still working, it was cold as ice in this wintery closet. He closed the door and turned around to see a man staring him down. Dressed in all black, with blonde hair that looked to be frosted by the winter itself, slicked back on his head. His eyes a light shade of blue that looked to be orbs of pure ice. "Eric" dropped the flash light in the floor.

"Eric": Who... who are you?

The man turned around giving "Eric" his back, before turning back around forcefully with a punch that sent "Eric" down to the floor. His nose was bleeding immensely.

"Eric": Aaaaaah! My nose... You fucker... you son of a bitch, you broke my nose... What do you want!?

The dark clothed man, titled his head as he looked down on "Eric." He pulled a chair from the door way and sat down in it, looking to the heap of blooded man laying on the floor.

Frost: I am your reckoning. For years, you have tormented, raped, beaten and murdered women. Your mind is mush my friend. You cannot be help by the normal routines a doctor would put you through. The countless hours of treatment and therapy they would offer you would lead to no avail. Perhaps you would pretend you were cured through their magic but continue your wrath upon the unlucky women of this world, or eventually commit suicide, because your brain wouldn't allow you think in other way but the one you have grown accustom to, derived by your psychosis. I'm going to set you free. But I am no hero. I'm not the vigilante. I'm just the cold, that comes and numbs the pain. I'm the blizzard that showers upon the world and covers it in its white blanket of resentment. Tonight, your reign of invisible terror, ends. The police authorities would never find you. But I have found you. I couldn't save your last victim, nor did I want to. That's the cycle of life and it is not my place to disrupt the cycle.

"Eric": What are you going to do me? Just let me go, I'll never tell anyone that you were here, I'll never say a word...

Frost ignored "Erics" pleas. He stood up and kicked the chair behind him, grabbing "Eric" by the throat. He lifted him up into the air and stared into his eyes.

Frost: Any final words before you are no longer?

"Eric" struggled for breath. He kicked and he punched, but he wasn't going anywhere. This was his end. But his psychotic brain had to know. How did this man find him. How did this man know who he was and what he did?

"Eric": How? How did you find me? How did..... How did you know... who.... who I.... who I was?

Frost: A top the highest building in New York City. I watched your every move. My chances of being there were slim and none, but some how or another, I was in the right place at the right time, to view your cruelty.

"Eric": A sky.... skyscraper?

"Eric" looked deep into Frosts eyes. Frost was throwing him into the freezer. "Eric" hit the cold floor with a powerful thud. He laughed to himself, thinking he was going to get out of this. He would go back to his evil ways soon enough. He heard a chain and a lock outside the door, as his eyes welted up with tears and his face grimaced. This wasn't going to stop him, no chain and lock was going to keep him from his work. He started to stand before he realized he couldn't move. He was paralyzed from the neck down. He couldn't feel his fingers, his toes, his arms, his legs, nothing. His spinal cord had been severed by a vertebrae in his neck that had shifted during his fall into the freezer. "Eric" couldn't feel the cold as it began to suck the life out of him, which was fortunate. Because it would of felt like a blazing fire, melting his skin from the bone. Because nothing burns, like the cold.

Ashe to ashe... dust to dust... Fade to black....

[Image: RrYZCO9.jpg]

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