Great Buzzard Eli James IV
Speaker of Truth
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09-26-2013, 10:42 AM
Eli and the rest of his Congregation arrive at the War Room. As he walks out of the limo to go inside the arena, he turns to Callaway and Mystica, and gives them a big wad of cash.
Eli James IV "Ya'll go get ya somethin' nice.. clothes.. a nice dinner before tonight.. whatever ya want. And Alexandra? There's an envelope in the side of the door for you.. it's some money to buy your kids whatever they need. Ya'll enjoy.
The limo drives off as Eli looks at the outside of the building where he will once again be defending his United States championship. He turns around and watches people walk around and observes them.
Eli James IV "It's all here. I can smell the sin. I can feel the evil around. It's rising up to the Almighty's nostrils and he isn't happy. Ya know.. in the Old Covenant.. there was a process to be atoned for your sins and for the sins who stayed in your camp. One high priest would go into the inner court of the Holy of Holies and offer sacrifices for the sins of the people once a year. Whenever sin was there, a sacrifice had to be made.. the good book says 'according to the law of Moses, nearly everything was purified with blood. For without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness.'
Tonight, I plan on going back to the Old Covenant to show everyone how it happened. The sacrifice is gonna be my opponent, Cam Lang.. and whoever decides to interfere. Blood will be poured out to please the Almighty and delay his judgment another day upon this wretched world.
Eli walks around and notices a few guys doing drugs. One guy is making a coke line and is about to start it.. Eli smiles and walks over to them.
Eli James IV "Havin' a good time, are we?
Eli smiles and starts attacking to the druggies. He grabs the one who was about to snort the line and places him close to it as he talks in the guys ear.
Eli James IV "I'm gonna name you Luca. It's not that I don't like Luca.. I do. He does his thing and I let him choose his path, like I do everyone else. But ya see.. to those who associate with me.. those in my camp so-to-speak.. it's my responsibility to make a sacrifice for their sins.. so on behalf of my friend Luca.. you will be his. Hehehe. Snort away, man. SNORT!
Eli smiles as the guy is snorting, but scared to death. Eli looks around and notices the bags of coke laying around from his other buddies. Eli picks up those bags and starts spreading it out in lines. The druggie, "Luca", is begging not to. Eli grabs the guys head and forces it down to the powder.
Eli James IV "Isn't this what ya wanted? Snort away.. and ya better not stop.
The guy starts to shake and cough up some blood. Eli throws him to the ground and walks back over towards the arena.
Eli James IV "Sins have been paid. Blood has been shed for Luca. Tonight, Cam.. blood will be shed again for the sins of you and your Revolution teammates. The cleansing shall happen! Heh. See ya tonight.
1x Universal Champion
1x Undefeated Trio Champion (1/3)
1x Undefeated Tag Team Champion
1x Undefeated European Champion
2x Undefeated UFO/FTW (Ark of the Covenant) Champion
1x United States Champion
2013 July Star of the Month
The One Who Ended  & The Administrator
Former Owner of the XWF
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