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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Money Talks Feat. John Madison
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

10-06-2013, 10:53 AM

:: Thought it’s the middle of the day the windows of Theo Pryce’s vast office are darkened to the point of keeping out any and all light. In fact, the only light that can be seen is coming from the small space between the carpet and the bottom of the double doors that mark the entrance of Theo’s office. Well, the entrance that people know about. On the far side of the room the TV is on, tuned into “BBC America”, specifically an episode of the Television Series “Luther”, a British Crime Drama starring Idris Elba as DCI John Luther. Although the room is mostly dark the TV allows for enough light to illuminate parts of the room, across from the TV is Theo’s couch which is currently the bed of choice for an unnamed brunette with a rear end that could have her feature on the popular Bang Bros website Ass Parade. A few seconds later Theo walks out of his private bathroom wearing only his signature white monogrammed towel and signing “My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark” by Fall Out Boy into his comb which is doubling as a microphone. The phone on Theo’s desk starts ringing, Theo looks over at it for a second contemplating whether to answer or not, the phone stops thinking before Theo makes a decision. ::

“Solves that problem.”

:: A second later the double doors to Theo’s office bursts open and both Jimmy and Brooke are standing there looking frazzled. ::

“Jimmy, “Not Leslie” what’s going on?”

“Sir, Erica has been trying to get a hold of you for over an hour.”

“Did she try my cell phone?”


“Did she try my office phone?”

“Yes she did.”

“I assume her third call was to you and what’s her face?”

“Brooke sir, my name is Brooke.”

“Yes I’m aware. You may go…oh, and close the doors on your way out.”

:: Having been just shot down by her boss for the third time today Brooke puts her head down, turns around and walks out of the office. ::

“So tell me Jimmy, what does Erica want?”

“I don’t know sir.”

“Wait, Erica called my cell, then my office, and then she called you, presumably because what she needs to say is very important and she didn’t even tell you what it is she wanted.”

“No sir she didn’t.”

“Jesus Christ and I pay her?”

“Apparently you don’t have a choice sir.”

“Wait…what? How many people did she tell that to?”

“I’m not sure sir but judging from your reaction I assume you are hoping it’s just two.”

“Never mind, truth is I would never fire her anyway.”

“Well that’s good because I like Ms. Rayner.”

“Do you now? Are we talking, “you think she’s a nice person because she is one of the few people around here that are nice to you” or is it more of a “she gets you all tingly downstairs and so you pass her a note at lunch that says “I like you, do you like me to, check yes or no”?”

“Well which one is it Jimmy?”

“The first one sir, definitely the first one.”

“Good to know. Now, did Ms. Rayner happen to mention where she could be reached at?”

“Yes sir she did, she said she will be reachable by her cell phone.”

“Thanks Jimmy. Now can you do me a favor and have security escort the woman on the couch out of the building?”

“Of course sir, would you like me to say to her as she is being escorted out?”

“No, why the hell would I want you to say anything to her?”

“I don’t know sir, just checking all my bases.”

“Well that’s swell Jimmy.”

:: With that Jimmy turns and exits the office. Theo walks over to his desk and hits a button on his phone and almost instantaneously the windows transform from totally black to crystal clear and the room that was once completely dark is now lit up by the fierce Phoenix Sun. Theo then walks over to the couch where the still unnamed woman is sleeping. He pulls the pillow out from under her head, startling the woman to the point of waking up. ::

“Security will be here in a minute to escort you out, better grab your things before you have to take the walk of shame through the building naked.”


:: Theo ignores the question and instead picks up his cell phone off the floor on his way to his private bathroom where he shuts the door and so as to prevent any interruptions flips the switch to lock the door from the inside. Theo then presses two numbers and his cell phone lights up and the sound of a dial tone and then ringing can be heard. ::

“I hear you are looking for me Erica.”

“What the hell have you been doing? I’ve been trying to reach you for over an hour.”

“Not what Erica, who.”

“You’re a pig.”

“Bacon comes from pigs and bacon is delicious, so are you saying I’m delicious Erica?”

“Shut up for a second would you please? Listen, I talked to John Madison, he might be a bigger asshole than you are.”

“Impossible, but go on.”

“Well apparently he is having some problems and he thinks you could be of assistance. Well, not you, so much as your money.”

“My money? I’m not that charitable fuck Bill Gates. I don’t just throw my money at things so that I never have to hear about them. What does Madison want my money for?”

“Well apparently there was an accident at one of their events and someone died.”

