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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
It's A Rainstorm of Truth
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Great Buzzard Eli James IV Offline
Speaker of Truth

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10-02-2013, 01:05 PM


It's why laws come into existence placed by the governed ruler-ship by people. It's not just the majority who gets to bring about what law should come into play and what morals people should have, but it's also those in power. A wide-variety of religions have their own set of laws into place and consequences if you disobey one. Some of those rules run parallel to the laws outside of their worldview, but there are some that do not. Some could be considered a judgment call based on how you view the world and the ending result of someone's life.

To the majority of people.. stealing is seen as wrong. A few could say 'stealing from this person will justify what they've done or how they treated x'. Sleeping with another while in the sacred bond of marriage, aka adultery, is seen as a wrong act but could try to be justified. Regardless of any try of justifying an act.. it cannot make it right. It doesn't make it right. It remains in the category of being wrong.

Another example would be to speed because you're running late for work and you get caught by a police officer. Use an excuse and try to justify you breaking the law. Does it make it right? No, you'll probably get a ticket.. and even if you don't.. you're still a law breaker. Like it is written.. 'if you've broken one law, you've broken them all.. regardless of which law is broken.. you're still a law breaker'.

This is why Eli had created a separate world from The Promise Land, known as The Village.

It's dark. It's a bit eerie for anyone who goes there. It's a creation to handle the darkness. It's where those who want to disobey are handed over to the darkness they so blindly wish for. The repeated yells and screams you hear coming from the barn are those who live there. Instead of eternal punishment, Eli lets them feel a few days of it and off they go back to their work. If a law is broken there? Nobody really knows what happens. There's only been a handful to have completely disobeyed and rebelled against the laws Eli had given. Nobody knows where they are or if they are still on this Earth. Eli has the basic laws in every home, and nailed to every building. You can't miss it and, therefore, breaking a rule doesn't have a justified excuse. They are written in every home, on every building, and driven into every person's mind.


It's a word that gets repeated often in the barn of screams. Obey. Obey. Obey. The problem is within the human heart. Everyone wants to obey and not get punished. They want to see a smile again.. they want to hear a song just once more.. they want to carry a conversation with another person for a few minutes.. but they can't. There's always someone who can't take it anymore after a period of a life like this.. so they break a rule.. and get punished. It's the cycle of the human heart.. waiting and wanting to rebel against laws set in place.

There's a few jails Eli has even emptied and let the prisoners come to The Village. One by one they all learned and were forced to become a 'zombie' at the Village. Murderers.. Thieves.. they all have conformed to Eli's ways there. The preacher is merciful and compassionate.. but does not tolerate sin.. the law breakers.. and gives them exactly what they want.. evil. People can look at it harshly, but he just gives the people what they want deep down.

Eli has gone back to the Village and is standing by the barn where screams are heard nonstop. He's touching and moving his hand along the wood that the barn is built from.. feeling every dent.. every piece out of its place.. the cracks..

"Ya know, man.. from afar this barn.. SHUT UP", Eli screams at the screamers from inside the barn. Eli starts to hit the barn wall hard with his fist yelling, "BE QUIET." Eli places his head against the barn. "Sorry.. about that. They're rude. They always like to interrupt me talkin'. It's like they think their issues are more important than the truth I'm sharing." Eli turns away from the barn and to the person holding the camera recording what's happening.

"Tune them out. Their screams aren't your concern anyhow. It's been a interesting journey here in this company since I've arrived. I started out bein' ignored.. to being one of the most hated men. The list of sinful people I've laid before the Almighty is long and many of them have never returned. Ya see, man.. the truth is sharper than any two-edged sword. When it cuts.. it cuts deep.. even beyond the flesh a sword you would grasp in your own hand would do. I've been put to the test opponent and opponent, and here I stand. I'm well and my message continues to spread among you all whether you like it or not.

Ya see.. sometimes you can break a bone and it not heal too well. What happens? It has to be broke again in order for it to finally heal correctly. The first time around.. the truth has broken your hearts.. broken your souls.. revealed the sinful acts you've all done. You've ignored the truth. You've despised my words and hated the way I've paved for you all to follow. The break is just a part of life and it happens to everyone. You've continued in your sinful ways and let the soul heal not correct. You let your pride.. your lust.. your greed.. your envy, jealousy, murderous heart remain untreated and it never healed right.

