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12/31 Madness - Tag Team Match
Author Message
Paul Heyman

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01-01-2014, 02:42 PM

Madness returns and we get a black screen on the X-Tron with an old man's voice reciting a passage of poetry which also runs across the screen in green type.

The creature you face is a Caliban, a thing made of 2 creatures, different feet and hands, it will tear out your throat and take all that it can. Why would you ever face a Caliban

The highlight reel starts with a young man swaggering out onto an unknown stage somewhere with the name Jordan Caliban written across the screen. It then switches to him sprinting to the ring for a triple threat match, the video goes to the starting sequence with a luchadore taking the first shot with a strong roundhouse style kick toward the ribs of another wrestler. He swings another, but the unknown wrestler blocks it, only for Caliban to connect with a sharp elbow to the face. the man stumbles backwards, and Jordan follows it up with a big jumping kick that takes him to the mat. Caliban lands and spins around, the luchadore catches him with a strong side kick that sends him stumbling into the ropes. the luchadore tries to follow it with a running cross body, but Caliban manages to use the luchadore's momentum to throw him over the top rope and down to the floor he then jumps up on the middle ropes triple H style and celebrates. we switch to Jordy on his back fighting up against ending with him Kipping up into an ace crusher we end with the imploding 630 shot on the unmasked opponent.

Montage of Calibans promos with no sound and just him joking and messing around backstage We switch to Jordan sitting on the top rope watching another masked wrestler and waiting for the bell to ring during their match, we quickly switch to the handshake and then to the 2 men exchanging kicks and blocks in the ring before he finally lands a dropsault on the masked man sending him out of the ring to the floor only to be followed by a Mascara Dorada inspired dive using the middle of the ring ropes as a ladder before springing out of the ring with a shooting star press, we get a quick montage of the worlds scariest pile driver and the cyclone DDT, We see Caliban's pissed frustration at the end of the match and we get an abridged recap of him tricking the ref and cracking the luchadore over the head with a chair before putting him in the two tone pass out to end the match

The music fades and then a hand appears holding something in a spotlight, a voice emits from the shadow

This is a hand grenade, the pin for now is securely placed on the trigger mechanism, but when the time comes this grenade will blow the glass ceiling to shit and leave everyone in front of me bleeding in the shards.

The hand grenade is thrown up into the air and it becomes a single light bulb hanging from the roof swinging back and forth, as the camera pans down a young man is standing in the light, he has a black mask pushed up onto his head so you can see his face.

My name is Jordan Caliban, I kick harder, think faster and fly like a fucking bird circling a worm. I'll make this clear, Im here to kick the shit out of someone and just like every good warrior I already have the best among you in my sights, you don't know who I am but I know you. I am here to make my name and you are the one I want to walk over to do it.

With this Caliban bursts into fits of laughter and his head falls back, when it comes back up the mask is on and he is giggling, when he speaks his voice is higher and more manic, he speaks quickly.

Some things should stay in the dark but most of these things in the end come to light, this is a warning... the Punkin walks among you

With that the mask is pulled back up but this time there is another beneath it, pure black showing no features, once again he speaks but this time the voice is old and seemingly filled with dust.

We are what comes next in the world of professional wrestling, we will never claim victory until we take it with our own 2 hands, and these hands are the ones you all want to avoid.

The lights flash on and we are in a large warehouse building, pieces of rafter are falling off and in the distance is a small maze of corridors and a set of stairs to the basement.

Pretend this is our world and somewhere here in this building there is a door and behind that door is a room full of dust and dirt and shit build up over years, and housed in that room is the life timers of the careers of every single one of you in this locker room. Wanna know what happens when the sand runs out? Just watch what we are capable of.

And with that he starts to laugh going through all 3 voices in reverse order.


He then takes a Joint out of his shirt pocket and lights it pulling his hood up and with a wink and a smile at the camera the shot ends.

The highlight reel of a title match opens with Jordy making a slightly different entrance wearing a strange black mask resembling a Pumpkin, He stands at the top of the ramp crosses his feet and drops down into a cross legged sitting position soaking in the crowd and then lifts the mask up to wink at the camera, we start with a slightly more experienced looking wrestler slapping Jordy, with the mask back on, across the face and Jordy quickly coming back with a DDT, we switch to a frog splash and then another shooting star press to the outside, this time with a running single leap up onto the top rope, we see the older wrestler take over stomping on Jordy and playing to the crowd, we see him lock Caliban in the sharpshooter and Jordy getting the ropes. We switch now to a stand off with both men nailing each other in the face with punches, then another DDT and Finally the Caliboom, the song in the background ends and you can hear a crowd chanting "your going home in a fucking ambulance" the screen goes black as the chanting continues. The green type appears again along with the voice

Something undeniable this way comes.

Madness fades to commercial.

JOEY STYLES: “Madness rolls on with a tag match, the teams of which, like the rest of the show have been decided by the people! Four competitors: Jenna Silver, Mizuki Tsukasa, Liz Hathaway, and Charlotte Dyson! Two teams! Let’s take a look at the results!”

