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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Message to Katie/ and Team Hathaway
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Liz Hathaway Offline
Do you have the power to let power go?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

10-11-2013, 05:33 PM

The scene opens up to Liz Hathaway, finished packing, sitting on her bed. Her room is blank, with no one on it this time. Mainly because she is going on a long trip. She sits down, pulls out her phone, and it appears that Katie Davidson is her …. Wallpaper. She checks the time, and mumbles “shit” before getting up, grabbing her bags, and heading out of her room door. She walks into the living room where she see’s Sarah and Cole, with the latter looking completely different.

Liz: Damn good job, Sarah. Now, lets get on with this.

Cole: Before we go, I just want to say, I hope we find whatever it is we’re looking for, and I hope no one gets hurt.

Liz: Oh, we’ll find it, but I can’t guarantee safety. What I can guarantee is that I will risk my life, to save both of yours.

Liz walks out of the door, leaving Cole and Sarah startled at her frightening words. They rush out the door, and catches up with Liz.

Sarah: Um Liz, what are we driving.

Liz: My rent-a-car, duh.

Liz shakes her head at Sarah’s stupidity. They put their belongings in the car, and stare at the apartment complex.

Liz: Lets get the hell out of here.

They all get in the car, and pull off. Sarah, in the passanger face, looks into Liz’s determined eyes.

Sarah: You ready?

Liz: ………..Yeah

Cole: Before we go, you have to tell us what you’re attempting to “find.”

Liz sighs, and begins to tell the entire story of her strange visit to the psychologist. With every grinding detail, Sarah and Cole look more intrigued.

Liz: And that’s how we got here.

Sarah: Wow

Cole: So question, how are you going to wrestle, and keep track of this adventure?

Liz: I guess when I have matches I’ll have to hold the trip for a while. I’m not quitting, I’ve got too much on my plate as of right now. I just got my first win, and I’m facing this new chick, Katie Davidson, on this upcoming Madness. PLUS I am in Lethal Lotto, so I have to go all out these next few weeks.

Sarah: Katie Davidson? Who the hell is that? I’ve been trying to keep up, but she’s never crossed my mind.

Liz: New chick, thinks she’s “all that” and then some, guess I’m gonna have to be the one to knock her down a peg or two. Matter of fact, Cole start up my camcorder.

Cole goes in Liz’s bag, and grabs her portable camcorder. He hands it over to Sarah who begins filming Liz.

Liz: It has come to my attention that I have a match on Madness. A match against “The Motor City Bombshell” Katie Davidson. I want to be quite honest right now; I don’t know who the hell you are. I do know that you are coming to the Staples Center looking for a win. I don’t plan on losing to you, nor do I plan on losing in Lethal Lotto. I DO however plan on coming to L.A. whipping your cute little ass in less than 5 minutes, then going to San Diego and winning my Lethal Lottery match for MY team.

Liz: Speaking of MY team, I’m sure you’ve heard that I will be joining the likes of Mystica, Nighmare, and JTC. I know Mystica and Nightmare can hold their own, but what bothers me is JTC. JTC, I have only three words for you, don’t fuck up. This is the biggest match of my career, albeit my career just started, but whatever. I’ll come to Lethal Lottery with my fucking A game in gear. I just hope you will too.

Liz: Oh and Katie, I’ll see you at the Staples Center sweet cheeks.

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