So here I am.. again.. to open my arms once more and give you one last chance to follow the truth and be healed.. correctly. Let the Almighty fix you.. make you whole again.. and mold you into a light shining in this dark infested world.

I've heard some pretty strong words from some of you over the last few months.. about how dark I am or evil my ways are. The only thing dark and evil is each and every one of you. I've been among you for quite some time.. I've been among this.. world.. for quite some time and there is little redemption left. I'm gonna show you all the real truth.. the truth you all are afraid of to really see. You are numb to the truth.. to the.. reality. Don't close your eyes.. don't blink.. but watch.. and listen. There may be a chance you'll change your ways and be redeemed by the Almighty. But we all know how wicked your hearts are.. and we all know the decision you're gonna make. Most of ya.

It brings me to the next week.. Wednesday Warfare. The Trio Belts are finally being defended.. kinda. The defending team only has one member that really won it, but as far his new partners.. it should make an interesting time.

Two members of the Extreme Revolution team up with the leader of The Brotherhood.. Sebastian Duke. The team that's defending the belts. I've been in the ring with all three men and have defeated them all once before. Duke kicked out Gilmour of the Brotherhood so a question can be raised.. can Duke trust two members of the Revolution? He must ask himself, 'what's more important to them?'.. is it the Trio titles on only two-thirds of the team or making an impact and changing the way the XWF is? They remove Duke and that would make quite the impact that could help them bounce back into the swing of things.

Can Peter and Cam trust Duke? Duke's purpose of returning and starting the Brotherhood was to be a thorn in King John's side.. and end the Black Circle. Duke gets his chance at the crown, hurt King John, and end the reign of the Black Circle on Monday's Madness.. do you think his focus is the Trio Titles? Do ya think his focus is just holding one belt with two guys he has no association with and doesn't even care for?

I'm sure LJ Havok will be around, Duke.

I'm sure the Brotherhood will be around Peter and Cam.. I'd grow eyes in the back of my head.

Peter Gilmour. You'll probably take some pride in some things I'm gonna say.. it's expected.. but it wont't hold me from speakin' the truth.

I've heard you ramble quite a bit since I've been here. You're this extreme.. you're gonna do this or that.. you're gonna help remove King John and the Black Circle.. you're gonna make an impact.. and when someone challenges it? You resort to some sorta language about body parts and sexual acts. Ya know who else does that? The immature ones.. the young in your world. It's the only thing you can think up because of a few problems.. either you have some sort of jealous goin' on.. or you have to talk so much about somethin' to make everyone believe you are an expert in. Heh. Don't worry.. I know your response. 'What about you, Eli? All you talk about is Almighty and truth.. does that mean you're trying to make everyone think you're an expert in that?' I'm glad you asked. Truth is already revealed. It's there. It's the ignorant and blind that don't see it or choose not to. It's not about being an expert in truth, it's about revealing what's already there and has been for years.

You not only pride yourself in the sin of lies.. and lust after ladies.. or men.. but you also plunge yourself at the dinner table. A pure and evil glutton. Don't worry, I know your response here too. 'Oh, Eli.. how can you call me a glutton if you're fat too?' I'm glad you're askin' some good questions because it helps reveal the truth that has always been. Everybody has a weight that their body can defend and most people know what that weight is. Sometimes it's genetics.. sometimes stress.. among a few other things. It's just the way it goes. Everyone has some body fat. I move quick.. I work hard outdoors with my hands.. and a lot I have is muscle.. and some is just genetic body fat. It's not a sin to have fat on your body. It's a sin to eat when you're stomach is full.. it's a sin to force food into your mouth and then swallow it when you're upset.. it's a sin when you stuff your mouth with more than what you should eat. And that is where we are different as far as the body goes. I've seen you brag about eating things.. and I see how lazy you really are. When two people are married and joined together in the holy communion of marriage.. and seal that communion by having sexual relations.. it's important to keep each other happy sexually. It's how everyone is wired. But you're the type that would lay on his back and let the woman do all the work.. as long as you got what you needed. All this is after you shove food into your mouth and can barely move.

I have tried to open up the eyes of everyone in the XWF.. and this is why. Sin is controlling your lives. It's taken a hold of you, Peter. I can help you. I can. I can set you free from all this oppression your in, man. The depression can go away. The laziness will disappear. The gluttony will be removed. And what will appear after is a transformed life.. a new creature.. a hopeful soul.. a glad heart.. a changed man.. a man that could make an impact here. But.. we all know you won't choose light, don't we? We all know you'll choose to stay on the path you're on.

