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Monday Night Madness - 1/20/2014 -- Part 3
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Morgan Eldred Offline
Co-GM of Madness

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01-22-2014, 08:49 PM

“Contact” by Trocadero plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Jessie Diaz, one third of the Trios Champs, has arrived on the scene! I hope she’s ready for a challenge!”

DON GROSS: “Let us hope all her personalities are ready. If all else fails, she could one day defend those Trios Titles all on her own!”

“Come Out Ye Black and Tans” by Irish Descendants plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Michael McBride just evaded arrest. Thank goodness for his brother, eh?”

DON GROSS: “Much like his potential future cellmate, Frodo Smackins, McBride is going to have to finish this match quickly if he wants to stay out of the slammer.”

“God Gives Head in Heaven” by Aeon plays.

JOEY STYLES: “And finally, Morbid Angel. This guy scares the filling out of my doughnut!”

DON GROSS: “May I have that doughnut, Joey? The burrito has settled, and I’m getting puckish again…”

Jessie Diaz
- vs -
Michael McBride
- vs -
Morbid Angel
Triple Threat Rules

At the sound of the bell, Morbid Angel decides he wants Diaz all to himself, and chooses to take out McBride early with a sick uppercut to the jaw! McBride stumbles back into the ropes, and Morbid sends him tumbling over the top rope to the outside with a massive clothesline!

Jessie is no fool, and takes advantage of Morbid’s focus on McBride. With Morbid’s back turned, Jessie suddenly leap onto his back and executes a backstabber on the hulking German! Jessie then crawls over to Morbid and manages to get two forearm shots into Morbid’s face before he shoves her away. The two quickly rise to their feet and lock eyes. Morbid chuckles, knowing he can easily overpower her, and rushes forward…

Into an aimed dropkick from Jessie Diaz! Heels meet face, and Morbid is knocked clean off his feet! Diaz bounces off the opposite ropes, and meets Morbid as he reaches his feet with a chop block to the knees, knocking Morbid on his ass again! Diaz bounces off the ropes once more and leaps up for a running senton!

Morbid rolls out of the way just in the nick of time, and Diaz smacks the mat. As she tries to reach her feet, Morbid knocks her back down with a big boot to the face! He reaches down and grabs Diaz by the throat before pulling her up to her feet. And then, she’s up in the air, and back down for a chokeslam! Morbid hooks the leg, using his bodyweight to keep Diaz down!



Diaz kicks out!

Spotting McBride rising up onto the apron, Morbid does away with the Irishman with a blindside big boot to the side of the head! McBride once again tumbles to the outside!

Turning back to Diaz, Morbid Angel is suddenly taken by surprise with a roundhouse kick to the chest from Diaz, knocking the wind right out of him! Diaz follows this with a series of kicks to Morbid’s right leg, which was apparently injured in an unfortunate accident a decade ago. The big man falls onto one knee, allowing Diaz to hit a quick roundhouse kick to the head, followed by a DDT! She covers Morbid!



Morbid Angel kicks out violently, catching Diaz with an elbow to the temple!

Morbid makes it onto his feet as Diaz pulls herself up with the ropes. On the outside, McBride climbs onto the apron once more. Morbid rushes forward, and, in a combination, manages to clotheslines Diaz to the outside while simultaneously punching McBride in the face! Diaz hits the floor and rolls onto her back, but McBride isn’t as lucky. The impact from the rushing Morbid Angel carries enough momentum to lauch him out over the gap, and he smashes his head on the barricade!

Morbid heads to the outside, looking for more carnage. He sets his sights on Diaz, as she seems less injured than McBride after that last big spot. He once again grabs her by the throat and lifts her onto her feet, but she suddenly breaks his grasp with an arm-wrench, and shoves him forward, causing him to slam hip-first into the apron. Fumbling backwards, he is hit with not one, but two consecutive forearm smashes to the lower back. Diaz then executes another chop block to his bad leg, causing the big man to fall onto his knees. Diaz winds up, and hits Morbid upside the head with another sick roundhouse kick!

McBride, meanwhile, has made it to his feet, and sees an opportunity. He shoves Diaz, causing her to fly face-first into the ring post! She stumbles over to the announce table, and McBride follows. Diaz, however, seems to have eyes in the back of her head, and anticipates his next move: as he charges for an attempted spear, she sidesteps, and shoves him forward, adding to his momentum! He flies over the surface of the announcer table, hitting Donnie Gross with an unintentional tackle!

JOEY STYLES: “No snarky response to that one, Don?”

