Great Buzzard Eli James IV
Speaker of Truth
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05-30-2014, 09:23 AM
The sun has gone away.
Eli is sitting on what's left of a porch with Lacey still tied to a wooden rocking chair on the top of the porch beside him. She continues to try and scream with her mouth taped shut.
"I leave and come back. This place is still the same pile of waste I left.
Theo.. I heard ya yack and it hurts me to see you haven't changed. No one has. Every nugget of truth I spoke fell on a ground that's covered in thorns and it's been choked up. You're just like everyone else in this world Mr. Pryce. Everyone knows their days on this earth are numbered and each year as you celebrate the day of your birth.. it's one day closer to the end.. so ya gather all around and think about the past.. live in the past... wishin' you could go on back to the good ole days because you know the future isn't bright. You see the future is you dying.. feeling more aches and pains in your body... your mind not being as sharp as it once was... and everything passin' ya on by. You, like everyone else, fear the future because its the end. You don't want to admit it so instead of just confessing the truth you glory in the days of past... college... girlfriends... young puppy love... less bills... and on and on the stories go. You live in memory instead of reality. I came preaching truth and you all ignored me. I could have brought you to freedom where you face your fears.. where you face the uncertain future with hope.. and ya all looked at me with puzzled looks and called my crazy.. and its how ya see me. That's fine. I'm the crazy one and yet everything I've shared with you all openly has come true.
Everyone looked at me as the southern preacher talkin' about Jesus.
I was feeding people kool-aid.
I was more evil than anyone that's ever been in the XWF.
The more I talked.. the more foolish statements came out of your mouths. The more truth was shared... the more your minds were going back to memory lane and joining with the crowd. The crowd says jump and you all jump. You play follow the leader. Whoever is the hero that fights for what YOU believe .. is the man you defend.. its the man you follow. Anyone who opposes is the villan and must be stopped. Since you all fear truth of the unknown and are afraid to face the future... you all saw me with common eyes and called me evil.
I came here and i was ignored. Crazy. A Christian. A Southern hick preacher man like all the rest.
I left here and I was called evil. I was dark and a threat. I was no longer 'like the rest' .. but you found out I wasn't and it put fear in your hearts. Everyone wanted me gone and so I gave ya what you wanted. I sacrificed myself so you all would cheer that the great dragon has been slayed and the pretty little princess could be saved.
Theo.. I do enjoy hearing people dissect my talks and try to make me a liar. It makes me realize how afraid you really are.
Brock, Anonymous, and Elisha didn't deserve the Trio Titles. Just because they were declared the winner doesn't mean they deserved it. Hitler can claim victory over many deaths as he inched his way closer to domination, but did he deserve it? He lost in the end. Lance Armstrong won medal after medal.. became an inspirational hero to many until truth came to the surface. Did he win those medals? Yea.. now did he deserve those wins? Not if its against the rules. Just because you win at something and are temporary the victor doesn't mean you deserve it. Brock comes in once or twice a year.. won.. and he was fine. Did he deserve the opportunity? Anonymous wins one match and all of a sudden he gets in the title match too? He deserved it? Elisha may have deserved the chance but he didn't deserve to wear the belt. Elisha lost the Television Title to you because he didn't deserve it. He was too unstable. He was a man divided against himself and he was bound to fall eventually. I knew it was time.
If only you could see what I see.. if only you could hear what I hear or know what I know.. if just for a tiny.. little.. second then you would understand. I can't make you understand and you shouldn't try to understand. It's just the way it is.
As far as the Black Circle goes.. they are still around? Heh. Funny. Sebastian Duke makes no mention of John Madison or NAZI anymore. If they still exist, its by name and that's all. John Madison did everything he could do and he did it well. It just was his time to go with Shane turned his back on all of them. John lost his friend Luca... Azrael Erebus left the group. We could still say Hitler's cause is still going on, but is it really? It's a dead idea that's been drowning. It doesn't exist. The Black Circle is drowning and it's because of me.
There was no 'rise' of The Company without Eli James.
There was no Congregation without me.
It was a matter of time before they all scattered once I was sacrificed.
You all hated the New World Order. I sacrificed myself for the company to them.. and what did anyone do? You all sat in the back. You watched. You let me be sacrificed and afterwards... you start the war of words on the New World Order. I make an act of sacrifice for you all and you all watch me go down. I showed you all mercy and you all showed me blind eyes. That's okay, though, man. It's the way it had to happened. You think I didn't see Mystica leaving me and joining your little group? I saw it long before he did. Everyone has a choice. I offer them truth and freedom.. and many times people revert back to their carnal ways and he was one that I knew would go back. It was just a matter of time. Elisha was the same way.
Speakin' of scatter.. how long did your Company team make it once they assembled? A week? Heh.
Theo.. you speak to me as if I can't see your heart. Just because you don't say somethin' verbally doesn't mean its not there. I never said you physically shared the words about wondering if I were dead.. but it was in your heart. You can deny it in front of the entire world all ya want but we know the truth. You can call me a liar but it doesn't mean it wasn't in your thoughts.
You tell me I didn't deserve a shot at the crown and yet you went to fight against me saying Elisha, Brock Lesnar, and Anonymous deserved the Trio Title shot? Tell me Theo.. what did Brock, Anonymous, and Elisha do to 'deserve' it like you defended so well? Use the same logic when you say I didn't deserve a shot at the crown.
The truth is you feared me. I don't blame ya. I defeated men who would've laughed at you. The only thing you can tell yourself are all these lies so it makes you look so larger than life.
No matter what you SAY... your heart says otherwise.. and that's truth.. Theo. You can tell me how you didn't fear me.. how I never crossed your mind when I was gone.. how I didn't deserve a shot at the crown.. how I was just a small road block.. but all of your actions while I was here shows I was more than just a 'small road block'. You spoke about me as if I were the devil himself. Your actions tell a lot more truth than your words do.
I don't play the same games you do. You think I do. You say I called you a liar and thus I play the same game. Heh. Nah, man. I call you a liar because its truth. You call me a liar because your afraid. That's one of the differences between us.
What's next, Theo? You're going to tell the world you are and never were afraid of me? It's okay. Months of action make you out to look like a fool if people were smart, but we all know many of them are foolish as you are."
Lacey starts rocking back and forth trying to get loose. Eli looks up at her as she musters all the strength she can from her lungs and tries to scream.
"AAAAAHHHH! Yes, darlin'. Scream your lungs out. Someone out here will here ya! Maybe a hero will come save this little girl away from the evil man? Hehehe. Don't ya know, Lacey, it's not polite to talk when others are talking.. so shhh now. Shhhh."
She continues to try and scream. Tears are falling from her face. She runs out of energy and just sits there crying.
"Now, now.. don't worry little one.. it's gonna be alright. Isn't it Theo? Hehehe. Whether you like it or not Mr. Pryce... you and the rest the people in the XWF did this. Her blood is on your hands. Lacey? Darlin'? Say 'thank you' to Mr. Theo Pryce and the entire XWF. Go on, don't be rude now."
She continues to cry. Eli starts to laugh.
"Tell me, Theo. Do you know where liars go? Hehehe..."
1x Universal Champion
1x Undefeated Trio Champion (1/3)
1x Undefeated Tag Team Champion
1x Undefeated European Champion
2x Undefeated UFO/FTW (Ark of the Covenant) Champion
1x United States Champion
2013 July Star of the Month
The One Who Ended  & The Administrator
Former Owner of the XWF
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Theo Pryce (05-30-2014)