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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The leaf is redder on the other side
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Crimson Cobra Offline
Dat Crimson Boy

XWF FanBase:
Super Face

(always cheered; has massive following; almost never cheats)

02-23-2013, 12:47 AM

“Four men desperate for gold are going to enter the ring all at the same time. These four men are going to decimate each other at a chance to etch their own name into the XWF history books. A win doesn’t exactly prove victory, but a loss, that is unacceptable for me at this point! Mark Flynn is the man responsible for this match, and last week the man responsible for my loss. If it weren’t for him there would be no fatal four way to decide a number one contender, if there were no Mark Flynn there would be one less loss on the record of Crimson Cobra…

Crimson Cobra doesn’t back down from a challenge, no he climbs the nearest ladder to spit in the face of the challenge. This challenge is Mark Flynn in the long run, He has beaten me before and will believe that he can beat me again because of it! Crimson Cobra wants everyone to know right now, this man may be the guest referee but that will not matter, the snake will reign victorious at the ring of the bell. “

Crimson Cobra is holding a microphone and is standing in the middle of an XWF ring, the commercial break has cut back just in time to show the beginning of the segment yet not Crimson entering the ring. Crimson Cobra is leaning on the turnbuckle very relaxed, the hand holding the mic is now dropped down by his side as he allows the crowd time to converse and dispute their own thoughts on the big main event next week.

“This snake has shown you people what he is capable of in a various amount of match types, but when it becomes extreme then we all know who’s given the upper hand! A crimson fellow know as Cobra! The ladder makes the tick kick in and the urge to jump flies up to one hundred percent. If there is a ladder… No let me rephrase, when The Blood colored Snake brings out that 15-foot tall ladder you all better believe that the end is nigh! The lord will be coming and bringing along an apocalypse fit for this world, TRF will strike someone and the teeth will be sunk in deep!

Once bitten by a red fang it’s very hard to continue through a match, but that is just when it’s hit off of a turn buckle, now when it goes from 4-foot turnbuckles to 15-foot ladders the symptoms are slightly different. A difficulty to breathe, the ability to see straight may be lost for quite some time, regular motor skills will not function as properly and fluently as before. This is no ordinary snake bite… The Red Fang is nothing to take lightly!”

Another pop from the crowd as their favorite heel is working the mic again this time without infamous Minion Master, and tag team partner, Crimson Deadly by his side. He looks around the ring slowly and notices the absence of Deadly and gets a lonely kind of feeling. He shakes his head in disapproval as he begins to speak once more.

“As some of you may know, this week there is quite the main event going on. Some of Wednesday’s new top talent will be competing as well as the old top talent.

Benjamin Crane, a man who hasn’t yet experienced a true “bite” of victory against a Crimson but perhaps it’s time a new name is added to the list of men that haven been poisoned? Crane was the only one who put up a slight fight in the tag team match up with the Crimson Crest facing him and Cassious Stonne. Maybe Benjamin will need to have a get together with Stonne so that he may know the true definition of pain. Benjamin is the man I find in this match up as the least threat, and that is all I have to leave that off with.

The little that I do know of Sebastian Duke lets me know of him as on tough Son of a B****. But then again who in XWF can survive without being such? Duke and Crane apparently have a history together as rivals and that can work into two peoples favors…

Saying such leads to the last man in this match and in my opinion the most difficult opponent for me, Crimson Deadly. The other half of the crimson crest will be showing up on the same night as me like usually, only this time when we step into the ring there will be no jokes or tags, only one thing will happen this night. The Crimson Crest will arise victorious and one of the two members will exit that ring with a title shot and the name number one contender held above his own name! Deadly has been intensely training with The Blood colored Cobra, myself, and there have been improvements in both participants games, the downfall here being now Deadly and Cobra will be more like Crimson and Crimson the men knowing each other’s favorite moves, strengths, weaknesses, anything that can and will give the upper hand as well as give the upper hand to the other man, in other words us Crimsons should be evenly matched!

