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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Ready For A Fight
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JosephKain Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Classic Heel

(usually booed; often plays dirty)

08-19-2013, 03:00 PM

XWF comes back from a commercial break and Steve Sayors is once again standing my with Joseph Kain just hours before Madness in Clevland.

Sayors: So we haven't heard from you in quite some time. What have you been up to?

Kain: Doin some thinkin and preparin for Warfare.. My match is still happenin isn't it?

Sayors:Yes. I just say that because last weak Troy Turner couldn't get you to shut up.

Kain: I just had a lot on my mind. And I just had to relax after that hell of a match I had. Did you watch that? Me and Troy tore that sumbitch up last week.

Sayors: Yeah I saw the match you two did indeed get people talking. But switching gears a little bit to Troy Turner's friend Cam Lang and his partner Jason E. Smith. You are teaming with Jack Kronus against them. Do you have any concerns going into this match?

Kain: I have several. I'm not goin to lie. First, I have a sneakin suspicion that Troy Turner is goin to get involved and try to end my career with that sledgehammer. I guarantee that El Rey is never goin to be the same after his cowardly attack. And I'm not different. I'm just a guy tryin to make a name for himself. Second, I don't know my partner. I have never seen any of his matches and I haven't heard from him to discuss a game plan. And last the Jason Smith guy is a monster in size. How the hell am I supposed to be sure that he isn't in on Cam Lang and Troy Turner's path of destruction?

Sayors: You can't be sure. Are you phoning in this match?

Kain: Hell naw. I told you several times, Steve, I'mma fighter. If I have to get wheeled out on a stretcher and spend a couple nights in the hospital I'm alright with it. But I can tell you this for certain I won't back down. And all these other demanding rookies, I'm not like them. I will break both Cam Lang and Jason Smith down to the point of no return. I got back up in Jack Kronus. What I do understand about the man is that he has a taste for theatrics. For some reason I have no doubt that he can hold his own.

Sayors: Okay one last question, Joey. Who did you say you were siding with in the lumberjack match tonight?

Kain: No one. I am out ther in the interest of fairness. If all hell breaks loose. I am just there to douse the flames. Troy Turner and Cam Lang have already promised to get involved. And if my suspicions are true Jason won't we too far behind. I hope Kronus is out there. This shit's about to get real interestin.

Kain walks off out of the interview area as XWF fades to another commercial break

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