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Warfare: 1/17/2014 - Part 1
Author Message
Giovanni Ferrari

XWF FanBase:
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01-18-2014, 12:15 PM

Simon Lee Nash
- vs -
Hank Lane
- vs -
Michael McBride
Triple Threat, 1 Fall

Frodo Smackins
- vs -
Ezekial Carter-Williams V
Standard Match

Morbid Angel
- vs -
John Black
Standard Match

Mandii Rider
- vs -
X-treme Rules

- vs -
Standard Match

Wyatt Reynolds
- vs -
- vs -
Tri Bute
X-treme Rules, 1 Fall

Stevie Tyler
- vs -
Olive Pendershore
- vs -
Mr. Supernova
Triple Threat, 1 Fall
Person pinned does not earn Trio shot

X-treme Championship*
Steve Davids
- vs -
John Austin
Grudge Match/Rematch from house show
X-treme Rules
*Assuming Davids is champion at time of match

[Image: CdS48cg.jpg]

Cameras instantly pop to life bringing you once again into the dark underbelly of debauchery and destruction. Into the seedy subterranean hell-hole that is the WAR ROOM! The fans; as always, are crazed and thirsty for violence and bloodshed as they emphasis this in near deafening screams of excitement! And up above it all, sitting in the skybox that catches a bird's eye view of all of it, is Giovanni Ferrari and Shane !

Gio: Welcome once again to another spectacular edition of - Warfare! And boy have we got an action packed, can't miss show for all of you tonight! I am literally sitting on the edge of my seat at the very thought of some of these matches. That's how amazing they are. What about you what....ah, you know what...never mind, lets just get to the first match.

: Wow, that's rude. You didn't ask me if I was excited about the show. Thanks a lot Gio.

Gio: Well I just thought it would be better to avoid that. You know, cause you never really give me a direct answer or something repulsive happens, like I get hit in the face with feces.

: Wow! You know some people like getting attention from my shit! John Madison and Theo Pryce wrestled in it and they loved every minute of it. Some people even pay for it. My shit's a hot commodity.

Gio: Yes, I'm sure it is.

: Oh, it is. I have an ebay account set up and everything, and not just for my shit...for everything that comes out of my ass.

Gio: What else comes out of know what, I don't want to know. Anyway, as a way to hopefully steer this conversation away from that topic. Tell me , what do you think of the matches we've got lined up tonight for Warfare?

: Potato?

Gio: What?

Giovanni turns to Shane and see that Mr. , is holding a potato out in an act of offering it to him. Out of confusion and just a general want to get on with the show, Gio takes the potato from .

Gio: What? What's with the potato? Why are you handing me this and what dose it have to do with...

Gio looks closer at the potato. It's a bit browner than normal. Black in some spots and it's also a little wet. Slightly dripping even.

Gio: And this came out of your ass. Wonderful. You were answering the question I wanted to avoid and went as far as producing evidence to back it up. Well now, before I go and sterilize my hand in a bucket of bleach, why not finally tell me your opinion of the matches we've got lined up Shane?

: Potato?

Yes, Shane was holding another potato out, just like he did a moment ago. And yes, the potato is in the same exact state as the first one was.

Gio: Let's just cut to show.

Simon Lee Nash
- vs -
Hank Lane
- vs -
Michael McBride
Triple Threat, 1 Fall

(at this point everyone is in the ring except McBride who appears.)

The Lights go out for a second! They come back on and McBride is standing on top of the turnbuckle! He leaps off hitting Lane with a furious close line sending him to the mat!

Nash grabs McBride and head buts him in the face then sends him into the ropes and Shoulder checking him to the mat! McBride quickly gets up and the two exchange blows!

McBride grabs one of Nash’s arms in the fist fight and puts him into an Arm Bar and forces him to his knees!

Nash forces his way to his feet enduring the pain! Breaks McBrides hold by throwing himself into the ropes and coming out with a cross body on McBride!

Nash gets up and drops a knee to McBrides chest!

Lane is back to his feet and grabs Nash for a belly to belly suplex! Slamming Nash to the mat! Lane Jumps up and grabs McBride and DDT’s him! Lane jumps up again and flexes quickly for the crowd before dropping an elbow to McBride then going for the pin!

……….NO! Nash just kicked Lane in the face!

Lane falls back on the mat and Nash climbs the ropes!

McBride slowly starts getting up with help from the ropes and see’s Nash and shakes the ropes! Nash falls outside the ring to the outside! He is down!

McBride goes to Lane and kicks him in the ribs! Then grabs Lanes hair and lifts him to his feet! And kicks him in the stomach and Powerbombs him!

McBride bounces off the ropes and hit’s a leg drop on Lane then goes for the pin!