As Morbid Angel rolls himself back into the ring, Diaz hops up onto the apron and climbs to the top turnbuckle. With Morbid’s back turned, she sizes him up, and leaps at the exact moment he turns toward her.

Flying cross-body! And into a pin!



No! Morbid kicks out at the last second!

Diaz takes umbrage with the ref’s count, and tries to get in the poor guy’s face, but he assures her – it was only a 2-count. Frustrated, Diaz turns back to Morbid, who suddenly jabs her in the throat with a chop!

Coughing, Diaz stumbles away from Morbid, who grabs her collar and pulls her back in and lifts her for a simple body slam, but she begins to wiggle atop his shoulder, and manages to roll into a pin!



Morbid kicks out! Diaz hops up, and goes for a kick to the head, but Morbid’s grown used to her tactics, and ducks it before clubbing his fist into her left knee, causing Diaz to drop to the mat, holding her knee in pain!

Morbid makes it to his feet and waits…

Diaz, using the ropes, gets onto two feet, albeit now limping. She slowly turns toward Morbid…

Who grabs her by the throat! He lifts her into the air for a chokeslam!

Diaz adjusts mid-air, and brings Morbid’s head slamming down with a DDT! Diaz acts quickly, and rolls over onto Morbid.

But this isn’t a pin!

The Lost Cause (Lightning Lock Beta)! She’s got it locked in!

Morbid struggles, reaching out in all directions in blind hope for a rope break! But he’s nowhere near a rope!

He’s fading! It’s agonizing!

Michael McBride out of nowhere! A club to the back of the head of Jessie Diaz! Morbid rolls away from the action, simply relieved to have been saved from the pain of the hold.

McBride picks Diaz up by the chin, seemingly in an act of mercy, before stepping back and jumping forward for a Celtic Clothesline!

Diaz ducks! A kick to the head! McBride goes down in a heap of flesh and bone! Diaz has no patience for this, and wraps him up in his own torture – another The Lost Cause!

McBride’s been beaten down far too much now! He has no options!

McBride taps out!

WINNER: Jessie Diaz

Jessie quickly rolls out of the ring, pulling out a victory over two larger opponents. An official hands over her Trios Title, and she lobs it over her shoulder. Smacking the hands of fans as she heads up the ramp, she doesn’t even bother to look back when the crowd suddenly pops.

JOEY STYLES: “Wait what's this?! Asylum has slid out from underneath the ring! How did he get under there? Morbid, look out!”

Asylum has slid into the ring and hits a huge lariat on Morbid Angel, who had simply been attempting to rise to his feet. Asylum grabs him by the throat and pulls him up. Asylum then grapples Angel and lifts him up for the Magnum Opus and hits it!!!

JOEY STYLES: “Asylum just lifted up Morbid Angel! WHAT POWER!”

Asylum stands above Angel for a moment as Father struts down the ramp with a microphone in hand. He walks up the steps and gets in. Father walks over to Angel and gets right next to his face.

FATHER: “My good man, thank you for participating in Asylum's test of strength moment! You now have earned a consolation prize! You will go one on one with Asylum at any time you desire. In fact I will give you the prime opportunity to chose which show it takes place on. We look forward to hearing from you. Asylum, let's go.”

With that Father drops the microphone on Morbid Angel and he steps out of the ring with Asylum. He laughs the entire way up the ramp.

DON GROSS: “…Joseph? Might you have a medic on standby? I think the Irish bloke has cracked my ribcage into an H.R. Geiger painting.”

Madness fades into a commercial break.

JOEY STYLES: “Ladies and gentlemen, Madness is back with our Main Event. It’s the opportunity of a lifetime for one hotshot rookie, as Theo Pryce defends his crown against Haden Oliver Thomas!”

“Greenback Boogie” by Ima Robot plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Well, Theo Pryce has stated his stipulation for this match: if he wins and retains the XWF Crown, Haden Oliver Thomas must become his personal court jester!”

DON GROSS: “Whatever happened to the days of simply buying a jester? I miss the dark ages.”

Haden Oliver Thomas’s entrance music plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Personally, I can’t believe Theo Pryce would agree to defend his crown against a rookie like Haden Oliver Thomas.”

DON GROSS: “Well, being HOT can get you far. Trust me, I wouldn’t know!”

King of the XWF
Theo Pryce
- vs -
Haden Oliver Thomas
If Theo Pryce wins, H.O.T. becomes his personal jester

Before the bell can actually ring, there comes the sound of…

“Gunman” by Them Crooked Vultures plays.

Morgan Eldred, with microphone in hand, emerges onto the stage. He looks to be all business in a crisp suit. He raises the microphone to his lips.

