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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
The Search For God Act One, Chapter Three: Now Entering Freemont Peak
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Militem Dominum Offline
Bow before the Lord, Profligate

XWF FanBase:
Monster Heel

(always booed; cheats; hurts people)

10-24-2013, 02:45 PM

Chapter Three

The atmosphere inside Johnny's 2003 Pontiac Grand Am was one of misplaced teenage angst. In fact, it managed to radiate to the exterior as well, the red and black painted body of the car covered by Hatchet Man and OF insignia plastered all over the doors and all around the bumper. Slinking back into the seat, Mani looked down at the floor, cluttered with empty Monster cans and still half filled Combos baggies.

Tyler, the Creator's "Trashwang" blares through the speakers, assaulting both men's ears. His head falls over to the side, caught by the palm of his hand while Johnny bobs his head to the beat, mouthing the incomprehensibly moronic and ttrying too hard to be offensive lyrics. The look on his face, a mix of naive cockiness and abrasive "assertiveness" proved itself enough to make his passenger gag.

Well, it was either that, or his body odor. The driver smelled as if he hadn't showered in weeks, the wave of nose penetrating stench came off a mix of grease and about three layers of dried sweat stuck to every inch of his body.

"We'll be there in no time, man!"

"I sure fuckin' hope so," Mani responded under his breath, concealing it in a sigh.

"Huh?" Johnny's eyes ventured off the road for the first time since the drive began. Looking back at his neckbearded, awkwardly cocky, smirking face, Mani grimaced.

"Nothing. Keep your eyes on the road, man!"

"Dude. This isn't my first day driving, and it sure as hell ain't my first time on this route. We'll be fine."

"I wasn't asking for our safety..."


"Nothing," he began with yet another sigh. "Just look at the road, for God's sake."

For God's sake...

"Um, I'm an atheist."

"Of course you are."

Turning his head from looking toward the road to out his own window, Mani keeps his eyes locked on the rapidly moving, ever changing and yet ever constant landscape that darts by them with each revolution of the wheels. Over the obnoxiously loud beat of the song, the sound of rain can be heard pelting the roof of the car. It dawned on him at this point, that at no point of this ride, had they seen another car come by from either direction.

"Oh man, I'm so stoked to be going back there. That place is the fuckin' bomb!" Johnny's enthusiasm makes itself known, knocking any other emotions out of his voice as the statement leaves his mouth. Mani, still annoyed and perplexed by the situation that had led him to the current happenings, brings both hands up to his face, and proceeds to bury the latter in the former.

"Come on man, it's gonna be awesome!"

"Yeah sure, whatever..."

Minutes passed as the two sat in silence, Mani's face still buried in his hands and Johnny still driving while bobbing his head, unable to shake the grin that had crept upon his face slowly but surely as the car came closer and closer to the destination. Passing a sign that was almost illegible in the rainy night, Johnny let out a whoop before turning his head once more to his passenger.

"Now entering Freemont Peak! Told you it wouldn't take that long."

Pulling the vehicle over to the side of the road, Johnny hops out of the car and runs to the trunk, popping it open before fishing around it not unlike the scenario that had occurred to Mani and the others earlier in the day.

"I just gotta get a few things!"

Opening his door, Mani steps out of the car. His bag stayed laid across the seat while he stretched for a few moments. After this, he reached down and slung the bag around his shoulder once more, taking a look back at the hipster fiddling in his trunk.

With a deep breath, he channeled his efforts from the rush to the building that put him in this situation, and began to run off in the direction of the town.

"Hey," Johnny yelled, slamming the trunk shut. "Where'd you go?"

A deep and heavy breathing filled the air around the car that Mani was now long gone from. The hairs on Johnny's neckbeard stand up, and he feels his blood begin to run cold.

"Dude, come on. This isn't funny," his trembling voice chokes out.

A rustle from of the bushes startles him, out stepping a figure, humanoid, dressed in all black. An aura of darkness surrounds it, leaving only the silver blade to glisten in the blank sky.

"Seriously man, cut it out!"

The figure approaches the scared stiff man, circling it with slow, heavy stomps. From under the black hood, a low, groaning voice can be heard whispering...


It reaches out and grabs the man's wrist, transferring, spreading the aura out to surround him whole as well as the figure itself. Within moments, both the man and the thing are swallowed by the darkness, leaving only the sound of a single footstep on the road, and a bloodcurdling scream to haunt the air.

[Image: Dominum_zpsd3a24972.jpg]
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