…………….NO! Nash from the top with a Low-Down! Right on top of McBride and Lane!

Nash goes for a DOUBLE pin!

……….KICKOUT my Lane at the bottom!

Nash pulls Lane to his feet and gives him a few chops and sends him into the ropes and goes for a Big boot to Lanes face!
Lane ducks it and hits Nash with a Hanging Neck Breaker!

Nash crumbles to the mat!
Lane picks Nash up and gives him a thunderous body slam!

Lane lifts Nash to his feet and sets him on the top rope and lifts him for a SuperPlex from the top! And Nails it!

Lane goes for the pin!


Winner: Hank Lane!

Frodo Smackins
- vs -
Ezekial Carter-Williams V
Standard Match

The Ref calls for the bell.

Ding, Ding.

The two men didn't take the time to size each other up, both rushed each other and started to throw punches. They traded blows for a moment before Ezekiel got the upper hand and started to push back Frodo with his punches, soon he had the little guy in the corner. Ezekiel picked Frodo up and sat him down on the top turnbuckle. Ezekiel looked up at the dazed Frodo and punched him in the face one more time before going for a superplex, but before he could, Frodo countered by shoving Ezekiel off and making him crash onto the mat hard. Frodo stood on the top rope waiting for the German to get to his feet, once Ezekiel was standing up right. Frodo leaped and dove throwing a punch at Ezekiel but Frodo's fist did hit his mark, no. In fact Ezekiel had felt it was coming, he shot his leg up and hit Frodo in the jaw with his finisher The Last Breath Superkick. Ezekiel went for the pin.




Ezekiel was in shock, he stood up and started to yell at the ref telling him it was a three count. Frodo was seeing stars but somehow he pulled himself back and slowly stood up. Ezekiel was still fighting with the ref. Frodo ran and hit Ezekiel in the back of the leg, taking him of his feet and landing on his back. Frodo quickly ran and jumped high into the air bring his knee down to Ezekiel face, The little man went for the pin.




Winner: Frodo Smackins!

Morbid Angel
- vs -
John Black
Standard Match

John Black starts the match by rushing towards Morbid Angel by is stopped by a hard clothesline. From there Morbid Angel inflicts punishment on John Black with hard stomps in the corner. Angel with mounted headbutts as well effectively weakening Black. John Black is finally able to get outside of the ring to regroup... But Morbid Angel is in hot pursuit. Angel continues his beatdown outside of the ring. Mat slam on the stage ramp! Angel follows that by placing John Black over his shoulder and running him into the steel post! Head first goes John Black.

Angel then decides to irishwhip Black into the steel steps... but it's reversed! Angel ricochets off the steps. John Black seizes the opportunity and begins to unload with a flurry of punches! Before rolling Angel back into the ring to prevent a count out.

Black quickly hits a huge springboard DDT!





Black heads up to the top turnbuckle, but gets body slammed off by Angel! Morbid Angel goes for a cover... No! He's choking John Black! A blatant choke hold by Morbid Angel. The referee is finally able to break the hold but the damage has been done. Morbid Angel off the ropes hits a big boot to the face of John Black. Morbid Angel grasps John Black's neck for a chokeslam...

John Black with a kick downstairs! Could've very possibly been a low blow but the referee didn't call it. John Black fails to capitalize this time and both men are down...

John Black is up first and goes to the well once more for a springboard DDT!.. But he's caught! Morbid Angel caught him by the throat... Chokeslam!





Angel can't believe it! Angered, he puts John Black over his shoulder. John Black slips out however! Morbid Angel turns around and eats a jawbreaker by John Black out of nowhere. Black holing his back in pain, shakes it off and hits a spinebuster!

John Black now really favoring his back once again he tries to shake it off, and goes for SLAM! (brainbuster)!!!

He's got him up! The 6'10 Morbid Angel is dangling upside down.

When John Black's back gives out on him!

Black drops Angel! Which proves to be costly as Morbid Angel immediately hits a huge clothesline from hell! Wow! Morbid Angel could end it right there but decides to lift John Black by his neck and chokeslam him again! Angel then mocks Black before lifting him up for his submission Got ist Tot (The Rack)!!!

John Black eventually submits. This one is over.

Winner: Morbid Angel!

Mandii Rider
- vs -
X-treme Rules

The bell rings and Asylum is right on Rider, backing her into the corner with a thundering series of rights and lefts to the face. After a few more of these vicious punches, he grabs her by the neck and tosses her halfway across the ring, sending her skidding across the mat a few more feet upon impact. He runs the ropes and hits a big leg drop, much to the applause of Father at ringside! He peels Mandii off the mat, and into a huge chokeslam that manages to make the ring shake in its wake! He covers!