MORGAN ELDRED: “Now, Theo… I know you’re a gracious king for offering Haden this amazing chance to claim your kingship from you, but I know who you are. You’re Black Circle. And Madness is currently under Administrative claim. There will be no funny business in this match.

I have assured it.”

Suddenly, Morgan Eldred’s muscle bound bodyguard/assistant, Cato the Elder emerges from the back, dragging with him…

JOEY STYLES: “What the hell is that?!”

DON GROSS: “That appears to be an iron wrought cage on wheels, Joey.”

JOEY STYLES: “And NAZI is locked inside!”

Indeed, Black Circle member NAZI is trapped behind the iron bars of the mobile cage, pulling at the gate in futility. It’s not budging. Theo looks on with a blank expression on his face. It’s not clear whether he is upset, or rather unfazed by this turn of events.

MORGAN ELDRED: “Best of luck, Theo.”

And with that, Eldred marches back behind the curtain, but not before pausing to smirk at the caged NAZI, who screams, “schweinhund” at the GM.

The monumental match starts off with an almost amateur wrestling inspired grappling contest, as both men swat at each other’s’ hands, trying to catch their opponent off guard. But it is Haden Oliver Thomas who eventually breaks the odd circling stalemate, charging in with an MMA leg takedown and mounting the King. HOT throws a series of punches at Theo, who holds his arms up to block the shots. Finally, Theo is able to get Haden off of himself with a sudden headbutt!

The King rises and strolls over to the momentarily dazed Haden, and grabs him by the head. But Haden responds quickly with three consecutive elbows to Theo’s gut, causing him to double over. Haden bounces off the ropes and catches Theo with a running neckbreaker! He covers for an early pin!


Theo quickly and soundly kicks out. Haden grabs Theo by the hair, but Theo counters with an uppercut, causing Haden to be knocked back. Theo takes this moment to add a quick kick to the gut, followed by a snap suplex! Theo then wraps his arms about Haden’s head in a sleeper hold.

After a moment of struggling, Haden works his way to his feet, with Theo still holding the sleeper. Haden slips behind Theo and executes a German suplex! Theo smacks into the mat, and Haden applies a rear chinlock to the King. Theo powers out with a knee strike to Haden’s abdomen, and whips the challenger into the ropes.

Theo rushes forward, looking to connect with a Pryce Check, but Haden sidesteps, and brings the momentum back around with a clothesline!

Theo pops back onto his feet, and Haden moves in for another clothesline, but Theo ducks under Haden’s arm and runs into the ropes, returning with a flying forearm to the face of Haden Oliver Thomas!

The King kips-up onto his feet, much to the amusement of this Indianapolis crowd. As HOT also gets back onto his feet, Theo moves in with a series of punches to the head, and whips Haden across the ring. The challenger bounces off, and narrowly avoids another attempt at a Pryce check before countering with an explosive spinebuster!

Haden continues his offensive with a Kimura armlock, but Theo struggles, forcing Haden to release him. But Haden only continues with his attack, stomping Theo’s fingers under his foot and grinding them into the mat. Theo groans and retreat-crawls into the corner, nursing his injured fingers. Haden charges the corner, delivering a knee into Theo’s face!

Haden pulls the King upright in the corner, and delivers a knife-edged chop to Theo’s chest.


He winds up for another, but Theo catches Haden’s arm and performs a simple arm-wrencher. He then twists Haden’s arm further, causing the challenger to flip head over heels and slam into the mat below. With Haden’s arm still in hand, Theo executes a leg drop across Haden’s arm, and stretches his elbow over his leg. Being close to the ropes, Haden quickly grabs the bottom rope, and Theo graciously breaks the hold and backs off with his arms raised, feigning innocence.

Haden rises to his feet in the corner, and Theo approaches, only to be slapped across the face with an open palm by Haden, who then headbutts Theo. The king stumbles away, but Haden follows at a quick pace. He leaps toward the King and hits a running bulldog. With Theo on the mat, Haden locks him up in a Japanese armbar!

The crowd pops, as Theo yelps in pain and frustration. He claws at the mat, dragging himself ever-closer to the ropes. Suddenly deciding the hold isn’t quite working, Haden clobbers Theo in the back of the head with a closed fist and rises to his feet to await the King.

As Theo pulls himself up with the ropes, Haden approaches once more, but Theo counters with a series of punches to Haden’s midsection. Theo follows up with a quick stomp on Haden’s foot. The challenger grabs his foot and hops away on one foot. Theo takes a moment to catch his breath, and bounces off the ropes, catching Haden with a clothesline!

