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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Visiting some old friends
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Juan Madison Offline
Mexican in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Classic Face

(usually cheered; very rarely plays dirty)

09-04-2013, 05:41 PM

[Image: El-Generico.jpg]

Fade in:
Exterior of a cute little cottage somewhere in the state of New York. There is an abundance of flowers, butterflies, and dog humping. It's a gorgeous dwelling in a picture perfect neighborhood. However, the innocence of the neighborhood quickly diminishes as soon as the The Black Circle pulls up in their burgundy pedo van. John Madison Juan Madison, drunk as always, parks the van in front of the house after driving over every mailbox in town. Juan Madison steps out of the van wearing casual clothes, layered in different shades of gray, and his red and black luchador mask. With him is Luca Arzegotti who's carrying a large bag on his back and walking with a single crutch.

Juan Madison:
"Quit being such a fucking pussy, Luca! Carry that shit like you mean it."

Luca Arzegotti:
"I'm trying! What is in here, a fuckin' body?"

Juan Madison:
(Ignoring the question.) "Just hurry up. We're late."

Juan Madison knocks on the door as Luca Arzegotti follows closely behind him with the bag hanging over his shoulder.

After several knocks, we hear the screeching sound of the screen door being opened. The owner then opens the front door and presents herself to Juan and Luca.

[Image: VPf1w.jpg]

Oh my God... it can't be...


It's the Head of Gilmour's Mom!

"Holy shit! Holy shit!"

"This is awesome!"

"Match of the year!"

When was the last time we even heard from Head of Gilmour's Mother, also famously known as HOGM? Nobody knows, but needless to say, Luca Arzegotti is shocked just like the rest of us as the heavy bag slips away from his grasp. Luca had seen HOGM's match back in the day, but nothing could prepare him for this moment. In fact some say that deep down it was HOGM's match that inspired Luca to become a professional wrestler.

HOGM- Making her debut last October, she amazed millions of wrestling fans across the globe with her ability to wrestle with the big boys despite being only a head. She faced many challenges along the way. Many people told her that she wasn't big enough to fight in a big man's sport or that she didn't fit the image of a superstar. But she proved them all wrong. She proved that floating heads can be superstars.

Luca Arzegotti:
(Gasping) "You're real..."

Juan Madison:
"I'm sorry ma'm. Luca is starstruck at the moment. He's been a big fan of yours ever since you debut back in 2012."

"It's not a problem, Juanny. I'm used to his kind of reaction. It's not every day that you get to meet the severed head of another man's mother."

Head of Gilmour's Mom invites Luca and Juan inside of her house. They make it only a few feet inside when all of a sudden...


[Image: 16496064.jpg]

Oh my God, it's fucking Jim Hickbilly. By gawd' what in the hell is he doing here at HOGM's house?

Luca Arzegotti goes into a nostalgia attack in the corner as he tries to control his breathing. HOGM and Hickster in one room; this is a dream come true! Jim Hickbilly; the man who raped his sister Betsy in an old tool shed back in the summer of 69' and turned into the genetic freak known as HICKSTER.

Luca is beside himself right now. He doesn't know what to think as he watches Juan Madison hug HOHM and Hickster. This is like the moment when Vince McMahon and Eric Bischoff showed up on stage together. This is like Jesus Christ meeting Mahatma Ghandi.

What in the hell is going on here?

Luca begins to observe his surroundings as he ventures into the dwelling.

There are family photos all over the house of Jim Hickbilly having sex with his sisters. Luca sees one where Jim is having an orgy with all of his sisters at a family reunion. There's even one where Jim is groping his mother at her funeral. The walls are just covered with incest.

This out of body experience that Luca is having continues on as he watches Juan, Hickster, and HOGM engage in small talk. He cannot hear what they're saying, he's too baffled by what's taking place.

Finally, he's able to focus as he sees Juan go for the bag.

Juan Madison:
"Oh, HOGM, I got you a gift here. I made it for you myself."

"Oh Juan, you shouldn't have!"

Juan Madison:
"You said you needed a new one since you lost your old one, so I got you something really nice."

Juan Madison picks up the bag that Luca Arzegotti carried in, unzips it, and pulls out...

The body of Swift Ion!

HOGM bursts with excitement as a faucet of blood shoots out of her mouth and into Juan Madison's face.

Luca faints, as does the cameraman.
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[-] The following 10 users Like Juan Madison's post:
(09-05-2013), Andrew Morrison (09-04-2013), Great Buzzard Eli James IV (09-04-2013), Jessie-ica Diaz (09-04-2013), John Austin (09-04-2013), John_Black (09-04-2013), LJ Havok (09-04-2013), Minxs (09-04-2013), Mr. Radio (09-04-2013), Vincent Altieri (09-04-2013)

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