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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Drunk In The Morning (RP #2)
Author Message
Gavin Graves Offline
I'm Not Crazy, I'm Just A Little Unwell

XWF FanBase:
Super Face

(always cheered; has massive following; almost never cheats)

12-18-2013, 09:05 AM

Once again it's early Wednesday morning, and Gavin Graves is up playing "Injustice" on Xbox 360. He has a fifth of a hundred proof vodka. It appears as if he has been sipping on it.

He is drinking at 5:35 in the morning. He doesn't know why he does it, but he has always enjoyed mornings. I suppose that spanned from when he was a child. He would always wake up early for school and fix himself a bowl of cereal and watch re-runs of that ridiculous Adam West version of Batman. It doesn't seem like that will ever change. He is playing a DC Universe game and drinking vodka.. The premise is the same, but different at the same time. This is just the way he does things.

A very short amount of time later Gavin is throwing up into a garbage can next to the couch. Michael walks in shaking his head in disbelief. Gavin grabs the bottle and downs the rest of the vodka.

You really need a fuckin' hobby, dude.


Seriously. What did you do for fun during that four year gap that I had heard from you?

Gavin remembers back even through his mild intoxication was blocking many many memories. He remembered being on a stage and laughter.

I think I made fun of people publicly.

So you were a stand-up comedian?

I don't fuckin' know.

Why are we havin this talk again?

Because you gotta stop playin' video games and gettin' drunk at five in the morning!

I'm sorry..MOM!

Do I look like a have the perfect perky tits and an ass that makes grown men cry?

Not in this light....

WAIT! You were talkin' bout my momma!

She was pretty fuckin' hot. Popped my first boner to her.

I suppose we are even though.. I jerked off in your older sister's socks.

Why the fuck would you do that, my sister wasn't even that hot?!

Dude, it wouldn't have taken much. Plus I like feet.

Michael seems to be visibly disgusted by this.

Yeah okay any ways.. about this stand up thing. Did you ever think about trying it again whenever you aren't wrestling?

Maybe. I just think that I proba--


Gavin vomits in the garbage can again.

Okay. I'm good.

And I probably need to wait.. I really need to balance my time efficiently.

Really? Your breakfast is a fifth of vodka and your entertainment is a video game that you have already beaten ten times.

Gavin throws down the controller and starts holding his head.

Fuck. I think I need to go back to sleep.

You know what. You do that, and this weekend we will get you back into the stand-up world.

Gavin is making his way to the bed room slowly for fear of falling over. Once to his door he turns around propping himself up on the wall.

Why the fuck is an alcoholic getting mad at me for being an alcoholic? Jesus! That makes no fuckin' sense. that's like beating off in a confessional booth at church because you think that asking forgiveness while whacking your little pud will make God less pissed at you.

You're fuckin' stupid.

Michael is laughing uncontrollably at this point.

Maybe so, but it's that quippy shit that makes me wish you would do that stand-up stuff. I mean it makes sense.

You may be right, good sir. But what you are saying bout me bein' a drunk is still the pot callin' the kettle a nig--

Go to bed, Gavin.


Gavin turns around and walks into the bedroom and plops down on the bed. He didn't go to sleep. His sober thoughts and drunk thoughts were fighting. The sober one's were winning because Gavin was actually excited about the thought of going back into stand-up. He hadn't even thought about it since college. It was just something that he did for fun to release the pressures of school. He didn't drink much back then, so I guess that explains it all.

But he couldn't worry about this weekend right now. He had to sober up a little bit and start planning for his 6 man tag tomorrow night alongside John Austin and Steve Davids. He liked his chances, and he felt he had to win this match to prove himself. Tagging with the United States Champion just might do the trick.

[Image: Graves_zps35cf902e.jpg]
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