The challenger is shortly back up, but Theo wraps his arm around Haden’s neck and slips behind him before executing a sleeper slam. With Haden down, Theo locks in an arm bar, if only to stretch out the challenger’s arm. Theo releases the hold, and, for revenge from earlier, stomps on Haden’s fingers!

The challenger crawls away, shaking his injured hand, but Theo pulls him up from behind, spins Haden around, and lifts Haden into the air with a powerbomb! Haden slams into the mat, and Theo pins!



Haden barely kicks out! Theo growls under his breath and stands, urging his opponent to stand.

When Haden reaches his feet, Theo looks to whip him into the ropes, but Haden reverses and throws Theo himself toward the ropes. Haden then bounces off the opposite ropes and charges the King, aiming for a clothesline!

Pryce Check! Theo’s hit the Pryce Check! And the cover!



Haden kicks out! Improbable!

Theo flops over in exhaustion, staring up at the lights above. How much more can these men put out?!

Suddenly, there comes a commotion from up on stage!

NAZI has somehow grabbed Cato the Elder from inside the cage, and now holds the giant of a man in a sleeper hold. Suddenly, NAZI chops the back of Cato’s neck, and the half-masked man crumples to the ground in an unconscious heap! NAZI looks to the prison’s door, and rears back…

He’s kicked the iron door clean off the cage! NAZI is free! And he is not happy. With a cocky smirk reminiscent of his idol, the Fuehrer himself, NAZI begins a goose-step march down toward the ring!

Haden, having taken notice of the commotion, has risen to his feet, and urges NAZI to come get some.

But that is his fatal error, as he’s turned his back on the King.

Theo taps Haden on the shoulder. The challenger spins around, only to become victim of a Money Talks (RKO)! Theo’s hit it! He hooks the legs!




WINNER: Theo Pryce

Theo rises to his feet in rapturous joy! He’s done it once again! A retention of the Crown!

At ringside, NAZI pulls something from his coat pocket. What’s this?

A jester hat, complete with bells! He climbs up onto the apron and hands Theo the hat. The King smirks and turns the hat over in his hands for a moment before placing it atop the unconscious Haden Oliver Thomas’s head. Theo has his Court Jester. It’s going to be a rough two weeks for Haden Oliver Thomas.

In the audience, the camera zooms in on Paul Heyman’s face as he surveys the damage. He doesn’t seem pleased with Theo’s win. But then the X-Tron flashes the result of Theo’s win: a broken cage, and unconscious Cato the Elder, and Morgan Eldred nowhere in sight.

Slowly, a vile grin spreads across Paul Heyman’s face as Madness fades out.

Enjoy your Law and Order: SVU rerun!

The Administration Network's Monday Madness Representative

[Image: ETplk8L.png]
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[-] The following 8 users Like Morgan Eldred's post:
(01-22-2014), AlexandraCallaway (01-22-2014), Ezekiel Carter-Williams V (01-23-2014), Haden Oliver Thomas (01-23-2014), Miranda Tigris (01-22-2014), Mr. Radio (01-22-2014), Peter Fn Gilmour (01-22-2014), Theo Pryce (01-22-2014)
Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

01-23-2014, 04:24 AM

OOC: "and mounting the King." Mount me Haden. Mount me.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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Haden Oliver Thomas Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

01-23-2014, 04:30 AM

OOC: Good match, Theo. I enjoyed working against you and hope we'll do it again soon.

IC: "Well, Mr. Pryce, you did it. You pinned my shoulders to the mat and retained the crown. I guess when the pimp is hurt, the whores have to step in and help."

[Image: 61e92dec-8151-4752-bd27-7585d9b06b04_zpsfb67c3e8.jpg]
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

01-23-2014, 04:40 AM

(01-23-2014, 04:30 AM)Haden Oliver Thomas Said: OOC: Good match, Theo. I enjoyed working against you and hope we'll do it again soon.

IC: "Well, Mr. Pryce, you did it. You pinned my shoulders to the mat and retained the crown. I guess when the pimp is hurt, the whores have to step in and help."

OOC: Anytime man. It was fun.

IC: "I've already proven to you that on your best day, at your freshest, when you've had the most time to prepare, that you will ever have, you can't beat me. Now, if you would like to utter those same words to NAZI's I am sure he would be more than glad to boot stomp that smirk off of your smug face.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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Morgan Eldred Offline
Co-GM of Madness

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

01-23-2014, 09:36 AM

OOC: You guys did amazing work this week. This was a hard one to call. Props.

IC: "I assure you, Mr. Thomas, when your tenure as Mr. Pryce's court jester has concluded, we maybe able to find a spot for your money--er, I mean you...on Madness."

The Administration Network's Monday Madness Representative

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