“One of their wrestlers died? Interesting.”

“No actually, it was a spectator. It was real messy.”

“One of their spectators died? Interesting.”

“Yes, anyway because this is America and lawsuits are the answer to everything the XWF, specifically John Madison is being sued. And that’s what he needs your money for. To make the lawsuit go away.”

“Sounds easy but what do I get out of this? I haven’t even met this cat yet and already he wants my money? And here I thought it was only women that were after me for my money.”

“He did say something about making you a Champion.”

“I’m listening.”

“That was it really. I told him you could meet him in San Diego at his office. I have alerted your flight crew, they are ready to go, as is the driver at the office and a driver to pick you up from the airport in San Diego and take you to Madison’s.”

“Nicely done. Way to earn your paycheck. Oh and by the way, how many people did you tell the whole “I can’t fire you” business to?”

“No one.”

“Then how did Jimmy know?”

“I don’t know, maybe he read it in his “Big Red Binder.”

:: With that Erica hangs up the phone. Theo removes the phone from his ear and looks at the screen to confirm that Erica did indeed hang up on him. Theo then walks over to the far end of his the bathroom and enters a walk in closet that is bigger than most of his employee’s offices. Theo scans the various clothes before settling on a black suit with a blue shirt and tie combination. As Theo starts dressing he can hear the woman who was previously asleep on his couch and the rustling of what he believes to be building security. A few seconds later he hears something shatter and then the double doors in his office close. ::

“That better not have been my flat screen. I have to stop bringing people I meet at strip clubs back here.”

:: Theo finishes dressing and then unlocks the door to the bathroom before stepping back into his office. He looks around the room to access the damage…flat screen…check…windows…check…liquor bottles…check. It isn’t until about 30 seconds later Theo notices a broken picture frame on the floor next to his office’s double doors. He walks over, picks up the frame and takes a look at it before throwing it in the trash. ::

“Jokes on her, picture in there were the stock one that comes with the frame.”

:: Theo then heads over to his dry bar, opens the cabinet at the bottom and grabs a bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue Label; he then walks over to the book shelf next to his TV and a DVD case that contains Season 3 of Sons of Anarchy. Theo then heads towards the office’s outer wall. Theo tilts back a bust of his father’s face and suddenly a section of the wall opens up to reveal a private elevator. Theo hits the button marked G and the elevator begins its rapid decent. Approximately 15 seconds later the elevator reaches its destination and the doors open to reveal a vast garage filled with various cars, some classic, some new, and some never before seen by the public. Theo walks out of the elevator where he is greeted by Jimmy. ::

“Ready to go Mr. Pryce?”

“Absolutely Jimmy. How’s traffic looking?”

“All clear sit, should get you to the air field within a half hour.”

“Sounds good.”

:: Jimmy walks around to the front of a black Lexus LS, opens the driver’s side door and sits down behind the steering wheel. Theo situates himself in the back and within seconds the car peers out of the garage and heads down the road towards the Pryce Industries Airfield. Roughly 25 minutes later the black Lexus LS arrives at the airfield where the Theo’s Private Jet which has the name “The Great White Hope” painted on its side is waiting for takeoff. Theo quickly steps out from the back of the car and walks right up the steps into the jet which in moments heads down the take off strip and begins its ascent. Theo walks up to the 65 inch Vizio Flat Screen and hit’s a small button next to the TV. A small panel next to the TV opens up to revel a Blu ray player and Bose Sound System. Theo hits a small button which turns the Blu Ray player as well as opening the tray so Theo can place Disc 2 of Season 3 onto the tray. Another touch of a button and the tray closes. Theo walks over to the couch, picks up the remote and navigates through the menu before hitting the play button. ::

“God I love this show. I need to start my own M.C.”

:: At approximately 12:30pm “The Great White Hope” touched down in San Diego. A few minutes later the plane comes to a halt just in front of a black 2013 Ford Explorer where a young blonde is awaiting outside the vehicle. Door to the plane opens up to reveal Theo standing there with the bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue in his hands. He descends down from the plane and walks over to the Explorer to meet the driver. ::

“Hello Mr. Pryce. My name is Monica and I’ll be taking you to your destination.”

“Fantastic. And after that?”

“After that I will wait in the parking lot until your meeting is over and then I will bring you back here.”

“By the time the meeting is over it will around dinner time. Do you have any plans for dinner?

“No Mr. Pryce I don’t.”

