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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Lethal Lottery 2 Entire Tourney + PPV RP Archive
The Birds and the NAZI
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

11-26-2013, 06:20 AM

OOC: This RP takes place immediately after NAZI’s rp listed below:
Thank you.

“Come again?”

“NAZI just asked me out on a date.”

“When? Where? When did you see him?”

“Outside of the building. He was getting into his car and I approached him.”

“You approached him? You have bigger balls than I thought you did.”

“Real nice.”

“So what did you tell him?”

“I didn’t tell him anything. He gave me until 3pm tomorrow to get back in touch with him. Otherwise he will just assume that I have no interest.”


“What’s interesting?”

“Well considering how repulsed you were by him just earlier today the fact that you didn’t deny him right then and there is surprising. Surprising and interesting. I take it you saw some merit in what he had to say. He’s a hell of a salesman that’s for sure.”

“I find what he had to say intriguing but I do not agree with his vision or his belief that he was born into some great role where he alone is allowed to choose who lives and who dies. What gives him the right?”

“Are you asking my opinion or just posing the question?”

“Neither, both, I don’t know.”



“You’re all flustered aren’t you? I can hear it in your voice. Your words are delayed, lose, they aren’t the daggers they usually are. You approached him with a plan in mind, you had an agenda and he blew it all to hell with his smile and his sales pitch. He completely caught you off guard. It’s amusing.”

“I’m glad you are finding this amusing.”

“Erica let me pose a question to you. Would you kill 1 person to save 100,000? Or how about 10 to save 1,000,000? At what point does the good of the many outweigh the good of the few, in your mind?”

“It’s not that black and white Theo.”

“Oh but it is. It absolutely is. Population control is not a new thing Erica. It’s been going on since the dawn of time.”

“We aren’t talking about population control, we are talking about mass genocide.”

“Potato, potato.”

“This isn’t a joke Theo.”

“I’m not joking Erica. There is no difference between population control and mass murder except for the manner in which it is carried out.”

“Oh my God. You really believe in this don’t you? You aren’t just funding him, you actively believe in what this man wants to do.”

“Yes I do. But not for the reason’s you think.”

“Well then explain it to me Theo. Because right now I honestly can’t believe what I am hearing. We can't possibly be this different can we?”

“I believe that this world is filled with people who do more harm than good. And I don’t just mean to other people. I mean to the world as a whole. There are millions of people on the welfare rolls in this country. Some of them are the victim of bad circumstance but most of them, the overwhelming majority of them are just raping the system day after day. Year after year. They provide nothing and yet take everything. Did you know that you can win the lottery and still be on Welfare?”

“That’s an issue with the system and with the lawmakers who allow it and the Government Workers who do not have the oversight they should.”

“Absolutely. And every one of them deserve the same fate as those who take advantage of a system put in place to help them. Instead of putting in the effort and hard work to get themselves back on track they become dependent and worse, they become entitled. We are lucky, we have money, we don’t have to worry about where our next meal comes from, or where we are going to put our head down at night. But there are a lot of good people out there who struggle unnecessarily because money is taken out of their pay check to subsidize leaches. And let me be clear, this isn’t just an issue here in America, it’s a global pandemic. And that’s just one part of it.”

“So you believe that the population should be free of those who add no value to society, rather than giving them the necessary tools with which they can help themselves? You would rather squash a bug than lead it to safety?”

“I’m not Moses. The tools are there Erica. Welfare, just as an example, was put in place to help people get back on track, not so that they could sit back and live off the forced generocity of the general public. Do you know why Welfare is still around despite the reform that was promised to fix it all? Because everyone involved in making the decisions is afraid and convinced that when you take away that option, that crutch; that those who depend on the system will suddenly turn into criminals, stealing and murdering to get what they had been given for so long. As I told you yesterday, this world is a cruel place. People are not good by nature. And while I think that fear is very realistic I also believe that it is rather telling of the bigger problem.”

“So your solution is to fund a man like NAZI, to sit back and allow him to carry out his plans and then do what? Aren’t you worried about him using your money and whatever else you are giving him against you, against us?”

“Do you have those same fears when we sell missiles to the Middle East or to China?”

“Fair point.”

“But to answer your question more directly, no. I’m not worried about NAZI using any of the resources we provide him against us because while he is out trying to build an Army I already have one. More than one in fact. And beyond the simplicity of that, he and I are very much on the same page here. Our goals are the same even if our methods are different. Simply put Erica, this world needs to be cleansed. There is no reason why good honest people should struggle so mightily footing the bill for people who have no desire to help themselves. We also have prisons filled with various repeat offenders and one be one those folks are being released back into the population. Why? Because the prisons are dealing with overcrowding problems. And why? Because this world is a nasty place.”

“But that doesn’t give NAZI the right to pick who lives and who dies.”

“Someone has to. Why not him? If he wants to take up the mantle than let him do it. While you see him as a mad man others see him as the symbol of a new age. “

“There was a man who tried to do what NAZI is attempting now, and it did not end well for him. What makes NAZI any different?”

“So many things. Times are different. This world is not prepared or united enough to fight a war against a man like NAZI. Not with the resources I am giving him. People will get on their pulpits and preach about how evil NAZI is but in the years to follow they will see the brilliance in his actions.”

“So you are ok with me going out on a date with a guy who wants to kill a few billion people?”

“Hey at least it means you won’t be one of them.”

“So we are back to making jokes?”

“It was an observation. At least if you are dating him you won’t be in front of the firing squad. I do know that John will be crushed.”

“John? John who?”

“John Madison, he sort of has a thing for you.”

“Wonderful, anything else I need to know about your friends?”

“Not that I know of. So you are going to do it?”

“Do what?”

“Go out on a date with a man you claim to despise.”

“I have until 3:00pm tomorrow to make that decision.”

“You’re going. We both know that already so let’s not dance around that fact shall we?”

“Oh really and why is that?”

“Because you are my sister and your curiosity will win out in the end. It’s inevitable. So with that being said, do we need to have a talk about the birds and the bees?”

“Are you kidding me?”

“A little bit, yeah. “

“Enjoy your date Erica.”

Erica takes the phone off of her ear, hit’s the small red button on the screen interface and then slips the phone into her coat pocket and heads back towards Pryce Towers.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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