Dyson & Tsukasa vs Hathway & Silver

Dyson & Silver vs Hathaway & Tsukasa

Dyson & Hathway vs Tsukasa & Silver

JOEY STYLES: “Landslide! Looks like it’s Charlotte Dyson and Mizuki Tsukasa vs. Liz Hathaway and Jenna Silver!”

“Heart of Swords” plays.

Mizuki Tsukasa, the Yakuza Princess, emerges onto the stage amid a shower of cherry blossoms, passing between her two rows of Yakuza security guards. Following close behind her is her personal bodyguard, Zanza-san, and Charlotte Dyson, who rolls her eyes at all the pomp and circumstance. She seems to be disgusted at the prospect of being teamed with the Asian girl. Together, the three make their way down toward the ring, with Mizuki waving here and there to the fans, though Zanza-san keeps her away from the barricades, where someone might be able to touch her. Charlotte shoves by and slides into the ring, while Mizuki is much more lady-like and ascends the steps before stepping through the ropes.

“This is War” by Thirty Seconds to Mars plays.

Out from backstage step the former lovers, now not even bothering to look at one another. It seems they’ve had a bit of a falling out, with Liz wanting to return to her “old self,” putting their marriage on hold for now. Jenna, as if to spite Liz, begins to dance suggestively for the fans, who whoop and holler in response. Liz rolls her eyes and marches down to the ring, seemingly more focused on the match to come than her pseudo-fiance’s attempts to gain attention. Jenna can only smile spitefully and follow behind, enjoying Liz’s response.

Charlotte Dyson & Mizuki Tsukasa
- vs -
Liz Hathaway and Jenna Silver
Standard Tag Rules

The bell rings, and it is Misuki against Silver to start this off. The ladies lock up in the center of the ring, with Jenna coming up on top, locking in a side headlock on Mizuki, who shoves her away. Jenna rebounds off the ropes with a running pelvic thrust – right into Tsukasa’s face! Mizuki is thrown backwards, but rolls back onto her feet. Silver rushes her, only for Tsukasa to drop Silver across the middle rope with a sudden drop toe-hold! Mizuki then bounces off the opposite ropes and crushes Silver’s throat into the rope with a double-foot stomp to Silver’s back!

Silver slumps to the mat, clutching her throat, but Mizuki is on her like flies on honey. She scoops up Silver and plants her back down into the mat with a Russian leg sweep, followed by an elbow drop into an early pin!



Silver kicks out! Tsukasa grabs Silver by the hair and pulls her over to the corner, where Mizuki tags in Dyson.

Charlotte comes in with a flurry of stomps to the downed Silver. In the opposite corner, Liz is trying to act as though the assault on Silver doesn’t bother her, but something’s coming through – is it concern for Jenna, or the fear of losing?

Dyson finally lets up on her attack, allowing Silver to rise. But once on her feet, Dyson is back on her with some closed-fist punches to the head, followed by a hair-pull snapmare takedown. Dyson then targets a dropkick right into Silver’s back!

Dyson pulls Silver up by the hair, but Jenna suddenly rears back and clobbers Dyson with a bitch slap! This gives Silver just enough time to leap and tag the outstretched hand of her partner, Liz Hathaway!

Liz rushes into the ring like a woman on fire, sliding under Dyson between her legs, emerging on the other side and hitting Dyson in the kidneys with a dropkick, propelling Dyson forward, where she slams her face into the turnbuckle cover. Stumbling backwards from the impact, Dyson is suddenly rolled into a schoolboy pin by Liz Hathaway!



Dyson kicks out!

Liz wraps her arm around Dyson for a rear sleeper hold, but Dyson throws a punch into Liz’s face, breaking the hold. The girls climb to their feet, but Dyson performs a spinning heel kick into Liz’s abdomen, causing Hathaway to double over. Dyson follows up with a lifting reverse STO! Liz’s face smacks the mat. But Dyson’s not done, as she locks Liz in a modified Camel Clutch!

With strain upon her body, Liz desperately reaches for the ropes! After what seems like an eternity, she is finally able to grab the ropes and break it up! But Dyson keeps the hold locked in for the 4 count before releasing Hathaway. Confident, Dyson pulls back on Liz’s arm and drags her to enemy territory. Dyson tags in Mizuki, who leaps over the top rope and plants her leg across Liz’s throat for a leg drop and pin!



Liz kicks-out!

Undeterred, Mizuki lifts Liz to her feet and whips Hathaway into the ropes. On the rebound, Mizuki suddenly catches Liz mid-stride and executes a beautiful belly-to-belly suplex! Liz quickly tries to get back to her feet, but she is stopped when she reaches her knees by Mizuki, who hits Liz with a perfectly-timed enzuigiri! Liz flops back onto the mat!

Mizuki smiles and ascends to the top of the turnbuckle. The crowd roars their approval as Mizuki turns around on the top turnbuckle. She leaps! Cherry Blossom Moonsault!