He peels her shoulder upward and rips her from the mat. He isn't finished yet! Another series of punches, knocking her against the ropes before he finally decides to rips her off her feet and lifts her high in the air, setting up for...

Quad Creator! (Sheamus' Irish Curse Backbreaker)

Still not done, he peels her off the mat once more, setting her up for, and ultimately delivering the Magnum Opus (Backpack Stunner)! He covers, and Father chants along with the referee and the crowd:




Winner: Asylum!

- vs -
Standard Match

Caliban and Sewaside lock arms for a minute before Caliban gets the upper hand by sweeping out Sewaside’s legs, knocking him to the ground. Caliban runs over to the corner and climbs the top rope, he’s preparing for something big. As Sewaside stands up Caliban jumps off for a 450 Splash! He knocks Sewaside down! He goes in for an early pin!



KICK OUT!! Sewaside gets to his feet, and pulls Caliban with him! He begins to relentlessly throw punches to Caliban’s face and chest. Caliban who was looking hot is losing ground. Sewaside grabs Caliban, picks him up, and drops a Suplex! He goes for a pin on Caliban!



Kick out! Caliban gets to his feet and tries to make it to the ropes, but Sewaside is on him, grabs him and gets him above his shoulders, and goes for a power bomb! Sewaside has clearly taken control of this match, and it is showing. Sewaside clearly feeling confident at this point begins to strut around the ring waiting for Caliban to rise to his feet, and he turns his back on Caliban who does quietly get to his feet. Sewaside turns just in time to get a kick to the gut. He recovers physically but his mind is trying to figure out what just happened. Caliban then proceeds to grab Sewaside by the arm, pulls him close, grabs his head and goes for… YES! JORDAN CALIBAN IS GOING FOR A DIAMOND CUTTER!


Sewaside struggles to his feet, again trying to wrap his head around what just happened. In his moment of triumph Caliban climbs the rope again, it looks like he’s preparing for a Caliboon! As he does Sewaside sneaks up, and grabs him for a hurricanranna! Caliban is again down! Sewaside goes in for a pin, again.



Kick out! Caliban gets up, slowly. Sewaside getting tired of this routine grabs Caliban and pulls him in for a Bulldog! Caliban struggles to his feet once more, but Sewaside is up first and pulls him in for a DDT! Sewaside is back dominating this match. Caliban keeps getting up, though. Once he’s up he grabs Sewaside, gets him in a headlock out of nowhere and delivers shot after shot to the dominator’s abdomen and face. Sewaside is looking less than pleased, but he throws a blow to Caliban’s side causing the man to release him!

Sewaside grabs Caliban and again bulldogs him! Caliban rises, yet again, and this time it looks like a phoenix from the ashes! Caliban begins to deliver an onslaught of blows all over Sewaside. Jordan Caliban is getting fantastic after that beating. Caliban pulls Sewaside to the turnbuckle, climbs to the top rope and goes for a Diamond Cutter off the top rope! He goes in for the pin


KICKOUT! Sewaside is not done with the match! Caliban gets him in for DDT! Sewaside struggles to his feet once more, but when he gets there he grabs Caliban, and goes for a Bulldog! Caliban is down! Sewaside then climbs the ropes, faces the crowd, and goes for a moonsault on Caliban! While still on top he pulls Caliban’s legs in for a leg lock, using the ropes to add leverage. The ref doesn’t see this.




Winner: Sewaside!

Wyatt Reynolds
- vs -
- vs -
Tri Bute
X-treme Rules, 1 Fall

All three competitors start in the ring, as the referee calls for the bell! After the ringing has stopped, Tri Bute looks over across the ring at Wyatt Reynolds, and the two of them lock eyes momentarily before nodding in silent agreement over something. Elisha takes a step forward, and right when he does, Bute and Reynolds rush forward! Wyatt slips behind Elisha and gets him in a double underhook while Tri Bute hits a series of punches to Elisha's face before backing up and hitting a huge ROLLING punch! Wyatt lets go, and Elisha drops to the mat, clutching at the site of impact!

Wyatt goes for the cover!


Saved by Tri Bute! Whatt stands back up and the two start to bicker, a verbal exchange that ends with Wyatt stomping on Bute's foot before executing an arm drag! Elisha gets back to his feet, only to eat a dropkick from Reynolds and gets sent into the corner! Wyatt then focuses his attention back over to Tri Bute. Or at least, he tries to. When he turns around, Tri Bute's there waiting for him! Bute gives him a big Future bodyslam! He then leaves Wyatt to work over Elisha, still stuck in the corner.

Another series of punches from Tri Bute, until Wyatt comes over and taps on the Future Man's shoulder. Tri Bute turns around, ready to duke it out with him until Wyatt points at Elisha. The two then resume working together, as if nothing had happened prior, taking turns wailing on the man in the corner. They set him up on the top rope, and hit a big double team superplex! Tri Bute climbs the top rope again, about to launch off...