“Tell you what, here’s some cash, while I am in the meeting go buy yourself something nice, change into that and then meet me back in the parking lot and we will go from there to dinner. I may even drive us there.”

“I don’t know Mr. Pryce, I’m not sure that’s part of my job.”

“Who do you work for?”

“Premier Motors”

“Ok, I’ll take care of it.”

:: Theo takes his phone out of his pocket and dials Erica. The phone goes straight to voicemail so Theo leaves Erica instructors to contact the Manager of Premier Motors and instruct him or her that Theo will need the services of his driver until at least the end of the day. Theo hangs up and pockets his phone. ::

“There you go, all taken care of. Now let’s get to that meeting.”

:: Theo and Monica each get in the car and head to XWF’s War Room. After a quick 10 minute drive filled with idle chit chat and obnoxious flirting they arrive at their destination. ::

“Alright Monica, I’ll see you in a bit. Looking forward to what you pick out.”

“Thanks again Mr. Pryce.”

“Theo, call me Theo.”

“Yes Theo.”

:: As Monica drives away Theo turns around and heads into the building stopping at the reception desk to sign in. ::

“Hello sir, do you have an appointment?”

“Yes I do. I’m here to see John Madison. I’m Theo Pryce.”

“Hold on sir, let me call him to verify.”

“Be my guest.”

:: The woman at the reception desk picks up the phone and dials John Madison’s three digit extension. The phone rings for a moment and then someone picks up. ::

“Hello Mr. Madison, I have a Mr. Pryce here to see you…yes sir he said he was here for you.”

“Pardon me Mr. Pryce, what is this in regards to?”

“Ask Madison, he was the one that wanted me here.”

“He says you asked for him specifically. Yes sir, I understand sir. No need to yell sir.”

:: A visibly shaken receptionist hangs up the phone, breathes for a moment and then looks up at Theo. ::

“Mr. Madison will see you. His office is down the hall, 5th door on the right. Have a good day sir.”

:: Theo makes his way down the hallway, bottle of whiskey in hand. It takes him only a few seconds to make it to John Madison’s office. Theo finds it odd that for a man as important as John Madison is there are no windows next to his office door, or a name plate signifying that this is indeed Madison’s office. Theo takes a second for himself and then knocks three times on the door. There is a loud commotion behind the door and then the door opens to reveal a rather disheveled looking John Madison. In fact, Theo would later quip that Madison reminder him of a younger and slightly less sober George W. Bush::

“Who the hell are you?”

“Seriously? I’m Theo Pryce. The receptionist literally just told you I was coming down to see you not more than 30 seconds ago.”

“Maybe she did, maybe she didn’t…”

“She definitely did, I was standing there when she did.”

“Either way, you’re here now, hey, what have you got in your hand?”

“It’s a bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue Label, my favorite whiskey.”

“Fantastic. Come on in.”

:: Madison grabs the bottle out of Theo’s hands and ushers him into the office. Theo walks into the room, shutting the door behind him. Theo surveys the room and then he realizes why there is no name plate on the office door. It’s because John Madison’s office isn’t an office at all, it’s actually a Janitor’s closet, and a rather disgusting one at that. Madison walks over to some boxers situated next to an egg crate that has a small lamp next to it. Madison picks up a coffee cup, sniffs it and then dumps its contents on the floor a few feet from the drain. He then uses his teeth to open the bottle and then spits the cork somewhere across the room before pouring himself a healthy amount of the whiskey. ::

“You want any?”

“No I’m good John.”

“Alright then, have a seat. There’s a box over there, I think it’s filled with files so it shouldn’t collapse on you.”


“ Do you like guns Theo?”

“Who doesn’t?”

“Right wing Democrats, that’s who.”

“Pretty sure the Democrats are the Left Wing. GOP is the right."

"You sure?"

"Pretty sure"

"Alright then. Here’s my gun Theo, a nice Glock, had it for years. A judge tried to take it away from me last week. I had to pay $1000.00 just to get it back, and now I have to do some bullshit community service. Apparently the Right to Bear Arms” means nothing in this country anymore.”

“Well generally not in a court room they don’t. So John, Erica tells me you are having some legal troubles?”

“You could say that. We had to cancel our show last week because some asshole decided to die at our event the week before.”

“That’s unfortunate.”

“Tell me about it. Anyway, they are suing the XWF and me for negligence or some other shit. I don’t know really remember.”

“Do you have a lawyer John?”

“The XWF has a law firm on retainer.”

“Ok. So what do you want me for then?”

“Well here’s what I am thinking…”

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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