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Follow Up Visit: Payne is In Trouble RP#4
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TroyTurner Offline
The Fucking Career Killer

XWF FanBase:
Heel w/ Cult Following

(the heel you love to love; does whatever they want)

08-18-2013, 07:47 PM

On XWF the unthinkable happened. The unbeatable superstar Radio suffered his a shocking defeat at the hands of Hunter Payne. Perfect timing for the defeat, while holding his newly won 24/7 FTW UFO E1999 Championhip seeing he will be hitting the ring with the one and only MFTT.

Troy is in his Atlanta Georgia mansion packing a suitcase. Troy is not just packing his suitcase but slamming every item in the luggage in frustration after he sat and watching Hunter Payne and the dumb bitch AJ Lee rant on his Podcast. Jeeves walks in the room slowly and just observes Troy before speaking up.

Is there something wrong Mr. Turner?

Troy doesn’t look up, just continues getting his belongings together to pack. Jeeves inches closer to the volatile millionaire in curiosity.

Sir if you tell me what is bothering you…I…I could possibly help rectify the situation.

Troy goes to his walk in closet and pulls out a box full of his different watches. He decides which one to bring while ignoring Jeeves. Jeeves walks a bit closer and points out a watch that he thinks works best with his current attire, Troy nods his head and puts on a $30,000 Rolex.

That watch has always been my favorite. Maybe someday I will receive one as well.

Jeeves laughs to himself trying to get Troy Turner to crack a smile. Troy zips up his suitcase and takes it off the bed. Before exiting his room, Troy takes off the Rolex and gives it to Jeeves. Jeeves looks down at the watch in disbelief.

{Troy Turner}
I guess someday is today. I’m heading off to LA to see a therapist. I’m expecting my humidor delivered and installed sometime tomorrow morning for the cigar room, when they are finished… don’t tip them shit. Assholes were rude to me on the phone. Fuckers. Put on that watch before I change my mind.

Mr. Turner why are you going to therapy? You haven’t gone since you were, well… maybe 5 years old? And that didn’t work out well.

{Troy Turner}
It’s not for me Jeeves, it’s for… a..New friend. But I gotta go, the limo is waiting outside. There’s a bitch named AJ in my bed you can get her up and tell the slut it was fun while it lasted and she knows me as Troy make sure you say “Courtesy of Tron”. Oh, and why don’t you fill in the nice camera man on my first trip to a therapist… save me time later.

Troy leaves the room and starts walking down the steps with his suit case. The camera stays on him until he is out of sight and turns back towards Jeeves. Jeeves is admiring his new watch before looking up to the camera.

Well… I think it was when he was 5 or 6, it was so long ago. Anyway it was Easter and Troy Turner had just received all of his presents for the holiday. Imagine your child’s Christmas and multiply it by one hundred that was his Easter. Troy had opened all of his presents but still seemed upset. He wanted to know where the Easter Bunny was. And as obnoxious of a child that he was, and still is for that matter, he was adorable, and nobody could say no to him.

So Troy set up a sleeping bag with a stick to hold up the entrance with a carrot inside. He was hoping the Easter Bunny would hop his way over into the sleeping bag, and Troy would have a new pet. So I of course was in charge of going to the pet store and purchasing the bunny. I rushed back at the orders of Mr. Ted Turner, and brought the bunny in and directed it towards the sleeping bag. The bunny went inside as I gently knocked the stick over and zipped the bag so it wouldn’t run out.

Troy’s family set up the camcorder and waited for the young prince to arrive. Troy came running into the family room with a smile on his face…and baseball bat in hand and began to beat the sleeping bag, with the supposed Easter Bunny inside.

We all jumped up to stop him, but Troy still got in about 3-4 rapid fire swings…effectively killing the Easter Bunny. To say Easter Sunday was ruined is a tad bit of an understatement. Thus explaining Mr. Turner’s first trip to the therapist… which ended promptly with a wad of spit in the doctor’s eye. I hope this doctor ate his Wheaties this morning, because Troy will make him earn his paycheck.

Jeeves laughs to himself reminiscing about the past before shutting off the light and exiting the room. The camera turns to darkness before fast forwarding to Troy Turner arriving at the LA Medical Center. He is visiting in order to speak with Hunter Payne’s therapist Jason Price. Troy knocks on the door and hears a ‘come in’. Troy opens the door and meets Jason Price.

{Mr. Price}
Hello, Troy right?

{Troy Turner}
Yes, nice to meet you Jason Price. Hunter has said a lot about you.

Jason shows Troy his seat before walking around to his desk and taking a seat himself.

{Mr. Price}
Really? I find that odd, Hunter hasn’t come to speak with me in…. well gosh it has to be months now.

{Troy Turner}
That is interesting, considering his career is back on track as we speak. Did you know he is 24/7 FTW UFO E1999 Champion right now?

