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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Vacation is Over :(
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Hunter Payne Offline
RIP Ray Peterson

XWF FanBase:
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09-06-2013, 05:53 AM

[Image: DAYTONA_SHORES1_1428881a.jpg]

-The scene is the beach, we see Hunter Payne chillin' at one of those little Tiki Bars on the beach-

Payne: Roman Coke please? Hold the Rum.

-The Bartender has a confused look on his face-

Bartender: So just Coke then?

Payne: Yes please.

Bartender: You got it.

-As he is drinking his non-alcoholic beverage, and watching Joy frolicking in the water. In a non creepy way, I mean she's his girlfriend, if he wants to stare at her while she's getting wet then what business of it is yours? -

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTuolGXhyadU-jPRLbHxP9...dlKHdDmR1g]

-Anyway, Hunter and Joy have been getting along great since being on vacation. As it turns out Dr. Price was 100% correct; not mentioning anything XWF related has made them a couple again, and Hunter Payne did need a vacation. After intense physical therapy, his injury is fully healed, in fact he feels stronger than ever. The only problem is Hunter now has the fear when they go back to their wrestling schedule Joy will turn into her old self, and he doesn't want that... hell nobody wants that!-

Payne: I love Hawaii!

-Suddenly Hunter gets the urge to check his phone. 9 missed calls, 2 voicemails, and 5 unread texts! That's impossible he thought, Joy is in the water and only she blows up his phone like this. So he checks his text messages first.-

Sly: Hey Hunter just leaving you a text to tell you I left you a voicemail. Please check it and call us back. It is urgent from Paul Heyman!

Sister: Oh so you can't pick up a phone and tell ur sis ur going to Hawaii?! I like pineapples brother! :(

Sister: I can't believe I had to find out on fb!

AJ Lee: So are u and Joy back together now or what???

Sly: Hey Mr. Heyman is pissed! You better call us! ASAP!

-Hunter quickly checks his voicemail before going on his facebook-

Operator: You have 2 unheard messages... First unheard message...


Price: Hey Hunter this is Doctor Price. I just wanted to call you personally to say, you could have told me you were leaving for Hawaii early. I'm not mad, just saying you or Joy could have let me know. Please call me back to reschedule our 3rd session. Thank you.

Operator: Message deleted... Next message...


Sly: Hello Mr. Payne, this is Sly, Mr. Heyman's personal assistant. Mr. Heyman has been having me try to get ahold of you. He wants you to come back to Madness next week for our 9/11 tribute show. So please call us back, Mr. Heyman doesn't like waiting.

Operator: Message deleted... End of messa....

-Hunter Payne hangs up on the operator-

Payne: Heyman can wait.

-Hunter starts to log in to his facebook account when his phone starts ringing... It's from Paul Heyman's office, Sly is calling back again. Fuck! Hunter answers-

Payne:.... Hello?

Heyman: Mr. Payne!

Payne: AHHH! Don't surprise me like that Paul! You scared the shit out of me!

-One of those split screens comes up with Hunter Payne talking on one side with his non-roman roman coke, and Paul Heyman talking on the other with Twinkie wrappers everywhere and Twinkie's white filling all over his face. At least, I hope it's the white filling-

Heyman: Well who else where you expecting?

Payne: Sly!

Heyman: Well she wasn't having any luck getting ahold of you, so I thought I'd try.

Payne: Well it worked. What do you want?

Heyman: you're booked for Madness next Monday. Congrats.

Payne: Uhh.. What? But Paul I'm still kinda injured... -He's not-

Heyman: Not my problem... Start packing! Your little Hawaii getaway is over!

Payne: But Paul! It's not a getaway, I'm uhh... visiting Pearl Harbor... Yeah, I'm planning my own little WWII tribute show.

Heyman: Nice try, but don't bullshit a bullshitter. See you Monday.

-Paul Heyman hangs up-

Payne: FUCK!

-Hunter finishes his non-roman roman coke and goes down where Joy is frolicking. He has to break the bad news. It's a shame too, they were getting along so well. Let's just hope Joy doesn't go back to being, well... Joy.

Joy: Hey!!!

Payne: Hi, I got some bad news.

Joy: What's wrong babe?

Payne: I just got off the phone with Paul, we gotta go back now.

Joy: Awww man. :(

Payne: Yeah I know.

Joy: It's alright, We'll get through it. Just like we always have, together. :)

Payne: Awww you're such a sweetheart!

-Payne and Joy kiss. Muah!-

Joy: Great...... Now go pack my bags!... ;)

-Joy goes back into the water-

Payne: Damn it.

-Just as he feared-


[Image: 111315-wwe-Eddie-Guerrero-pi-mp.vresize....high.1.jpg]

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