And well… not to brag or anything but The Cobra would say his experiences may have been tougher than that of Deadly’s, Mark Flynn is no push over as seen by the match up and loss in Cobra’s record. But nevertheless Crimson Deadly will be the most dangerous opponent in the fatal four way extreme rules number one contenders match up.”

Crimson Cobra takes a few steps forward getting off of the turnbuckle that he so loves. He walks around the middle of the ring slowly step….. by step….. by step…. He takes his time to make the dramatics fell evident. He stairs in to the souls of the fans in attendance. Cobra is going to let everyone know what has been on his mind as of late and he doesn’t care if you’re listening or not because you’ll hear it and know the feelings immediately, everyone has gone through this in their life and the sympathetic feel is what he wants from the fans. The devastated Cobra likes to be looked at as the underdog and there’s nothing more underdogish than a good ol’ sap story.

“Cobra knows many of you are already thinking as far ahead as he is, What if Crimson Cobra actually wins the fatal four way?! What happens then? What would the number one contender Crimson Cobra do? Well it’s a simple answer at this point. The Cobra has not yet scouted out the area, so for now its take Mark Flynn out and prove to everyone especially the pr*ck head that Crimson Cobra is no mere rookie but a talented as a young hatchling who’s growing into a monster with every experience!”

“The Sound of Truth” by As I Lay Dying hits over the X-tron and this is a first for Crimson Cobra to be entering or exiting to this song since the creation of the Crimson Crest. The fans are giving him a good cheer with a few chants that get muffled by the cheers and don’t really get started. Cobra hops through the middle ropes and walks along the apron until reaching the stairs that he quickly steps down. Fans holding their adoring hands out to be slapped by Cobra and he fulfills a few dreams of the major Cobra fans and anyone else’s hands in the way are being slapped by Cobra. He makes his way up the ramp and to the stage where he stands for a second he turns to the crowd and throws up his newly patented “C” hand sign with both hands. Cobra turns again to push the curtain out of the way to make his way backstage.


Backstage Cobra is now sitting in a steel chair with all of his things scattered around him, the wrestling boots, and his new sweat pants with the CC on the side and Crimson Crest along the pant legs. His new Crimson Crest shirts have finally come in but he is unsure what to do, should he wear the tag team merchandise to the match up or should he represent himself in the match since it is not going to be a team effort? Cobra gets up and walks to his locker where he has plain black sweat pants with red lines running down the pant legs, a regular t-shirt he would wear and he grabs both of these things. He tosses them down by the other choices and begins to ponder the first part of the warfare; the mental game is almost more than the physical part of this business. Would it get into Deadly’s mind and mess with his game if he saw Cobra in the tag shirts? Would it affect Duke or Crane? Perhaps they would see it as a threat and attempt to take the Crimsons out early. Cobra thinking the entire fight out in his mind now, Cobra turning to Duke hitting him with a maneuver, Deadly turning to Crane hitting him with a move and then the two meeting for the first time in the ring as opponents! Crimson Cobra vs. Crimson Deadly, a match Cobra never though he would hear has now become reality. There are other men in the match which makes Cobra glad that he won’t be forced to attack his good friend. Confused still, and still angry over his loss to Mark Flynn Cobra, wants revenge. Will make revenge happen and will take the United States championship right out of Flynn’s hands this time to show him what he had done to Cobra. Crimson grabs the Crimson Crest gear and packs it into his bag. He tosses the other clothing back into the locker and shuts it. Cobra has decided that he will be representing the Crimson Crest weather his partner will do the same or not, he will try to win the mental battle before the actual competition really begins.

“A Crimson mind will prove to be the strongest in this match”

Cobra utters the words as he finishes packing the clothing into his bag.

“The crimson flowing blood will be shed and it will prove to be a Crimson night. The blackness of the night shall be overrun by the deathly red!"

The cobra says with such confidence it’s as if he already knows the outcome of the match scheduled for a week from now.

