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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Touching Eternity (RP 1)
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Kimmy-K Offline
You are beautiful! I'll always love you!

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

10-09-2013, 03:21 AM

-4 Days Ago-

Doctor: Kimmy, you will be okay. You keep coming to me. I can't help you any further. All you seem to be experiencing are minor hallucinations as a result of fear, anxiety and sleep deprivation. The attack from Egyptian Snow Pharoah has taken its toll on you. I suggest taking time out of training sessions and just resting for the next few days.

Kimmy: You don't understand! I'm sleeping fine. If anything, I'm sleeping too much. I can't tell when i'm awake or asleep. I zone out a lot and--.

Doctor: Kimmy, I wish I could help further. What you need is rest. Rest for a few days. If you feel up to competing on Madness when you're believed to make your debut, then that's fine. But, it's my duty to make sure every measure's taken to ensure your safety. And for now, all I'm allowed to do is advise sleep.

The scene faded to white, which then began to fade into the next scene.


The room. It was all blurred when Kimmy awoke. All she could see was the floor. Something wasn't right. The onslaught of strange noises she'd heard lately had increased immensely day by day. And it seeped slowly into her mind that whatever was happening now must be linked to those noises. She needed to figure something out. Something needed to make sense.

???: Kimmy................................. Kimmy................................... Get up.

Kimmy: What's going on?... Where am I?

???: Home. Home to you is the arena, is it not?

Kimmy: Wh-Who are you?

???: Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you. I promise.

Kimmy: But--... Tell me who you are.

???: I'm... Too afraid, myself. Soon, I shall tell you. Just... Not yet. It isn't safe.

Kimmy: What do you mean it's not safe?

???: Get up, Kimmy.

Kimmy's vision begun to clear up. She glanced around the room, but nobody was there. A strange nightmare, perhaps? Kimmy slowly rose from the floor, dusted herself off, and then heard the voice again causing chills to run and flicker down her spine.

???: Turn and face me, Kimmy.

Kimmy slowly turned to the sound of the voice... A woman appeared to stand inside the mirror. As if a reflection of Kimmy. But, this woman wasn't Kimmy at all.... She looked perhaps thirty years old, had long black hair, wore a flowing off-white gown, plenty of make-up and seemed to be equally as afraid as Kimmy was. The two were silent as they slowly took steps towards eachother. The mirror was the meeting point where Kimmy raised her hand and so did the strange woman. Their fingers seemed to have touched, if not for the icy glass of the mirror between them. Kimmy saw nothing in the woman's eyes but pain... Fear, and almost a sense of anger in something that Kimmy could not quite make out. Kimmy's attention shifted from who this woman was, and directly into the woman's pain. A single tear ran down her cheek, and as it did, the woman seemed to shed a tear that mirrored the one on Kimmy's face.

Kimmy: Who--.... What are you doing here? You're... Human, right?

Mirror Lady: In simple wording, I'm dead, Kimmy. I'm here to stop you from making the same mistake I made. The mistake I can never take back. Only the deceased know that this is the biggest mistake one can make. And I would know more than almost anyone. I made the mistake, Kimmy, and I know you see my pain.

Kimmy: Yes... I-- I do see your pain. It scares me.

Mirror Lady: Don't be afraid, Kimmy. Please. I would feel guilty. I want only to protect you. I'm the only person who can.

Kimmy: But... If you're dead--

Mirror Lady: Yes, Kimmy. I am a ghost. Alone. Death is never-ending. Life is never-ending, too. It's an illusion you have that when a body falls limp, the person is gone?... But when you remove the shell of a peanut and disguard the shell, is the peanut gone? Of course it isn't. You see me now, because I show myself to you. The same way one can hide behind a tree, the dead spend almost all of their time hiding away from the living amongst the beams of light that surround us everywhere. They try not to interfere and ruin the purpose that the supposedly living serve. To be alive is one thing. To have life, is nothing. It can't be measured as something as it never starts nor ever notably ends. We live in eternity. Where I am punished for the mistake I don't want anyone to make again. Someone will, and I can't prevent it always. But, you're going to make it. Simple mistakes cost eternities. I must help you, Kimmy. I must...


[Image: DDWnd.jpg]
Who says, who says you're not perfect?
Who says you're not worth it?
Who says you're the only one that's hurtin'?
Trust me, that's the price of beauty
Who says you're not pretty?
Who says you're not beautiful?
Who says?
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