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Brock Lesnar Offline
Eat. Sleep. Conquer the Streak.

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

04-04-2014, 10:51 AM

The XWF has been buzzing on a few websites such as TMZ, ESPN, Skysports, and a few other media outlets since Brock Lesnar's return to the squared circle this evening. It seems Brock still draws ratings which makes everyone in the XWF happy which makes other talent have an opportunity to showcase themselves in a broader audience.

Paul Heyman, Dana White, Rena Lesnar, and Brock Lesnar all arrive at the Baltimore airport for tonight's big event. A few fans try to get in pictures of all of them through their cellphones. This is spreading on various wrestling news websites that Brock is in fact fighting. A few places were circulating rumors that Brock wasn't really going to show.. it was just a publicity stunt.. but he's in Baltimore.

As they arrive to the arena for tonight's event.. a different XWF interviewer catches them for a few words.

XWF Interviewer
"Welcome guys. How's everyone doing today? Ready for the big match?"

Paul Heyman
"What do you think?"

XWF Interviewer
"Brock, just a few words from you. You've talked about your return to the XWF, but I want to kind of talk about in particular your teammates. You three don't seem to fit very well and it makes it for a very odd team. Do you think you, as a team, have what it takes to compete against the other teams involved?"

Paul Heyman
"Do you mind if I talk first, Mr. Interviewer?"

XWF Interviewer
"Yeah, sure."

Paul Heyman
"We've said it before, and I don't know why we have to repeat ourselves over and over and over and over again. I guess you guys like trying to get all the little details and make sure you haven't left anything out. It doesn't matter who is on Brock's team. Put Brock Lesnar with a Table and a Chair.. and you're going to see Brock Lesnar win. Now, when I say win, I don't mean what you think it means. A win is not just getting your hand raised and proclaimed the 'winner'. A Brock Lesnar win is when Brock shows up. It's when he hurts you. It's when you question yourself. It's when you wonder why in the hell you are in the ring with Brock Lesnar. When Brock Lesnar gets in the ring, he's the winner. When Brock Lesnar doesn't get in the ring, he's still the winner. Why is he a winner? Because Brock Lesnar equals winning. Not Charlie Sheen. Brrrock. Lesnar."

Brock Lesnar
"Anonymous and Elisha are two odd guys. I get that. One wears a mask, talks through a doll, has issues with his daughter, and eats dead animals. The other is new and we don't know much about him yet. I don't fit. They don't fit. It's what's making this fight something to watch. There were rumors about me not showing up. When I tell you I'm coming to fight, then believe me when I say it. I'm not worried about who the other teams are and really not worried who's on my team. I'm going to do what I do and that's hurt someone. Trust me when I say I'm the baddest son of a bitch on this planet. You think someone in the XWF is bigger, tougher, and badder than me? Tell that idiot to go do what I've done. No one can or will do it because they're not me. Like Paul has said several times, I'm here to conquer. Consider those Trio Belts conquered. You're looking at one of the next Trio Champions."

Paul Heyman
"That is a man who doesn't need confidence. He doesn't need ego. He doesn't need pride. That's a man speaking who IS confidence. He doesn't need someone stroking his ego and giving him pep talks. Some would accuse me of doing that, but I don't. I only tell you what I've come to believe. I sincerely believe what I say. It's not to talk him up to be this unimaginable dragon tale you hear in story books. I only state what I believe and what I've come to know based on what I've seen. If you believe anything less than what I say about my client, Brock Lesnar, then you need to go check your mind out. Seriously. The man has conquered everything he touches. You've heard it said in the WWE, in the UFC, and from everyone who works with him... he is a phenomenal athlete.. he is very unique and a rare breed. This is why I talk so much about him. When you believe in something as strong as I believe that Brock Lesnar is the greatest and most athletic man to walk this Earth, then it's easy to talk about it all the time. People question me, and that's fine. But go.. watch the tapes of Brock Lesnar.. and tell me I'm wrong. Have you watched him fight before?"

XWF Interviewer
"Yes. I think everyone has in some degree, whether it was in the ring or octagon. It's kind of hard to ignore Brock's presence, that's for sure."

Paul Heyman
"Do you think he's the greatest? Do you, sir, think he's the baddest man on the planet?"

Brock moves in close to the interview with a serious look on his face. The interviewer looks a bit nervous..

XWF Interviewer
"Uh, Um, yeah. I mean, I can't deny anything you say Mr. Heyman.."

Brock smiles and places his hand on the interviewers shoulders.

Brock Lesnar
"Someone is going to get hurt by my hands. It doesn't matter if its one of the Black Circle guys, one of the title holders, or one of the other idiots we're facing. I'm here to win and hurt someone. I'm going to prove again why I'm the baddest man on the planet. "

[Image: ejWdNNU.jpg]
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