“You do not bite the hand that feeds you or you will go hungry, But the Cobra isn't hungry for the feeder but for the competition that wants the same food as him!”

Crimson Cobra is looking only more and more intense with every sentence that he is releasing from his mouth. But is he going to be prepared to face a team mate in the ring face to face?

“When the vice grip of this Cobra is latched onto something like a number one contender opportunity it would be nearly impossible to detach it without killing it, so come ready to kill or don’t come at all because The Blood Snake is ready to strike and ready to leave this match with one more victory!”

Cobra has a new smirk added to his face showing he has something up his sleeve.

“There are four men on the radar of this snake three of which are enemies. Three men that will be targeted, and taken out one that will be alongside and will be a champion along with The Cobra in time, The Crimson Crest will rule and there will be no force able to stop it. The first steps have been taken to place this into motion and there is no for seeable force that will make as much as a dent in the Crimson force.”

Crimson Cobra exits his locker room making his way now to his vehicle a red Shelby Cobra. The trunk is popped and he throws his bags into it. Slamming the trunk shut he walks over to the door, the far side of the beautifully shiny Shelby sports car is a Crimson Crest design, Cobra obviously being very serious about this team and its dominance over the XWF’s Wednesday night show Warfare.


A reflection not only in the mind of Cobra but the gigantic mirror attached to the beige colored wall. Long black hair, a trimmed dark colored beard, Cobra stairs into his own frosty blue eyes. The intensity of his stair frightens himself somewhat. The black and red shirt with logos running down the side and front as well as the back, still on his torso after hours of leaving the arena. Crimson Cobra’s wearing the sweat pants with Crimson Crest being represented. The black mixing with the crimson red color creating quite the visual presentation. The golden trim on the mirror showing how fancy this hotel was, the reflection being perfect, crisp, clear. Cobra still just thinking about himself, a self-reflection of being in the XWF. The first showing, the Wednesday nights, the first Monday night show, already going back for more. Two different records that could be combined into one, Two wins and one loss was the Wednesday night record after the Flynn loss, one and one being the record for Monday night. A total of three wins and two losses. Was he taking the right course of action? Is stepping back into the ring with three of the most dangerous men on Wednesday nights the best idea? Of course it is, how else is Cobra to get any better? Even he knows to get better you must face the best, you get nowhere in life defeating scrub after pathetic scrub. The only way to the top was taking the man ahead of you out and Crimson had done that every Wednesday until the last one. The man on top of Wednesday nights was the latest defeat. Cobra so critical on himself for any loss what so ever. He has bred himself for success accepting nothing less of it. To lose is to be a failure so with a loss he had to realize how to turn it into a positive, the only way he knew, take what you lost from and learn. Why did you lose? What went wrong? What could you have done better? These are just a few things he is thinking about while he stairs himself down. Looking up and down at the “Crimson Warrior” standing in front of him he enjoys the look of the clothing, he doesn’t enjoy the thoughts, all of the self-doubt, he is supposed to be more confident in himself, his skill set is supposed to be able to surpass any and every one yet it has failed him in the past two outings.

“What is the Cobra doing wrong, he has trained non-stop, put his heart, soul into this sport only getting defeated recently.

The wins were quick lived and have passed the mind now but The Cobra is only able to sit here and rack his brain about the losses, nothing but losses.

Why think of this?

Why let the past dictate the future?


This is the only answer…

Isn’t it?”

Still unable to answer his own questions Crimson Cobra is in a state of mind no mortal being would even wish upon another. The snake trying as hard as he can to slither back into the regular thoughts, the usual winning spirited Cobra.

“A cobra never lets its prey out of its sights,

Until the prey has been taken care of,

Mark Flynn is the main prey,

Weeks ahead is how the mind of a Cobra thinks,

He knows that it is not the correct way to think but…

After the losses there is no other way.....


1x Quote of the Moment
4x 24/7 FTW UFO E1999 Champion
1x Tag Team Champion

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