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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Scorpion Deathtrap (2)
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Ezekiel Carter-Williams V Offline
Fuck Bitches, Get Money

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

02-14-2014, 07:52 AM

Ya know I hear that Scorpio posted another promo. Now normally I’d check it out, but not this time. I don’t feel the need to because this retarted fuckbrain will continue to talk about the same shit over and over and over again like he’s a broken record. Man, do you ever close your fucking trap? No, but that’s alright. You already proved you can’t talk a good game, but today is game day. Today is the day where you put on your rusted ass boots, and high tail your ass to the ring, only to get sent back to the back on a fucking stretcher curtsey of Ezekiel Carter-Williams the Fifth...

Scorpio, when I look at your promos, I just laugh (After vomiting uncontrollably from the up shear torture it is just to get through five fucking minutes of it.). You’re a funny guy, Scorpio. You sit around, talk all your shit, but when it’s time to get in the ring. When it’s time to lace up your fucking boots, and look me in the eye, that’s when all the shit talking you’ve been dishing out will be worthless. You see, you’re only making this worse. You’re only making my obsession to completely dominate you in the ring greater. You’ll see when I am standing over your paralyzed body and I smile, before I go to your house and fuck your mother till I cum down her throat, all while getting it on video to post it on I think my pornstar name will be … “Mother Fucker.” I like that name, don’t you?

Well your mother surely will when I pound her ass. It’s going to be penetration city, my dude.

Sometimes I think calling the retarted, retarted, is so wrong, but in your case I can make an exception.

[Image: Slide228.jpg]

Go ahead, I fucking dare you. Seemingly how everything you say is so fucking brilliant anyhow, right?

[Image: Slide198.jpg]

And stupid you are. I thought you were a World Champion? I thought World Champions actually were intelligent and not just fagbags that walk around with face paint on looking extra fucking gayer than normal. Why the hell are you wearing face paint? Is it to cover your emotions of fear and bitchness? Or is it something bigger, something bolder, and something slightly gayer.

Na, nothing can be gayer than you and your attempts at “trash talk” if that’s what you call you talking in a fucking camera trying to one up me in every way imaginable, not realizing that you already lost this match when it was first made. You should’ve thought twice before wanting to talk mega shit about your superior. You should’ve thought twice before returning, knowing that the only thing that awaits you is more pain and suffering, and a dick in your mouth by Peter Gilmour.

I felt like I’ve been given an opportunity to literally kill someone today. Morbid Angel gave me a golden opportunity to rip Scorpio limb from fucking limb until he is nothing. Until he realizes that he was up the creak without a paddle. Until he realizes that this whole “Rock You like a Hurricane” comeback fiasco was a waste of everyone’s time, and that he should go back home to the other XWF rejects like Shana and Barney Green.

Thank you Morbid for giving me this wonderful opportunity to destroy Scorpio and watch as he whimpers from the fact that he just got beat by a guy that has AIDS.

If Scorpio shows up, it’ll be a fucking miracle. He’s probably at home with Barney Green, oiling up his asshole for that time of the week again. I hear they’re going to bring a few dead bodies that Unknown Solider has pounded, and a few used tampons, curtsey of John Black. It’s going to get real fucking dirty between you two, so I’ll save you a crushing defeat by just beating you.

Wouldn’t want Barney to get mad and deny you a good time, especially since its Valentine’s Day and what not.

And just so you know.

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQIcJ_%20WzfZg0IbdZVlAtb...mX2IYIBiZg]

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQo8Ag6EXcz-5JNmVvHLBs...U1KV2nysug]


[Image: ecwv.png]

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