When Wyatt Reynolds shakes the ropes! Bute falls to the mat! Wyatt with the pin on Elisha again!



KICKOUT! Elisha's still in this one yet! Wyatt pushes off the mat, clearly pissed off! He turns his attention to Tri Bute once more, mouthing something under his breath that the cameras just can't quite make out. He peels Bute off the mat and connects with a big suplex! He then hits a quick elbow drop for good measure. Pulling Bute off the mat, he's met with a shove that sends him off the ropes, and Tri Bute takes the time to spin a circle-

ROLLING ELBOW! Wyatt lands on the mat in a heap, which Bute rolls over onto its back before going for the cover!



SAVED by ELISHA! Tri Bute gets up and delivers a vicious eye gouge to Elisha before spinning around once more. ROLLING Piledriver! He keeps Elisha in that position and goes for a pin!



WYATT! With a clubbing blow to the back of Bute's neck! Bute turns around, clutching his neck with one hand and wraps one hand around the throat of Reynolds! Torrential Tri Bute!

No! Wyatt wiggles his way out of the hold at the last possible second! DDT From Wyatt onto Bute! He runs the ropes, about to drop the titanium plated shin across the throat of the future warrior, who rolls out of the way at the last second! Wyatt hits the mat hard, rolling on his back and shouting every profanity in the book, and some not in the book yet for good measure. Bute climbs to the top rope, staring right at the now still laying body of Wyatt Reynolds before leaping off the top rope - Tri Bute to the Doomed!

No! Wyatt rolls out of the way this time! Bute hits the mat! Elisha's up to his feet and peels Wyatt up off the mat, though he's met with a low blow! Wyatt sets him up...

BURNING CROSS! Wyatt looks around the ring, to see that Bute has rolled out of the ring. He takes a deep breath before placing one foot on Elisha's chest. The ref gets down for the count.


Tri Bute slides back into the ring, something very familiar in hand. The Future Feather!


He makes it over to Wyatt and begins rubbing the torture device against Wyatt's bare skin! Wyatt breaks his own pin in essence, screaming and hollering out in pain before falling to the mat, squirming. Bute spins incredibly fast; so much so that he becomes a blur for a moment before coming to a stop. The feather no longer in his possession. He reaches downward and clutches Wyatt around the throat again. He lifts him up!

Torrential Tri Bute! Big chokeslam! He falls forward and lands atop Wyatt for the pin!



Kickout! Bute stands back up and hits a rolling elbow drop! After he stands up again, Wyatt starts to rise and hits a big uppercut that knocks Bute off balance and into the ropes, which he hooks his arms around to stop from rebounding. Wyatt measures Bute up as he slowly gets out of the ropes...

SOUTHERN UPRISING! Bute gets his hard and stumbles backwards, falling over the top rope! Wyatt stalks Elisha as the latter gets up to his knees...

THE GRAND WIZARD! Elisha is out like a light! Wyatt covers!




Winner: Wyatt Reynolds!

What an event we have just witnessed!

Every light in the arena goes off at that moment!

What in the world is this?

The X-Tron comes on and we see an eerily familiar figure with a long head of hair covering his face, with his head down. The figure reaches a hand over his face and pulls off what appears to be a mask. He snaps his head up, and this familiar face is revealed.

ANDREW MORRISON!? What the..!? I thought he was gone for good!

"Shane . The Xtreme Wrestling Federation. I told you all that I would see you again in hell! I told you all that the day would come where you would all burn! That day is coming! I told you all! ! XWF! Hell is coming! Oh yes, hell is coming. And it is not coming alone."

Oh my GOD! What does he mean!? What does that mean!? I don't know, but my GOD, Andrew Morrison is coming! What will Shane think about this!? What does Morrison have in store for the XWF!?

Coming up....

Stevie Tyler
- vs -
Olive Pendershore
- vs -
Mr. Supernova
Triple Threat, 1 Fall
Person pinned does not earn Trio shot

X-treme Championship*
Steve Davids
- vs -
John Austin
Grudge Match/Rematch from house show
X-treme Rules
*Assuming Davids is champion at time of match

When part two hits the airwaves! So stick around!
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[-] The following 10 users Like Giovanni Ferrari's post:
Andrew Morrison (01-20-2014), Archie Lawson (01-18-2014), Asylum (01-18-2014), Ezekiel Carter-Williams V (01-18-2014), Frodo mother fucking Smackins (01-18-2014), Morbid Angel (01-18-2014), Mr. Radio (01-18-2014), Peter Fn Gilmour (01-18-2014), Theo Pryce (01-18-2014), Tri Bute (01-18-2014)

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