But Liz has rolled out of the way! Mizuki slams the mat with brute impact! Both ladies are down!

The two begin crawling for their respective corners. Liz, desperate, reaches out for Silver, who is practically hanging over the edge of the ropes for the incoming tag. Mizuki, meanwhile, is doing the same, crawling for her own corner!

Liz tags Silver!

Mizuki tags in Dyson!

The women charge into the ring, with Silver ducking under a clothesline from Dyson! Superkick! Dyson’s face eats foot! Silver falls atop Dyson for the pin!



Dyson kicks-out!

Silver furrows her brow at this, and decides to lick Dyson’s face! Charlotte shoves Silver away in disgust and rises to her feet, only to be met with a heel kick to the midsection from Silver, who then tosses Dyson’s head under her arm, ready for a suplex! Silver lifts Dyson, but Charlotte suddenly slips out behind Silver! A stomp to the gut, and Dyson hooks Silver’s arms! The Queen’s Ride (Spinning lifting sitout double underhook facebuster)! The sit-out pin!




WINNERS: Charlotte Dyson and Mizuki Tsukasa

With the match concluded, Dyson suddenly turns to face Tsukasa, who is leaning against the ring post in exhaustion. Catching Dyson’s gaze, Mizuki’s soft face melts into an angry façade. Dyson moves toward Mizuki threateningly, only for Zanza-san to suddenly pop up onto the apron in prepared defense of the Yakuza Princess.

Deciding this is probably not in her best interest, Dyson tosses an Asian-themed obscenity at Tsukasa before rolling out of the ring under the ropes and slowly making her way to the back, never breaking her glare at Tsukasa.

JOEY STYLES: “Dyson, who has been a huge part of tonights show already, picks up a win with her partner!

“Hold the phone, 'F'ers! Here comes the boss!”

Paul Heyman emerges from backstage as Dyson hurls insults at him when she walks by. Heyman just shrugs it off and goes about his business.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Liz Hathaway! It has come to my attention that you have been saying some very unsavory things about your General Manager. I will not reveal my source, but if you look at Jenna Silver, you can see why I believe every word she says.

“With these findings being taken as fact, Liz Hathaway, I hereby suspend you indefinitely! Enjoy your unpaid vacation!”

JOEY STYLES: “Oh my God! Heyman just suspended Hathaway over probably, what was a pack of lies told to him by Jenna Silver, but not Jenna Silver!”

Madness fades to commercial.

As we get back from break, our scene opens up in a murky swamp located in a the bayous of quite possible New Orleans. We hear the tune of a banjo being played in the distance and the slight hum of a harmonica playing a tune. The camera slowly pans around and we see an old wooden shack barely surviving. John Austin comes walking out of the doorway and we see him wearing a flannel shirt and raggedy jeans. He sits Indian style on the rotting wood and starts smiling.

JOHN AUSTIN: “Let me tell you something bo, I am going take you down and show you the rot that eats away at our souls. Before it's all said and done yall, this thing a mag jig.... ahhh fuck it, I try to make fun of you Amos and I can barely do the southern lingo that you are so accustomed to speaking.

“So here I am, in the bosom of what makes you all that you are. I heard you accepted my challenge and I can not wait. I can not wait to send your sorry ass packing back here at the swamps and I can not wait for you to tell Eli that you failed at taking me out.”

John stands up on the wooden deck and raises his hands out to the sky, as the camera pans above head, looking down at John.

JOHN AUSTIN: “I am waiting Amos... I'm not hard to find.”

John spins around on the deck and begins laughing as our scene fades to darkness, and Madness fades to commercial.

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[-] The following 8 users Like Paul Heyman's post:
Caliban (01-01-2014), John Austin (01-01-2014), Liz Hathaway (01-01-2014), Mizuki Tsukasa (01-01-2014), Mr. Radio (01-01-2014), Peter Fn Gilmour (01-01-2014), Scott Charlotte (01-01-2014), Theo Pryce (01-01-2014)
Liz Hathaway Offline
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

01-01-2014, 03:31 PM

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

[Image: 246195bf6992c5da7d09ff840f1abc76.jpg]

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Irony Offline
Ironic in XWF

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01-01-2014, 03:34 PM

(01-01-2014, 03:31 PM)Liz Hathaway Said: You've got to be fucking kidding me.

Fucking you would be way too mainstream for my tastes.

Oh, you said "fucking kidding me!"

Still, too mainstream.

[Image: Irony_zpsbeb83958.jpg]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Irony's post:
Ezekiel Carter-Williams V (01-01-2014)
Mizuki Tsukasa Offline
The Yakuza Princess

XWF FanBase:
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

01-01-2014, 03:53 PM

"Yay, we won, even if Charlotte isn't lady like. I'm sorry Jenna-chan, but I couldn't easy on you and Paul-san didn't have to do that to Liz-chan, that's fucked up."

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[Image: YakuzaSig_zpsd988c437.jpg]
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