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Scared? Of what? You? Please (Alexandra's 3rd)
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AlexandraCallaway Offline
Demon or Angel? You decide!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-18-2013, 11:25 PM

Scared: Fearful or frightened.

Those are definitely two words not found in Alexandra’s vocabulary. Scared of what, a young man who thinks he has the upper hand. Nay, a man who thinks he can simply defeat someone who has been in this business for almost fifteen years. A veteran of the squared circle and wrestled around the world in some of the best companies known to mankind. So to say that she is scared of Ion is a joke. It has to be. There is no way in the world that she would even think like that. Alexandra was about as tough as they come. Look at what she did to Andrew Morrison. Beating him with a steel chain and then breaking his mother’s tombstone over his head, and then going on to compete in the tag team match. Ion thinks he’s so superior to everyone else. It’s a joke really. He says things like that to make himself feel better.

Alexandra stood on the balcony of her loft, staring out over the city. She looked as if she was being the silent protector of a city riddled with crime. She was a like the dark knight, a silent hero, maybe not the one this city needed, but somewhere out there, was someone who looked up to her. There was someone out there who needed her. She would be steadfast and true, as she had been since the first day. Her eyes lifted from the skyline of the city, to the moon high above her. She noticed that it was calmer tonight than usual. That normally means something about to happen. Could be something bad… tomorrow she had her match, but would she let that deter her from keeping her watch over the city like she had so many times before? Never.

Tomorrow was going to be a big day, bigger than our heroine could have ever expected. It was going to be a fight, one fight in the war. Another bruise, another scar, and another battle to add to the collection she had been growing for the past fourteen years. Was Ion a challenge? Not that she could see. The biggest challenge of her life, she had yet to face. Did Ion intimidate her? No. She accepted his challenge, and knew from the start that it would be hers to win. She wasn’t cocky, she just knew. The man lost to a table for crying out loud. A TABLE! What would he be able to bring to a fight against her? She had to ask herself one question, through all of this, what was she really fighting for? Was it herself? No, she wasn’t shallow. Was it for the fame or the money? No. She fought because it was her father’s legacy. Someone had to carry on when he was done. She didn’t expect to fall in love, she didn’t expect to be the most dominate female on the XWF roster, but she had, she was, and she would continue to be.

For who is Ion? To Alexandra, he is simply another man who never quite made it off the bottom of the card. He was the one management put into matches where he had no chance in winning. He was the guy you’d see helping the ring crew tear down the ring when the night was over, because he had to. He needed the extra money. He’s the type of guy that has to pay people to wear his merchandise while people like Alexandra’s merchandise flew off the shelves at alarming rates. For christs sake she even had an action figure. But none of that really mattered. She knew what she was fighting for in this match. She was fighting for him, for her, for XWF, and she was fighting to keep the Television title, out of the hands of those who would tarnish it.

Did Ion scare her? Not in the slightest. She was the baddest bitch, and she would prove it tomorrow night. She would show Ion the true meaning of CHAMPION. When the dust settled on their match, Alexandra would be the one standing tall. She would look down at him, as he lay under her foot, and she would know she had done it. She had defended her right to the title shot. Ion however would know that he was wrong about her. He would be forced to be her slave for two weeks. He would have to do whatever she told him too. He would be her slave, and she would be the star.

“Told you I was bad, Welcome to the new age.”

With that being said, Alexandra moved from the balcony, disappearing into the darkness of her room.

1x UFO E1999 Champion
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