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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » World War X-treme (March 16th) PPV RP Archive
The Foxes Hunt The Hounds (RP #1)
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Andrew Morrison Away
The Storm Of Destruction

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

03-11-2014, 05:56 PM

Andrew Morrison stands alone in what appears to be a wide open field. He stands in his trademark black hoodie and jeans and he has his hands in his pockets. He spots the camera and smirks as the camera zooms in toward him. Andrew seems to be singing.

"When Rome's in ruins, we are like lions free of the coliseum, in poisonous places, we are anti-venom, we are the beginning of the END..."

Andrew laughs briefly before he begins to speak.

"The time for reckoning is upon us. The moment of truth is at hand. The one who considers himself to be a "messenger of God" shall no longer run and hide behind his puppets, no, it is time the puppet master comes out from behind the curtain and comes face to face with his demise along with his entire team!"

Andrew gazes around before pulling from his pocket a picture. The camera zooms in and we see it is a picture of a man who looks like Eli, but much older, and the photo is in black and white.

"Does this man look familiar, Eli? Why, I believe it is Eli James III, your father! One of many who helped to raise you and taught you everything he knew about "God". Why, I wonder what he thinks when he looks at you now."

Andrew rips the picture and yanks the camera to him.

"Men like Eli the Third, and so many others say that there will come a time where a "false prophet" shall come to life. He shall tell others what to believe, he shall have others follow his lead, and he shall condemn any who do not share in those beliefs. That doesn't sound like a "holy" man to me! Why, whom does that sound like around here?"

"You condemn me for being my own man! For having MY own beliefs! For using my own human will to do as I please and for having friends who believe in doing the same! You wish to destroy me and destroy us all because we do not see as you see! You tell me I shall believe what you believe or be struck down! Tell me, "MAN OF GOD", what is so "holy" about that!? You are perhaps the biggest sinner and hypocrite of them all!"

Andrew shoves the camera and pulls a rosary from his other pocket and throws it to the ground and spits on it before speaking again.

"Preach to me all you want, Elijah. Condemn me! Tell me how I will burn in a sea of fire! I will not be alone! You can do your fifty "Hail Mary" and your fifty "Lord's Prayer", but with every word you say, you convert others to YOUR beliefs and YOUR way of thinking when all I do is tell the world and my friends to DO THEIR OWN THINKING! WHOM is the "false prophet'? WHO sees himself as if he were "God" looking to condemn and shame others? WHO acts as if he is "the second coming" when he bleeds the same blood as I!?"

"You call me a liar, a fool, who is confused!? Yet, it is you who twists words and convert them into your own way of thinking to avoid the darkness that is clearly hidden in the words of so you speak and that I only wish to point out as you continue your "reign" as one who continues to see himself as "holier" than the rest of us. I call you a "false champion of the light" as in you are a "false prophet" and you are NOT holier than any other man that walks this earth, this earth that is as dark as it is light, as corrupt as it is pure. YOU are the one whom is blind, Elijah. YOU are the one deceiving people. I only wish to tell the world how it REALLY is and to only speak MY mind from what I BELIEVE. If you truly have a problem with that, if "GOD" really had such a problem with that, then have them strike me down where I stand!"

Andrew gazes up with his arms out wide and waits for nearly a minute before laughing and screaming to the sky.

"Perhaps it is time that I "enlighten" you, Elijah. Your fairy tales and your rhetoric will not save you. Your fall from grace shall be sudden and it shall be ever so sweet! YOU will be the one whose eyes are opened to the darkness that IS the world around you! The pollution that intoxicates this world! The famine and disease and WAR that DESTROYS this world! WHERE IS YOUR GOD, ELIJAH!? TELL ME, ALMIGHTY ELI JAMES! The world is crying!"

Andrew looks at the camera with his arms still in the air and his eyes widen as he speaks once more.

"The world cries as you sit on your "throne". You are no modern-day Messiah, you are no prophet, no priest, or pastor. You are a spreader of false hopes, and a deceiver of many. You consider yourself judge, jury, AND PROSECUTOR! Yet does that not go against your VERY WORD you preach!? Shouldn't there be only ONE judge and jury?"

"I see things you choose to ignore in your reign of egotistical and biligarent arrogance. I see the world crumbling beneath our feet! I know the world is a cruel mistress who is dying, DYING! Only the strong shall survive and alas, Elijah, your ignorance and defiance of the truth shall be the end of you and those who choose to be just as weak as you."

Andrew kneels to the ground with his arms still out wide and smirks before whispering just loud enough for us to hear.

"This has been the word of Morrison and the gospel of the world as it TRULY IS. Pray to your "God", Elijah, because only He can save you and your team from the damnation you deserve. The world shall bear witness to the dawn of a new era! The era of Eli James IV shall come to its rightful end come World War X and I shall watch it all unfold!"

"The foxes hunt the hounds...because it's all over now before it has begun, we've already WON...."

Andrew laughs as the camera feed fades to black.

W-L Record Since Return: 1-1 (singles or tag) 0-1 (special/gauntlet matches)
[Image: pdCdNLq.jpg]
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