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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
The Broken Crown
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Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

01-28-2014, 08:18 AM

The day after it all happened. The world has just turned upside down. Elephantine doors swing open and the camera shot zooms in through the doors. It then becomes clear that it is a throne room, or a replica at the very least. Only one man is in the room, he sits in one of the booths that stares up at the mighty throne in front of what appears to be an altar. The man looks stern but grey and old as well. Though that never stopped my Father or Albert from being as fierce as a lion.

I don't know why I came here, I thought it would be good to sit upon a throne. A false throne of course, maybe it will help me decide on my aims, I thought. How wrong I was. The room sickened me. It tasted and smelt of faith and false hope. I strutted straight down the middle, the old man looked puzzled by me and the camera man.

Two lanterns dangled above the throne, the flames small and weak. Light beamed through the majestic coloured windows and jewels lay in boxes on the outskirts of the room.

Wearing my black suit and matching tie, I lifted the Xtreme Championship up onto my shoulder as I strongly stride through the eerie room. The man continued to stare but I paid him little attention.

Despite how wrong it felt, I sat down on the throne. How could one seat symbolise so much power? That is all it is after all, a seat.

I then turn to the camera, my words echo around the faithful hall.

“You know, a throne is no place for the beast. That is why you would never catch me pretending to be a royal pompous King. The Championship that glistens on my shoulder right now holds more value to me than any broken crown ever could. That's what it is now though, you see. The crown is broken, just as the Black Circle is. Shane was the glue holding you four men together and now the glue has gone, what will hold you together? Maybe a common enemy for a short period of time? That's all you have left now. Theo Pryce will crumble just like Shane did. The rebellion may not have gone the way I had planned, but even the evil morality of the Congregation cannot be as bad as the cowardice that ran this company prior to that.”

I turn, and look at the man who was leaning forward in order to hear more clearly.

“Can I help you, sir?”

The man speaks in a firm British Accent.

“You know something boy, it is not the throne that gives a man power.”

“Ah is that so?”

“Power strives from men. When a powerful man sits in that throne that's when it becomes powerful. If a mere peasant were to sit in it do you really think they would be viewed as powerful?”

I stand gallantly and look down at the man.

“Ah, very good, very good indeed. What might your name be then oh wise one?”

It was a mixture of respect and sarcasm that filled the tone of my voice.

“Stewart. My name is Stewart.”

“How nice it is to meet you... Stewart. Do you know who I am?”

“Of course I do sir, you're Steve Davids. More Britons know you than you think you know.”

“And what is it you do Stewart?”

“I am retired sir.”

“I am no sir. Call me Steve.”

I stepped away from the throne at this point and stood talking calmly to the man who did not back down.

“What is it you used to do then Stewart?”

“I am a former war general turned boxing coach.”

“Walk with me.”

We walked around the stone wall castle slowly.

“I assume you saw Shove It then if you know who I am?”

“Of course, a true catastrophe. Where does the power lie within the XWF now really though? The rebellion is shattered, as is the Circle. The crown does not represent what it should, power and now you have a mad man controlling all of you.”

“A mad man he is, but he's not as daft as an ordinary mad man.”

“Of course. Do you mind if you ask something about you Steve? I know it must have been tough losing your uncle and friends, but why do you travel alone. That is a dangerous road for any man you know. Why do you and Sebastian Duke not travel with one another? You're the Brotherhood.”

“That we are. The Brotherhood is not so much about being buddy buddy though. We want to command power and strike fear into those who surround us. We want glory and we want appreciation and respect for everything that we have accomplished. I am an understanding man, respect is not handed to anyone on a plant Stewart, but it is something that I believe I have earned. We don't sit here and complain week in and week out like Peter Gilmour and whine and bicker. We get on with it. Things need to be done in order for things to change. Change is a common goal for most people within this federation, and at the minute, it must be said, The Congregation are winning this game....

You see man, I don't want to wear that crown. What I want, is for people to finally accept that the championship that I hold on my shoulder is of value. It is not the whore of a belt that it once was, to be passed around like a spliff. I will work hard day in and day out to defend this belt.

I travel alone because trust is something that is hard to come by these days my friend. No matter what people say or what people do they are always after something. Whether that may be glory, or whether that may be opportunity. There always seems to be something. Look at Lacey and Mark. I pulled them up from the gutters and they must have got home sick. They wanted glory. They used me. The one man I trusted was Blaine and now he is gone from this world whilst my wicked Father continues to suffocate me with his sickening ways... You know Stewart, maybe I could use some help?”

“What did you have in mind?”

“You're a former boxing trainer right? Then why not become my manager? Help me take out my Father and his men and you will be rewarded.”

“Thank you Steve, I do not need to be rewarded for bringing justice and honour to this world. I'll come with you, but I assure you I'm not the fighter I once was.”

“That doesn't matter. You seem smart. So teach me. I have never claimed to know everything there is to know about this broken crown and the twisted management team. I do however hold honour close to my heart. So if it is held tight to yours than I say why not join me? Do not make me regret giving you this offer. I believe I have judged you well, but my judgement hasn't always been as good as it should have been.”

The old suited man stared back. There was more to this than simply justice.

“You know Steve, you remind me a lot of my son. He was killed in a boxing match but he was fiercer than any and he refused to stop getting up. I blame myself for that death like you blame yourself for Blaine's. I should have thrown in the towel but giving up has never been our thing.”

A tear trickled down his face.

[Image: dark-knight-rises-michael-caine.jpg]

“It has never been mine either. And nor shall it. All men must fall, and I need to decide who it is next who will well and truly fall.”

“I am sure we can come up with something.”

“Let's start with the man who wears that broken crown.”

I patted Stewart on the back and the two exited the castle, walking fiercely next to each other it was as if we had known each other forever.

[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

3x Xtreme Champion
1x Briefcase Holder
1x Television Champion
1x Universal Champion
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