{Mr. Price}
Wow. He really has come a long way. He must have had an easy opponent though; Hunter was a mess just a few months ago. I can’t imagine him beating a worthy opponent while in his current state.

Troy Turner takes a deep breath, pauses for a moment… and smiles at the doctor.

{Troy Turner}
Let’s just say, It was like he didn’t even have to compete. But Jason I am concerned with…

{Mr Price}
Oh please call me Doctor or Doctor Price.

{Troy Turner}
Hey fuck you pal, I’m paying you $650 an hour to listen to me ramble… I’ll call you Sideshow Bob if I fucking want. How does that sound? Cocksucker.

The doctor is taken back by Troy Turner’s comments. Troy continues speaking before the doctor can react verbally.

{Troy Turner}
But Jason I am concerned with Hunter and his new found role in the company. You see, he is no longer the underdog everybody is rooting to succeed. He is no longer comeback wrestler of the year and just surprises people by showing up. Now he has expectations. He is expected to show up every show, he is expecting to cut the most entertaining promos, and he is expected to be the very best this company has to offer. And frankly Jason, I’m worried that he just doesn’t have that in him. I’m afraid he is going to revert back to his old junky ways to escape from his current responsibilities. He’s not cut out to be the champ Jason.

{Mr. Price}
Troy your concerns seem justified. Hunter should still be in the recovery stages of his.. should I say rehab, being thrust into the spotlight may be damaging to his overall health. Does Hunter have some time to deal with these issues, or is he expected to compete immediately.

{Troy Turner}
That’s the thing Jason. He is expected to compete immediately, in fact tomorrow night. He has to hit the ring with a veeeeery dangerous man, Me. With that Hunt would just be the door mat that leads to the house that motherFUCKING Troy Turner built. Everybody wipes their dirty feet right on his face before entering.

{Mr. Price}
Built? Oh I didn’t know you were into construction. How nice. I’m actually looking to add an addition to my home and…

{Troy Turner}
No ShitCatcher it’s a metaphor. Did Babe Ruth actually build Yankee Stadium? You fuck face. But I have to admit, while I will build the XWF with my charisma and sex appeal the ER may be responsible for it’s downfall if they keep doubting us…

{Mr. Price}
Oh so Hunter beating you scares you?

{Troy Turner}
Man Look, what im trying to say is they know I am the single most important wrestler on the roster. I am the straw that stirs the drink, I am the reason fans pay the cash, and I am the reason this fucking company will exists. And now they put a title in the hands of a fucking crack head. Nobody has heard from him since winning the title Jason, I’m afraid he may have pawned it for cocaine. I guarantee his Joy or AJ Lee has fucked it already…

{Mr. Price}
Troy I don’t believe Hunter is a crackhead or he’s no longer on drugs. He is on the path to recovery from “Relationship Problems” and like you said his career is back on track.

{Troy Turner}
Jason Hunter is off of drugs as much as AJ Lee is off my dick. Shit just aint happening anytime soon. AJ Lee is fucking obsessed with me, and now we all know it because of the D. Ya know?, No she just wants to play with me…and normally I’m down for some kinky shit in the bedroom but this bitch is running into my professional life and Im….

{Mr. Price}
Troy I feel we are getting off topic. I thought you wanted to speak about Hunter Payne and the new pressures that he now must deal with.

{Troy Turner}
Jason I don’t give a shit about Hunter Payne. Fuck him, fuck Angelus, Fuck AJ I need tit implants Lee, and fuck you. This is about MFTT, this is about me and it always has been. Don’t you see Jason, that’s the whole fucking problem. I will be the main focus of the federation while it grows to new heights. We are this close to getting a new Xtreme Champion, do you think that’s because of Angelus sitting around in his speedos telling knock knock jokes and novelty detective stories, while obsessing over BBD porn? Fuck no, its’s because of me.

And now everything I’ve built is going to be shattered, I think not. Because nobody gives A SHIT that Hunter Payne is UFO Champion. Well on Madness, if Paul Heyman can control his fucking roster, all will be right in the world once again. As long as that bitch AJ Lee can mind her own fucking business for 20 minutes, and realize if she wants the cock all she has to do is ask…the King will be still atop the mountain…and I’ll save the XWF.

Troy Turner stands up and exits the office. Doctor Price just sits at his desk asking himself if that really just happened when Troy Turner comes back into the room.

{Troy Turner}
Wow Jason that went fantastic. Do you have a business card.

Jason Price slowly hands one to Troy Turner.

{Troy Turner}
By the way, do you have any relation to Katie Price? That bitch is fucking awesome.

{Mr. Price}
No… I actually never heard of her. Or you for that matter.

{Troy Turner}
Oh… that’s a shame.

Troy Turner spits right in the face of the doctor before pushing him causing him fall backwards on his chair. Troy laughs as he puts the doctor’s business card in his inner jacket packet, puts on his sunglasses, and exits the office.

[Image: troy_zps1385e6e7.jpg]
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