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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Doing homework
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Mizuki Tsukasa Offline
The Yakuza Princess

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

10-26-2013, 11:06 PM

Mizuki had made herself at home in The U.S. She now lived in Los Angeles. Her office was in a club ran by her father's Yakuza, which now she ran the club as a front for her and her lady assassins, yes Mizuki had a group of female assassins. Why? The reason, well one of the reasons was that females had many different ways to get to their target, but there were things that men did better when it came to getting to their target as well. Females could use their looks, they could flirt, use sex. Many different ways indeed, but there were times where a female couldn't be used, most of Mizuki's targets were men, but that sometimes was a problem if she had to get close and get info as well as a kill. Men tend not to let women into the inner circle. They think that they can't be on the level of them because simply they were women. They learned. Women could just as ruthless, more so sometimes. That old saying "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." Should really be "Hell hath no fury like a woman." scorned or not.

Mizuki leaned back in her chair. She gave a long bored sigh. Mizuki looked to her left to see Zanza-san standing there as he always did. She wondered if had ever went out and did things like a normal person. She had never seen him with anyone. Man, woman, no one. Oh well, that was his business. She reached and picked up her desk phone and dialed a number. The phone rang only once before it was picked up.

"Hey Riku-chan. How long will it take to get here?"

The woman on the other side of the phone name was Riku. When Mizuki found her, she was selling herself on the streets, not that she wanted to but forced to by her pimp or rather boyfriend. Mizuki first met her when she had stopped her boyfriend from beating her and by stopped, she had the male held down and she used a katana to part him from something he would rather not part from. The Yakuza princess had her cleaned up and tended to. She also scent her to accounting school. Riku was math wiz. She worked as Mizuki's CPA now and since then she has been nothing but loyal.

"I'm pulling up now Mizuki-sama."

"Oh good. Please hurry, I'm rather bored and would like to read the report."

The two hung up. Mizuki grabbed her pack of cigarettes that laid on her desk. She took one out and lit it between her lips and took a drag. As she was blowing out the smoke Ruki walked in. Now Ruki was a fan of anime. Such a fan she was always cosplay as some anime character. She was a different one everyday, where she had all these costumes Mizuki had no idea, but she welcomed it. She rather enjoyed seeing everyday who Ruki was going to dress as. Today she was cosplaying as sailor scout from the anime Sailor Moon.

"Sailor scout Ruki-chan is here to give you the report Mizuki-sama."

She said and placed a file down on Mizuki's desk. The princess took the file and smiled.

"Ah a sailor scout today huh? I was wondering when you were going to be one. I thought for sure I called it right yesterday. Oh well. Now I'll have to guess again tomorrow. Thanks for the file Ruki-chan. Now let's see what we got here."

She opened it the file and started to read. She rested her elbow on the desk and her cheek on her balled fist. The info she asked for was everything she asked for and more.

"So Mizuki-sama. What is the file on if you don't mind me asking."

The princess looked up from the file.

"Oh I had Megumi-chan get some info on Jack Swagger, my opponent in my first match. I have to my first match here. So I'm doing my homework. Megumi-chan has out done herself. Let's see here, he was an All American in The University of Oklahoma. Oh he went in as football player as well as a wrestler. He set a record in wrestling for the most pins in a single season. Thirty. So I can't have a wrestling match with him. It seems he doesn't have any fighting skills beyond that. I on the other hand have been trained in martial arts. He will be an easy win. What do you think Riku-chan?"

The sailor scout smiled.

"Oh I'm sure he could give you a run for your money, but he's no Kurt Angle. Jack Swagger hasn't mastered the ankle lock, yes he can broke your ankle but that's pretty much it. Kurt Angle could not only break your ankle but as well tear muscles. Jack Swagger. He's not a threat."

Mizuki nodded. She was right. He won't be a problem, not for her anyways, but the number one rule her father taught her was never make light of an opponent. Mizuki won't take Mr.Swagger lightly, but she was going to hurt him and bad. A dark sinister smirked formed on her lips as she shut the file. She was ready.

XWF Record
[Image: YakuzaSig_zpsd988c437.jpg]
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