Cam Lang.. LJ Havok.. let Peter choose his own fate.. but don't let him be your leader. He'll take you to the same place he's at right now and you both will slowly be lazy. You'll both be happy with a win instead of the impact you both had come to make. I can help you with that. I extend an invitation to both of you.. to make that impact you want so bad. I can help. I can show you the way to a brighter world.. a better world.

Peter.. a few months ago I defeated you. I outlasted you and several other guys in this company. Two guys who then went to two different directions. I became a Tag Team champion.. the United States Champion.. and you won and lost several times.. you kept trying to hold onto the Xtreme Title but every step you gained.. you lost two. You thought by joining the Brotherhood.. you'd move back up.. making the extreme impact you've been wanting to do for a while now.. and then you were kicked out.. left to the curve.. by the same man who you chose to be your partner to defend these Trio belts... the last belt that's around your waste. You're not a very good chess player are ya? Hehe.

Eli finally starts to walk away from the barn and distance himself from the screams that could be distracting. "Chess is about waiting... He makes his way by some trees and starts moving his hand along several branches.

"You must sacrifice pieces in order for the victory to come into play. Have you ever sacrificed for anyone other than yourself? I have. I gave up my own rights and served as a Marine. I placed myself under authority in a biker gang. I gave up a championship to my friend.. my prophet.. and Wednesday my teammate, Mystica. I stepped aside to let love prevail. I've fasted technology.. food.. and the things that could satisfy anyone on this Earth... for seek out truth. You.. and you're Extreme Revolution want.. want.. want.. and do their best to take.. take.. and take. The Congregation is about the purpose. We live selfless.. we put others above ourselves.. and we wait patiently for truth to be revealed.

Peter. All you have to do is surrender your life and you'll gain somethin' better. Like the good Book says, "If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it." Just. Let. Go.

Eli moves his way past the branches and his lovely wife, Emily 'Swanson' James, is standing far off in the dark holding the United States title over her shoulder. He makes his way towards her.

"And Cam Lang. We get to fight again. It's a shame you couldn't get the job done the last time we fought.. especially since ya had LJ and yourself locked in a cage with me for several minutes. The opportunity to end Eli James.. but you placed the blame on others getting involved.

Here I am. I'm still standing.. walking around.. and preaching the same message. And just a few nights ago, my prophetess Alexandra Callaway beat ya. I can't wait to hear what sort of excuse you have for fighting Callaway.. or even listening to your excuses from our match yet again.

The truth is Cam.. your Revolution is fading away. The impact you.. LJ.. and the other of old Troy tried to make.. is going away. It's dissolving like a snowball in front of the sun.

Duke.. are you sure you wanna risk getting hurt in this match and losing the opportunity you've waited so long for? ... Getting your hands on King John? You want to place your hope in Peter and Cam to help you if you get triple teamed?

Eli walks beside is wife and there is his rocking chair. He sits down and his wife sits upon his knee.

"The others.. heh. Egyptian Snow Pharaoh, Jessie Diaz, and Tri Bute. The team thrown into the wild mix.

Egyptian Snow Pharaoh.. you may be from Egypt.. but it's all the same to me.. a sinful place where redemption is needed. I've heard you say a few words and I must say.. you amuse me. Gods. Like there is more than one lurking around.. hehe.

Then one of your partners, Tri Bute.. a muti-thousand time world champion from the future. If only you really knew the future of this dark place that's ahead.. then you'd just stay in the time you came from Mr. Future Man.

And Jessie Diaz. The woman who isn't sure who she really is. Darlin', I can help ya. All you have to do is.. ask. Hehe.

[Image: N1KpZEA.jpg]

1x Universal Champion
1x Undefeated Trio Champion (1/3)
1x Undefeated Tag Team Champion
1x Undefeated European Champion
2x Undefeated UFO/FTW (Ark of the Covenant) Champion
1x United States Champion
2013 July Star of the Month
The One Who Ended & The Administrator
Former Owner of the XWF
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(10-05-2013), Cam Lang (10-02-2013), LJ Havok (10-02-2013), Mr. Radio (10-02-2013), Peter Fn Gilmour (10-02-2013)

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